Dream interpretation about Abuse, Ex, Fear, Gun, Pregnant, Dragon, Ocean, Party, Boat, Children, Coffee, Face, Conflict
I dreamt i was at a party my ex abuser was at with his new gf. She was completely rude to me for no reason, even though I was trying to nice. The party moved to being on a boat in open water. The new gf whispered into a coffee mug and threw it into the ocean, I fell off the boat and a dragon (Chinese type with a beard) tried to eat me. Somehow I got back onto the boat and ran to tell my abuser because I was scared she was going to hurt my kids next. Then I was texting the new gf and found out and said "you have no idea what he put us through but I will let you discover that on your own", then I ended up in a coffee shop where the new gf was and extended my hand and said "can we start over?" Trying to resolve any conflict. I ended up asking how old she was and found out she was only 13. My abuser is 42. I panicked and started trying to run away with her. Trying to protect her. I asked her where her mom is and she said she died. I called wyatt and told him to pick us up in Vernon (the town i was in when I left my abuser). I was scared my abuser would follow us, and the little girl said "it's ok I have a gun" and pulled a little loaded revolver out of her bag, and started waving it around. I said "well I'm pregnant so don't point that near me" and when i looked back, my abuser was behind me and the little girl. I yelled at him and me and the girl tried to run, but my abuser punched me in the face. I said "look at my eye!" As it started to swell. And he said "what? There is no mark" and I said "oh I forgot, you're the master of hurting me and not leaving evidence." And then i woke up.
Dream date:
25 Mar 2025
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