Dream interpretation about Leaving, Spider, School, Father, Group, Truck, Child, Year, Baby, Side, Wall, Looking, Thought, Food, outside
I was back home, at ome of the schools I went to. This school was torn down years ago, but in my dream it had been re-built. There was a geoup gethering of some sort, and all seemed normal. I wemt inside to look around, and there was a staircase leading down. A demon baby came from up the stairwell and then spider crawled on the wall and onto the roof. I went outside and told my dad we needed to leave right away. We tried and we couldnt. Slowly everyone started turning into demons. I was trying to leave and I couldnt. A demon child told me to go visit her road, ash road which was just on the other side of the main road. I dont remember leaving, the last thing I remember is grinding meat in some sort of food truck and thinking that it was safe at the end. Maybe the demons all left? I'm not sure
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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