Dream interpretation about Drowning, Falling, Fear, Shoot, Friend, Friends, Needle, Test, Spirit, Life, Breaking, Swimming, Water, Sleep, Face, Jumping, Looking, Thought, Waterfall, Going, Magical
Dreamed I was going on a hike with friends to a magical waterfall. When arrived at the beautiful large waterfall there was a spirit that tested anyone who swam in the water fall to face their deepest fears. I had a disbelief attitude and said let’s try it. There where rules to not look at anyone while swimming in the water and etc. I thought it was weird and when I jumped into the water I began to break all the “waterfall rules” and was instantly shot with 2 pink darts with needles that held a pink liquid. It instantly made me pass out into a sleep in the water. If no one was there I would have drowned while facing my fears in the instant sleep the darts gave me. When I was pulled out the water by a friend I started to wake up from the forced fear dream, not feeling or remembering I saw much in that unconscious moment. I did feel shocked about the idea I was forced to sleep in waters that could have drowned me. However I jumped in the water and did it again and again until I woke up in life. Felt no fear.
Dream date:
20 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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