Dream interpretation about Fighting, Proposal, Fun, Teacher, Woman, Boyfriend, Jewelry, Man, Pool, Head, Top, Conversation, Box, Figure, Four, Going
There was my boyfriend, two authority figures like teachers one man and one woman, and me, four of us all hanging out by a pool. Talking and having fun. Somehow me and my boyfriend got in a fight while talking. I said something about him and he tried to prove me wrong by showing or stating that he isn’t like that. I don’t remember exactly what, but for example intellectual, and the man teacher has it and my boyfriend tries to prove that he has those too. It was so annoying that he was saying it in a not serious almost teasing manner. And later we sat around in a table together. And it seems like my boyfriend was trying to talk about something and impress me. And when I had just questions on my head like what’s going on, he almost took out a jewel box as if it’s a proposal ring or expensive jewelry that he wants to give me. But he stopped himself from taking it out when the woman teacher gave him a hint that it’s not yet the mood for me. The conversation hasn’t been special or connecting and romantic yet. But I already now saw the jewelry case and I was disappointed that he couldn’t do that right. And our conversation escalated and I got so angry and just shouted in the top of my voice out of frustration. And it woke me up from the dream.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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