Dream interpretation about Dead, Death, Giants, Partner, Having a baby, New Job, Babies, Life, Beach, Body, Girl, Baby boy, Boy, Baby girl, Sky, Confused, Emotions, Glowing, Portal
I had a dream that I had a baby with my partner it was a boy and then he died and then I somehow had a miracle baby and ended up with a girl and my partner and me were torn apart by the death and rebirth but I accepted the new baby 1st then we both witnessed the baby boy really wanting to be in our life so he entered the body of the baby girl and we were both confused and my partner was angry feeling a lot of emotions this also happened while there was a giant slime green neon glowing portal in the sky and it was night time like Aurora borealis except it wasn’t cold because we were in beach wear and then I woke up
Dream date:
1 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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