Dream interpretation about Crocodile, Mother, Chasing, Brother, Family, Hospital, Sister, Woman, Flying, Reason, Situation, Door, Looking, Walking, Ask, Grocery, Men, Recurring
I wad at my local grocery shop with my family. We were just chilling there while getting out weekly groceries when me and my sister went to the exit for some reason. Suddenly there was a crocodile that chased us and I managed to get of the exit. I ran a little bit before turning back and seeing my sister didn't go through the door at all. The exit was a sliding door and while I went through the sliding door it was already closing so it was hard for me to get through. I was afraid the crocodile would hurt me because I recently had the same recurring dream about this same situation. This time it's different though. As I was running I looked back and saw my sister and the crocodile but it didn't hurt her at first so I continued to run. I was running very fast as if I was flying, that was very nice. It was dark and on my way to a different exit where I could get help were a few men. I was afraid they would do something to me so I couldn't held my sister, they didn't. When I walked in there were people talking about how someone had to go to the hospital so I called the hospital and asked where my sister was. The woman in the phone was a little dumb so she could not tell me. Meanwhile my brother and my mom arrived.
Dream date:
27 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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