Dream interpretation about Falling, Police, Leaving, Friend, Friends, Mad, Father, Fun, Sister, House, Sleeping, Guy, Bed, Childhood home, Door, Front, Clothes, Ask, Going, Men, My Room
I had a dream I was in my childhood home in my room. I was falling asleep in the bed and a friend of mine came in the room and saw that I was sleeping and got angry and left. She came back and told me to wake up so that we could go out and have some fun. She woke my sister up but my sister said she was not going. I said we should go to a lounge and we should wear all black. I went to my sister's room and started asking my friends which black dress should I wear? and there were 2 guys in front of my sisters door. They were maintenance men that my father hired to do work around the house. They started disrespecting me and calling me a bit$h. I corrected them and slamed the door on them but they kept opening the door. So I got mad and went to my father's room to tell him what they were doing. I asked my father to make them leave but he was talking on the phone. I told the men that I was going to call the police on them.
Dream date:
27 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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