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2 Jun 2024
tommoro i dream the i was talking with my frind in call then a guy enter (i dont know this guy) and say i cant let you were jens i say " who the fuck you think you ste" the the guy eye get watery and say ok were it and dream end
My mother and I were in a car together and we were almost or were actually in a car wreck and I started praying, but my mother didn’t pray. Then the dream changed and I was home with my mother and brother and there was a tornado and I woke them up telling them that there’s tornado and I told them to come into the hallway. The entire time we were in the hallway I was praying.
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Someone was telling a story to someone else about how I died or disappeared. I went into a restroom with my brother and some others and they all left out the restroom before me. While I was about to leave the restroom, some sort of voice or spirit said something to me and then I was pulled by my hair (but no one else was in there) and I began to be swirled around vigorously to the point where a wind was forming like a tornado. I could even physically feel the wind in real life.
I dreamed about me go downstairs in a house to find my boyfriend talking to this brown skinned girly with a lanyard around her shoulders , he was hugging and kisses her , and then I pushed him to the ground all mad , I heard the name white
I recently got pulled out of a abusive home in real life my mom was abusive and manipulate. I live with someone, my brother lives with someone else, my sister lives with me, and my older sister got sent somewhere else. I had a dream about my brother with a Indian man, my brothers limbs where off and my brother looked scary and I cried “what did you do to him”
I open up my ex house I saw his G wagon and I got in it Had the keys so I took it The house was like in a hill. The views was beautiful. The houses was beautiful big houses. but then i Took the car back and I saw My ex She was like happy to see me and I was happier to see him. He told me he broke up and he found someone new and I’m like darn it. I didn’t have a chance I said in my head he showed me his new girlfriend and I noticed was a girl I knew from school and she had told me when I was with him. She wanted my life so I was like. mad told him about what she said to me and then she got to the house and I beat her up. Fighting her to leave and never come back and I woke up.
I had a dream that I was walking from sch and there were like 3 mini playgrounds laid down the road and I was talking to a kid and there were these oompa loomas around us and I was talking to my mum but I realised she weren’t there but I managed to c her in the distance but she walked 10x faster than me n she was transparent and then I ended up in Germany at my grandparents house and I picked a sweet out from it and started chewing for like AGES it got so boring so I spat it out and then I sat on their bed and I fell asleep and I sort of had this other dream that was like ab me in the London rain and I left my backpack somewhere on the street and I was in my taekwondo uniform n I couldn’t see anything everything was blurry and then Neil took me to a cafe and I was telling him how I forgot my belt, and my sparring gear at home and had forgotten my backpack at the streets and he j aired me and I was panicking sm I could rlly not c much I was struggling to open my eyes and then I woke up in a big pink bath and I literally inside it underwater suffering and I finally sat up to the surface n I was like jeez I mustve been down there for half an hour and then I saw Isla and I said Moley and I said say Moley and she ignored me and then she finally said Moley and then I woke up after the nappp
I feel like I was at my old highschool. I was part of an army that had to protect the school. There was a war going on where I saw alot of people shot or killed up close. I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around it when the war ended. I was just crying and crying seeing all the people that were hurt. I tried calling my mom, but she didnt answer. I tried again to call my mom and some how my cellphone got connected to the school's line and they were asking for body bags. I noticed my sister and told her what was going on, before I new it we were fight zombies. She kept walking away from me. I remembered one time I had to yell at the too of my lings for to come back here and finally did. We walk through the school looking for weapons. She found a tennis racket and I found a golf club. We went around closing double doors searching for a place safe to hide. There was a tower type building we took the stairs to. People were already up there. When we went through the door it turned into a bar. People were just drinking and talkingn about how scared they were. I remember seeing zombies up there but others must have killed them already. it started raining and I remembered my sister already having on a raincoat and book bag. all of a sounded it was over. I ran into someone saying this was probably one of the worst experiences Ive been through. I ran into another girl who I think didnt like me and wanted to do harm to me but I laughed it off. As we were walking to get out of the building I was stilling seeing all the bodies that had been shot before. I remember seeing yellow suits and blue suits holding guns surveying the area. Then I woke up.
The dream, picture wise, was clear. I didn't know anyone present though. I was going to take a trip to Florida. I have no clue who I was with but I do know it was a guy. I felt off because I didn't have any clothes or a bag with me. Never got on a plane or bus or anything. Later somehow ended up in like some sort of convenience store. Apparently there is this huge unwritten/unspoken rule to not step out of line. I didn't leave the line but just reached over to put something back. Then some short woman who was light-skinned with a light brown colored hair bob was pitching a whole fit because my arm was reaching to put something back. I don't quite understand what happed but it appeared I left the line. Woke up at that point...
i had a dream i had three boys that i found attractive come into our class n sat really close to me . n one of the boys had put there arm around me n got all nervous . they didnt talk as much as i thought they wouldve . but i didnt blush n i was calm . (ive never not blushed or stayed calm around boys lol )
i was in the grocery store with no shoes on, so i walked towards the entrance to go back to my car and get my shoes. at the same time i was walking out, my ex boyfriend’s family walked through the door. they all looked at me and smiled cordially. My ex boyfriend nodded hello, his little brother pulled me aside and said “i know we aren’t supposed to like you, but i miss you and i want you to hang out with me”. and started hugging me and crying.
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