Dream interpretation about Shark, Mother, Yelling, Son, Moving, Father, Sister, Twins, Boyfriend, Child, Dog, Water, Restaurant, Uncle, Clothes, Ask, Little Brother
I was at a huge water park/beach with my boyfriend's mom and his little brother and sister. Hazel and his uncle Steve was there with there son Jeremiah and his dad was there too. Someone started yelling about sharks and everyone moved to the shallow end and held on to the buoys Jeremiah and the twins started splashing and moving the buoy so I moved to the other one someone asked mom if she wanted to go to the other buoy she said no to stay with the kids. Someone somewhere on my buoy had an encounter with a shark and everyone scattered. I found a floaty and hid in a corner sitting in my floaty. Josh's sister and her dog came out and her dog ended up attracting the sharks and I told her not to move because there were lots of sharks. I was able to get me and her out and get to a restaurant with clothes lost and found.
Dream date:
20 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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