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Dream About Pet Store Nightmare

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Me and my family went on a long road trip to this huge pet store that had every animal you can think of. Wild animals and all. I was enjoying myself at first because I love animals and I was holding all the different animals. I was really in love with the monkey and sloth but then because the cages were like open at the top as I was walking through animals I was afraid of started just jumping on me. Predators of the sloth and monkey got on me and caused the monkey to jump into a cage with a snake where it got killed and then a big lizard got on me and killed the sloth. Then a bunch of snakes and big lizards that weren’t friendly just kept hoping on me and they begin to bite me, I tried to pry the teeth off and put them back where they went but they kept clinging on and more animals began to jump on me and bite me until I was covered and just being bite everywhere! I just screamed and cried and no one helped me. I somehow ended up getting free but I was running through the place trying to get out and I kept running in to more dangerous animals. I was terrified and crying and trying to sneak past but they would get close enough to bite or scratch me and at the end I was running form a lion.two of the workers came and grabbed me and I thought they were going to help me because I was so injured and bloody so they carried me but at the end the big guy tried to rape me and I used all my strength to kick him off, I woke up in the middle of him assaulting me

Dream date:

10 Feb 2024

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Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hi Taila, Your dream seems to be a reflection of feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable in certain aspects of your life. Let's delve into some possible interpretations: The pet store with various animals, including wild ones, could symbolize the diverse challenges and emotions you're encountering. Initially, you enjoyed interacting with the animals, representing your positive experiences and interests. However, the open cages and predatory animals jumping on you suggest a sudden influx of overwhelming or threatening situations. The loss of the monkey and sloth, animals you felt connected to, could symbolize the loss of control or cherished aspects of your life due to these challenges. The snakes and lizards biting you represent the intensity and persistence of these difficulties, leaving you feeling helpless and alone. Running from dangerous animals and the attempted assault at the end of the dream might indicate a sense of being pursued by external forces or internal fears. The fact that you were able to break free and fight back shows your inner strength and resilience.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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