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2 Jun 2024



Dreamt my son killed his father. My son was taken to a mental hospital for another incident. I had to step away for a bit. My stepfather was there with him. When I came back, he was not in the room. The nurse/worker gave me the news. Very directly and left. I was in shock. I eventually saw my son. He was walking in the yard. He had on a uniform with the detention center logo. I kept asking what was going on. I wasn’t sure why his father was there or how he overpowered him. I asked to see him. They brought him to me. He was in a much younger form. I hugged him. He said he was sorry. I kept hugging him telling him I love him. He eventually pulled away and went back. I kept trying to contemplate what would happen, how he just lost his entire life. I called my stepfather to give him the news. He had went home to help my other son open presents. I told him. He didn’t give off much emotion. I didn’t understand that. I eventually hung up waiting for someone to talk to me again.

2 Jun 2024



I was with my family and best friend at a family function. My best friend texted my ex husband to bring food for the kids. She realized she accidentally sent it to my ex boyfriend James when he answered with okay and offered places to eat. I took her tablet instead of her phone and answered him by saying it was nice to know he moved on so fast. He replied with saying he met someone who was an hour away still but could actually contribute to his life. I made him tired. I told him I was better off dead and stopped answering. I found out where the new girlfriend lives and went there. I pretended to be an old occupant of the house and we had dinner together. Then I killed her im a truly odd way that looked liked suicide. When she was dead I left to go meet my family for dinner at a restaurant. I ran into a group of men and warned them not to take a certain path. Two of them listened and followed me to safety. One did not. He took it anyway and fell. I made sure he was okay and proceeded to the restaurant. I saw him at the restaurant while I was with my family. He had fallen on a toddler and she died. No one knew it was him but me. The whole restaurant was in an uproar. I kept his secret because I knew the toddler wasn’t truly dead. When we got home I was talking to my mom and best friend and I was so angry I kept stabbing my moms door with a knife and asking why no one loved me. No one chose me. Then it flashed to a group of three people and a baby in Alaska. They were arguing over vaccines and we were watching. Then we were back at my grandparents and I was walking outside looking at parks and trying not to cry.




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2 Jun 2024



My dream from last night was all over the place. It started off in my room. I was watching a YouTube video on my laptop with my cat in my lap, when my sister came in. The two of us talked for a while before my cat suddenly pawed at my closet door, causing it to open. Then, he started climbing inside of it. I walked over and pulled him out of the closet and closed the door. Then, my sister told me about this popular fighting place. The guy who runs it goes by “Dragon” and never loses a fight. He has a cash reward for whoever can defeat him. My sister and I head over there and come up with a plan to defeat him. We put on ear pieces and talk to each other during the fight. All seemed to be going well, until I went inside a nearby building. The building had a maze on the inside of it and only one exit. It had a fancy entrance and lobby area in front of the maze. The guy who goes by “Dragon” runs inside the building and corners me. Then, he insults me and tries to punch me. I dodge it and try to flip him over, but I fail. My actions anger him and he starts going crazy. The two of us fight, and I can barely manage to envade him. Eventually, I fall to the ground and the guy smiles in victory. Suddenly, my sister appears and takes me home. After that, we go to school. My sister takes the bus, but I take my friend’s car. My friend’s parents make a mistake and take a wrong turn, causing them to turn around. My friend and I decide to leave the car and just walk to school after realizing that their parents mistake will make us late. While we walk, I talk to my friend about the fight I had. My friend tells me that I should just accept the loss and move on, but I refuse. Then, I had back to the fighting place. I challenge the guy who goes by “Dragon” once again. He smirks at me and agrees to fight. While we were fighting, both my friend and my sister run up to us to convince us to stop. The guy tells them to shut up and threatens to hit them if they continue to talk. That angered me. I didn’t like the fact that he was threatening the ones that I cared about. So, before he had a chance to turn back and face me, I punched him and tripped him up. He fell down. I was going to kick him, but my sister convinced me not to. Then, we left. After that, my family and friends all went to a nice hotel. And that was where my dream ended.

2 Jun 2024



Me and my 4 friends floated to an island. The island people invited us to stay. The building directly next to the sea was a school. Children between the ages of 6-10. I watched one of the lessons, they were cleaning how to cleanse themselves from a cold. They used towels, bells and chanting. I sit outside with my friends. I need around on the steps leading to the sea. I somehow create a bubble. It is black and very thick I blow it. I grab it before it goes onto the building. I send it out into the sea. I get it caught on the canopy outside. I see some guards coming down the island on a speed boat. I try hard to pull it off the canopy. It comes off and floats away just before the speed boat arrives. The boat arrives. The girl in our group goes to speak with one of the guys who is a guard. One of the guys goes to speak with one of the guys who is a guard. I look around with the 3rd guy for women but we don't see any guards who are woven.

2 Jun 2024



I was at work and we were cleaning out preschool classrooms. Michelle was showing me where she had put everything when a tornado alert had come through. So I take off to get to shelter but for some reason I had some of my preschoolers with me. I get to the pool deck to clear everyone out of the pool bc they were all swimming and having a grand ol time. I get a few more kids that are former preschoolers of mine out and dried off. Someone is passing out food and drinks in big bins to take to shelter with us. So i have like 5 or 6 of my preschool kids and I find the lowest point outside for us to shelter in. There wasn't time for us to get into this low point safely so I had to drop the preschoolers down as safe as possible. I get everything and everyone dropped into this partially sunken parking lot thing and as the tornado gets to us im practically laying on top of the kids to keep them safe. After a few minutes pass of no activity we get up and I climb the side of this parking lot thing we jumped in to see if everything was clear when another tornado thats much bigger than the last starts coming. I jump back down and calm everyone down and let them know another one is coming but it's much bigger and we need to prepare for this to be worse. As the debris starts flying in on us, the preschool babies amd I all start moving as close to the corner as possible with me laying on them to protect them as best as possible. I'm telling them how they need to lay and to put there hands over their head and neck. And then I woke up

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