Dream interpretation about Mother, Happy, Leaving, Aunt, Brother, Family, Father, Hotel, Hallway, Packing, Uncle, Way, Time, Food, One, Forgot, Stress
i was on my way to stay at a hotel with my family; my mum, dad, brother, aunt, uncle nan and grandad. on the way there we stopped off at one of those checkpoint food halls, whilst i was sitting in kfc my uncle bought me a big multipack of pickled onion crisps and then also a big pack of spicy ones. shortly after, we left but i forgot my crisps. i was very much stressing out about it and we arrived at the hotel. there was other families there that we had to sit with and do activities with, i was still very unhappy the whole time without my crisps. i tried to leave and go get them but i wasn’t allowed, until we was about to leave and my dad or it might of been my uncle that came along with both, i was very happy. then we were on our way home, leaving the hotel with my crisps.
Dream date:
28 Oct 2023
Emotional tone:
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