Dream interpretation about Died, Fighting, Arguing, Police, Snake, Horror, Leaving, Sick, Bones, Breaking, Old Man, Daughter, Neck, Sleep, Bedroom, Bed, Floor, Point, Head, Homeless
I dreamt that I came upon an old homeless man and took him in, to give him shelter. I put a mattress on the floor in my youngest daughter's bedroom and let him sleep in there - right beside her bed! The danger of that was only vaguely nudging me, but after some days had passed I suddenly realised the great danger that I had placed my daughter in! I felt absolutely sick with horror and told him he had to leave. He began to argue with me. At that point he turned into a big, deadly snake and I had to fight it. I managed to grab it's head and tried desperately to break its neck but it was impossible. After a long struggle I felt a bone inside the creature snap and saw it pierce the skin. Air from the snakes lungs began hissing out, it swelled up and it subsided its struggles, then died. Then my oldest daughter came in and saw the big gory mess that was left and she covered my murder of the old man/snake up from the police. I woke up in terror.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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