Dream interpretation about Ex, Love, Friend, School, Life, Boyfriend, Guy, Dinner, Hair, Hand, Picture, Text message
I had a dream about someone I previously liked actually being my boyfriend. I do have a boyfriend now but it’s not that guy. So the guy that was previously the guy I had liked was my boyfriend in the dream. When we started dating, he sent me photos of his ex’s text messages saying how she wanted him back. He sent those and said that “it doesn’t change anything”, and said “love you”. While we were at lunch, (it was a school setting) he was sitting at my table with me and was teaching me about some math lesson that I supposedly had, and honestly I understood everything even with his cute accent, while he was talking I went to go play with his hair a little, but I hesitated and drew my hand back. But it felt so real and I felt good. But in real life I know that this guy I previously liked, likes my friend so, I don’t have a chance.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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