Dream interpretation about Love, Guilty, Sad, Leaving, Famous, Relationship, Sister, Meeting, Boyfriend, Girl, House, Reason, Boy, Front, Window, Gates, Head, Looking, Sense, Walking, Backyard, Ask, outside
so i am in a relationship, but i had this dream i was staying at my grandparents for a bit, and this famous astronaut lives next to us and he comes out every so often to talk about his experiences. i decided to go and listen.. then i met this boy. he looks or is nothing like my current boyfriend.. but i could read him like a book and absolutely loved him. we started talking to each other and walked over to my grandparents, where these girls suddenly appeared and claimed he is theirs. he looked at me with a sad and guilty looked and walked off with them. i went inside my grandparents quite sad, then i saw him laying in the backyard and he was sad. i went outside to talk to him.. he started slowly to open up, then this one girl appeared again and gave me a dirty look. i said whatever and walked away. after an hour or so i looked back outside to check on him and the girl was gone. i was about to walk outside to talk to him then the girl appeared again and walked off with him. i was very upset and walked to my front yard to grieve. then his little sister called out to me from a window, which claimed to be his house. she asked me if i wanted to come in so i agreed. i went in and the first thing i noticed was his house was a mess.. not really like other homes. but everything started to make sense to me. why he is the way he is. i can understand because i personally have a messy house. i went back outside and started walking towards my home, then he met me in front of my gate. i told him “you just like hoeing around don’t you.”. he agreed.. but didn’t seem to want to be that way. i told him i was leaving and he said he will miss me.. then that girl appeared again and took him away. i for some reason can’t get him out of my head. and i distinctly remember his looks.
Dream date:
9 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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