Dream interpretation about Friend, Fun, Life, Meeting, House, Month, Front, Old friend, Sun, Walking, Looking, Blanket, Kitchen, Passing, Ask, Exploring, outside, Porch
I was walking on a road I think and I was passing houses I think I’ve seen before two friends I used to have were outside one of this houses talking I passed the house and I then found my best friends house and sat down on their porch and as I sat there I realized I was dreaming after a bit a friends I haven’t talked to in two months popped up out of nowhere and asked me what I was doing and why I was here, I told her I was relaxing on my best friends porch and that I was dreaming and that in real life my best friends house looked different I then asked if she was dreaming too and she answered saying that she thinks she’s dreaming too, she then sat next to me I wrapped myself in a blanket as the Sun was setting in front of us it was beautiful then my best friends showed up they told us that they were dreaming and we told them that we were dreaming as well, we talked a bit before deciding to walk around the house, we then met up with the two old friends I used to have, we found out that they were dreaming as well we were all dreaming so we started exploring having fun and changing the places we were dreaming we eventually ended up in a long narrow kitchen we then talked a bit before I had to wake up. I miss them.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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