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Dream Interpretation: Closet 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Closet? Discover the significance of seeing a Closet in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Closet appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A closet in a dream represents hidden aspects of yourself or secrets that you are keeping from others. It can also symbolize a need for privacy or a desire to keep certain things hidden from the world.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what you are hiding in your waking life. Are you keeping secrets from others or from yourself? It may be time to confront these hidden aspects of yourself and bring them to light. Alternatively, you may need to set boundaries and create a private space for yourself to recharge and reflect.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a closet can evoke feelings of secrecy, privacy, and hidden aspects of oneself. It may also bring about a sense of organization, tidiness, and the need to keep things in order. Additionally, the dream may elicit emotions of curiosity, discovery, and the desire to explore the unknown.





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Dreams of users containing the word Closet

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15 Jul 2024



I went to look at an apartment. It was upstairs. The floor to the front door was missing and replaced with not so sturdy mattresses. The door was missing and replaced with a thick blanket. I moved it to see the inside. Someone came out of a room and told me to hurry in so I don't fall. One man and one woman showed me around. The kitchen was beautiful. The bedroom was so spacious but had tarp covering what I assumed was the closet. A drunk man stumbled out of the closet. There was still a bunch of furniture and things from the previous renter and the lady said they would be out before my move in. They showed me the weird parts of the house which was the laundry. The washer and dryer were these large sculptures. One was a baby in a bassinet. The other was just large and I could see inside because it had open holes. The lady showing my the house said something about not seeing mud. Then I saw mud. I remember being excited about the place except for the really obvious problems. Next thing I know there's more people in the apartment. And someone is showing a video on a large TV projector

12 Jul 2024



I was driving my car home with my father in the right passenger seat mumbling about something. He sees a person in a blue polo shirt and long white pants dragging a sign. My dad was saying that he hates realtors or something political of some sort. I made the right turn into our street as I see more of the same type of people in front of our neighbors home. They saw our car as we were pulling up the driveway and started making their way towards us. We started walking into the garage. That's when I noticed my mom was heading out to the front yard with a broom and I could hear my mom say no we are not interested, thank you. I heard one of the blue shirts talking back in like a rude fashion but with a happy faceq. I head into the house and closed the front door. After closing the front door, I turned around and see a brand new closet on the left where our bathroom used to be. It smelt new and it had brand new hangers inside of it. I thought, wow this is so convenient and decided to grab some of my clothes to put in. Immediately after, I hear this barking. I knew it wasn't my dogs because they dislike going outside. I opened the front door, head into the garage, and I see this small pug outside. It was shivering and sad. As I was getting close to it, I saw money starting to fall to the ground from a gray pants. I tried my very best to grab all the money before it started to fly away. That's when I noticed a twenty dollar bill caught wind and started to fly away. I chased after it. As I was chasing the twenty dollar bill, I thought I saw a clip of money on the ground and started to investigate it. Found out it was only trash. I immediately disregard the trash and contined to chase after the twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, a bird grabbed the money before I could and flew over the fence into a bush. I was like oh well at least I got some money. I turned around and head back home. As I was walking back, I noticed this guy and son looking outside my neighbors house on the right side of my house. I didn't think much of it and tried to head inside my house. That's when the weird guy who looked like he was on Crack started approaching me asking if I saw his gray pants. I tried standing my ground saying that I seen no such thing. He started to laugh and then said, if you see it, tell me. I refused to touch him in any sort. He turned around and started talking to himself that he needed to find the money before the big man came along. I see this Christmas float parade enter my cul-de-sac and i asked the weird guy, is it that guy?. The Crack man was going absolutely crazy and the big man started talking with him while sitting on the float. I headed into my house and closed the door. I looked out the window and see what was going on outside. It was like a big Christmas party happening with one of the neighbors.

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was staying in another city in a strange house. A doctor came to the house and she told me I was pregnant. I was confused because I don’t have a uterus or ovaries anymore. They showed me an ultrasound and showed the baby. I couldn’t believe it. I was supposed to be teaching.a friend of mine from the animal hospital was there too and also pregnant. She was in the music teacher there, which was weird because she is not qualified to be a music teacher, but she was also the choir Director there and there was a church attached. I’m Jewish so this is strange. She began practicing for the next day, But when I woke up in the morning there she called and asked me to cover for her. She told me a horrible story about someone who had done something to her on a date previous. I was so focused on her that I didn’t realize I wasn’t dressed and parents And students we’re beginning to arrive to go to the church service that morning. They expected me to help them run through the songs explained that I wasn’t the music teacher. I didn’t know how to play the piano then the office called and stated that they were watching on security camera, I thought my dress was too sheer. Secretary said you can see everything. He said oh I had been distracted. She told me there was a closet full of clothes in the music room that they used for costumes and days when kids came without enough, she suggested find something quickly. I managed to quickly throw something on. Then there was a scene when I discovered I was not pregnant, and that they were lying to me. I was upset and didn’t want to believe it the same time I was trying to get ready for church and trying to figure out how to play the piano or find kids who play the piano. in the 10 minutes that I had before church. Didn’t know what I was doing here or how I got there. I went to look for my supervisor to find out what I was supposed to be doing that day, but when I got to her room, there was a sub for her and really no saying that she never worked there, I went back to my room confused and afraid that I might be fired and homeless. The whole time I was thinking how did I get here today? I have a different life. I had people I was sure I had love and a house and pets and a different job? what had become of all of that? where were they? Were They still out there? why couldn’t I remember them? I couldn’t I remember the specifics

6 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was in class and my mom was volunteering and we had to go to a weird Christian thing because of a necklace? I think I was crying too. I had to watch some performance thing at my outside recess then. Then I was in a house and a gun pointed at me so I hid in a closet. Then I went to the kitchen which was very crowded, and found a few things and washed my hands and felt the water. Then I looked around a bit and we just teleported to my school but this time my mom wasn’t there, it was the 2 strangers whose house I was in. Then I watched the dumb Christian thing but saw my dad. I ran up and hugged him and the dream ended. So basically I was kidnapped, but didn’t feel like I was.

4 Jul 2024



I saw a moving object in my closet

1 Jul 2024



In this dream I was basically living in the movie “A Quiet Place!” I was in an old fashioned apartment building on what appeared to be the top floor. There was a window near the kitchen and living room. It connected to a an old metal stairwell that connected to the side of the building and went all the way down into the ally below/beside us. It wasn’t just me in the apartment but several other young adults and teens in this small apartment. Most didn’t live there but in the apartments below. They would use the stairwell and window to move from one apartment to the other and warn all the others of danger and that the alien creatures were on the move. I remember us all being together at one point practicing being quiet for if the creature ever came. The room was crowed and we were all sitting on the floor trying to be quiet. As someone in the group acted like the creature with her senses blocked off but there hearing. They went around the room trying to find us. Some where hiding in other rooms or in the closet but most where in the living room sitting on the floor trying their best to be absolutely quiet. I remember my old childhood dog Jack was there and came up to me as we were playing causing me to make a sound the person started coming towards me. I went to move to stay out of her reach and avoid her but she continued to hear me and I and my dog needed up getting caught. I remember being disappointed and sad but only told myself that I will have another chance. But then the dream changed. I was with one person in the apartment when something happened and a creature was spotted. He hoped at the window to warn the others and said he would be back. It wasn’t long until I heard screaming and the clicking noises that the creatures often make. I ran and hid behind n the closet of the apartment holding my breath as too not make a sound. I hear sounds coming from inside the apartment my heart was racing as I saw a shadow appearing from the gap underneath the door coming closer to the door and the door handle start to move. I then was started awake and was unable to get back to sleep for a long time. Cause everytime I closed my else I say one of the creatures.

20 Jun 2024

Sexual Assault


I was hosting a party and people were parring off to go to bed. My husband was there and they were all distracted. My next door neighbor in the dorm pushed me down and was trying to sexually assault me. I froze but kept saying stop. He was trying to penetrate my vagina and got closer every time my stop got louder every time. Finally my husband heard me from the party and ran and grabbed the young man off me. The man ran away. My husband was upset because he thought I had let it happen and betrayed him. I found and RA and reported the guy. We were in college and he was a freshman on the football team. He denied it and I spread the story as far as I could to protect myself. And then I woke up. I was teaching and it was near the end of the year. I taught second grade but my students were high schoolers. My principal was the same as the one I have currently at my real job. I looked into my closet and saw about 20 people silently staring at me. They were naked and looked unclean. I was so freaked out and scared. They begged for water. I threw water bottles at them and closed the door and walked away. Later science teachers looked at them and said something about them looking like the were turtles consumed by babies but they were people. This part didn’t make any sense. I forgot about the people. Later in the day class was ending and I remembered the people. I moved students out of my room and called the principal immediately. They weren’t sending people to my room so I went into the hallway and grabbed assusntant principals and hall monitors from my real job. I was so afraid I left the room without my phone or any belongings. I ask to see the cameras. We see a crew in the middle of the night cleaning and doing things illegally and grabbing fake gloves and nearly getting electrocuted and holding electricity in their hands with the gloves. The video confirms that I did not put the people in my closet. I found my favorite assistant principal from my actual job and told her to go look in my room and bring back my stuff. She was astounded when I saw her in the hallway. The next thing I know I’m in a classroom in the school. There are dressed in a princess style with layers. I’m with my mother and Jennifer Coolidge and a random man. They women decide to put on the dresses to feel beautiful. This is very unlike my mother and more characteristic of something I would do. I didn’t participate. The man encouraged them. I believe I was tired so I laid on the bed. Next thing I know the three of them are having a threesome. There is some unidentified dark liquid that the women drink. Some of it gets on me. I begin to masterbate. The women are laying motionless on the bed and the man isn’t making any noise. I am covered with a sheet with my jeans unbuttoned. Suddenly I see two students at the glass window on the wooden door peering inside. The see me and say “I hope you didn’t participate Mrs. Shortes”. I recognize one of the students as a student in my real classes. I try to secretly button my pants as they look away. I get up and exit the room as they try to close the door. The students look disappointed in me. A security guard rushes in and tells me that the women and man are dead. I am surprised and thought they were asleep. Suddenly they start gathering evidence from the room and there is a bag with my vibrator in it. I am explain that I am innocent and beg the security guard to test the dna and bodies while on my knees and crying exclaiming that I am innocent and if they just check the dna they will know. I am notified that there was a loaf of bread on the bed and my dna and the man’s dna is on it. The bread was explained to me to be sacrilegious as I had an orgasm touching it which went against Christianity. I explained that I didn’t know and I would never do something satanic and sacrilegious because my husband was a pastor. (He is a youth pastor professionally in real life). The substance is identified as chamoy a Mexican treat. I do not eat chamoy in my real life and didn’t in the dream either. I explain that I never touched the chamoy and they should check the finger prints on it. I mentally assume that there must have been poison in the chamoy and that I was either supposed to die with them or was being framed to lose my job. They let me go and I walk to the front of the school. Suddenly I am in the hallway leading to the lunch room near the front office and there are choir risers out front and a bookshelf next to it covered with donations. The donations are chips and bottles of chamoy. Parents and families suddenly rush through as if it’s a school event like open house. The shelf is filled with more supplies. I look at the self and notice a paper in the middle saving the donations are in honor of two male students that might be dead? I recognized the boys as students that last year (aka in a recent dream from the past month or two ) were eating at my desk that I asked to exit more room and eat their lunch elsewhere. They got extremely upset with me at the time. Suddenly I fall the the floor and am sitting against the wall. A man helps me up and someone passing by next to him hands him a bottle of chamoy as if to hand to me. The man then tries to hand me the bottle as he helps Me stand up and I say no to the bottle. Then I look around and see that about a quarter of the crowd is holding that same bottle. They clear out as I run to the assistant principal I saw before. I try to explain to her my theory that this is all connected and linked to the boys on the poster on the donation self but as we look the shelf and donations are gone. She doesn’t believe me. I climb on top of a cafeteria table screaming and begging for someone to listen to me and help me. They move the children away from me. I walk outside and there are police waiting for me. They tell me to stop, put my hands over my head, and back up towards them slowly. I comply. They cuff me and place me in a bus with 6-8 rows of 10 people across mostly officers. I start to explain everything I have seen and tell them that it’s all connected. They heckle me the entire time and do not believe my claims until a radio comes through on one of their walkie talkies. The radio says that the events my all be connected as an organization trying to frame me. The police finally listen to my theory and I explain more. I worry that if I tell them too much it will seem like I did it and this was my mastermind plan. In real life I have autism and adhd so I tend to see patterns before others and can occasionally get myself in trouble or just am generally disbelieved because people don’t see the connections like I do. The pattern starts to come together and I wake up.

20 Jun 2024



My mom and stepfather took us to the neighbors house for a party, it started off great but as time passed the kids started to bully each other and tried to hurt me and my siblings and my old step siblings as well, they chased us with knives, pushed us into the pool, and put a voodoo curse on us. My mom and stepfather went home leaving us there and the parents started to drink and they kids got worse. My little sister Zori snuck home and after I noticed what they were doing I snuck out. My siblings all of them snuck out and we were not supposed to be at home so we snuck in but I was talking to my sister as my other siblings ate food, we never got to eat and we knew my mom wasn't trying to poison us and I threw plates on top of the china cabinet and me and my other siblings heads cause if my mom stormed upstairs saying “If I catch anyone in there I'm locking them in that room until I come back.” my younger stepsibling from the past head in the dining room and my mom saw him picked him up and threw him in the room but never locked the door then she walked to the closet door and had me and my sister come out and said “I’m not locking you in there but I’m going to ask you one question I’m not going to force you do you want to come?” And I said no and she left and the dream faded to black.

19 Jun 2024



I am am a teacher so the following is something I worry about a lot. The school was a weird mixture between the school I work at the my own Alma mater with my friends. The students at the school changed from my students at my job in the beginning, to a friend from college, to my friends from high school. The dream started with me at a convention or meeting talking to teacher friends and mentors throughout my life. I was talking to college recruiters who were trying to recruit me. I remember saying that I was coming to terms with realizing that I needed to give up on my dream to do my masters out of state because I already did that with my undergraduate degree. I was located in my home state of Florida, not Texas where I currently live. I was supposed to attend a choir rehearsal somewhere else and went to attend because I wouldn’t have made it to the high school on time. Something changed and I went to the high school. It was almost as if God was pushing me as if I wasn’t supposed to be at the school that day. When the dream and shooting situation began I saw one of my students who looked spooked. I had missed a few days of school and I asked him what was wrong. He said there’d be a shooting days prior when I wasn’t there. We went and sat in an office with an office worker and he started sharing details with us. The next moment we looked out the window to the playground and saw the flashes of gunfire. We froze for a second and then ran to find hiding places. I was screaming shooter and gun to the office workers. I ran up stairs and the next thing I knew I was in my mothers house that she lives in with my brother and grandmother. I tried to hide on the bed and realized it wasn’t a good enough spot. I got up and crawled on the floor to the closet. I’m the way I saw the cop cars and motor cycles arrive outside the school. I used to hide from abuse growing up in my closet under and behind clothes. In the dream I laid down and covered myself with dirty clothes so that I wasn’t visible. I hid for a long time in the closet until a friend from college showed up. She needed bandages for the gunshot in her hand or leg. I didn’t have any but she laid down and hid in the closet with me. I think I had a panic attack. Finally we heard an announcement from the police that it was safe to come out. I went downstairs and was back in the school. I was in a large room surrounded by other students and friends from when I was in high school. There was a lot of crying and blood. I heard that 3 students had died. I looked down at my phone and thought it was two of my close friends from high school and now. I found my best friend from high school and now as I was sobbing and shaking. She told me the names of who died and that it was a drug deal gone bad. I didn’t know any of them. My tears subsided but my anxiety still caused me to shake. I walked away and my mom picked me up and embraced me. Then I woke up. One of my biggest fears as a teacher in the USA is a school shooting. I think of it every day at school and any noise I hear makes my anxiety spike. This was a horrible nightmare for me.

19 Jun 2024



In a house that feels familiar but I'm not sure why, look to the side and see a closet with the door shut. Feel like I know what's in there, don't want to see it. Feel frozen, don't want to be there. Don't open the door, but have this sense of knowing what's behind it, a body wrapped in a dry cleaning bag. The feeling of fear wakes me up.

9 Jun 2024

Plane Crash


I was about to go to sleep and i was in an old room at my grandparents house. There was someone behind me also in the bed who i cant remember. The closet door was close to the bed and after closing the door that was inside the closet, it opened back up. I went to close it again and it opened again. I then spoke out loud assuming it was a spirit and asked it to close the door and turn off the light and the spirit listened. My dreamed then transformed to me on the plane and the pilot announced that because of a specific person the plane was going to crash into a baseball stadium. The plane ended up crashing and i ended up in third person and watched the plane crash into the stadium.

9 Jun 2024



A ghost in the walls was a man with yellow eyes. Was after me and wouldn't let me sleep. In my closet coming out. Moving my stuff. In the walls when I was in the restroom. Then I was saving these kittens in the basement where the ghost lived at my old house as a child. My mom was like “There are kittens” and I've had to pick them all up. But they kept coming more. Then a crazy girl broke in/man at some point. He was a guy with a sharp object. In my house, my mom ran outside for help. And I did too. My dad showed up to help but it turned into a girl in her 30’s and she was mentally insane. She was kidnapping us. I asked her about the yellow-eyed man on the wall. Because she also lived in the wall and came from out the wall. My father said, “Don't talk to her you don't want to trigger her, she will kill us.” my father said, “Sorry about that.” after that was weird. Later woke up and heard a little boy on my bed or a voice and felt a hand touch me. I had Fear and panic. and fell back to sleep to more of the ghost with yellow eyes. Then woke up to hear the little boy's voice. I said “Hello? JJ?” I woke up and my brain was thinking has to be JJ's voice, it's a little kid? But it was not his voice. More a fearful voice and the scary voice of an innocent devil.

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