Dream interpretation about Fear, Make Out, Moving, Screaming, Car, Life, Apartment, Eye, House, Man, Mouth, Desert, Part, Sand, Looking, Passenger, Point, Seat, Tall, Window, Woods, Bunch, Ground, Familiar
I had a really strange dream that I was sitting passenger in a parked car and it was next to what looked like a bunch of abandoned apartment buildings but I kept saying I gotta go or I live right here. Like it was familiar to me in the dream like I lived there but I have never seen those building in real life. Also it was like deserted land with sand and nothing really around. I live in the woods so quite the opposite. the strangest part happened when I looked out the window of the car and I froze in fear but I wasn't scared. There was this very tall looking man and he bent down to look into my window and his eyes were just pure black and he had no mouth all just a bur and he looked at me and I just stared in fear to move he then pointed at the buildings and I looked where he pointed but I didn't see anything and he said something but I couldn't make out what he said but all I could hear was there. And I tried to move into the back seat but I couldn't and then he disappeared like he never existed but he looked like some sort of demon that I should have screamed or did something but he tried to talk to me and I just couldn't move but I wasn't scared enough to do anything more.
Dream date:
26 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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