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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

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26 Apr 2024

Sleep paralysis


Prior to sleeping, my body sensed a flow of energy through my legs to my head, then I entered sleep paralysis. During this phase, my eyes were open and I could see around the bedroom. Two headlights appeared on the wall in front of me, but they weren’t real headlights, one on top of the other, as no way for light to come through the windows. They rotated and grew larger, looking like giant eyes. My body went into a deeper paralytic state and I fought to get out of it and wake up before the lights consumed me. It felt incredibly onomous and dark. I finally woke from the sleep paralysis and led on my back facing the closed door. Again, I got the buzz through my body and I entered another sleep paralysis. During this state, eyes open again, I watched the door handle move and the door open. A small dark figure walks in and approaches my bed. Utter terror overcame me, and I once again fought myself to wake up. This wasn’t a dream, I was awake with my eyes open but was paralysed. I experience sleep paralysis many times each week.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

26 Apr 2024

Break up


Been living with my partner for a few months. Suddenly I see he has another woman’s number in his phone. I scan the messages and see it was a number of weeks they were intimate. I’m destroyed, fuming, and in disbelief. I then see many other women in his phone of the same. Some I was even at an event with him while the woman was there too without me knowing who she was. I confront him and he tries to deny it, but then finally caves and tells me everything. He’s not bothered. He just sits there sheepish and distant, unfazed. I start panicking about all the things I have to move from him, where I’m to go with my son, no money of my own, and nowhere for all my business materials to store and continue my work. My life falls apart in seconds. He seems fine with everything, not arguing, just calm - his usual demeanour in confrontations. I remember when he once woke early and washed his genitals, which I found odd since he’d never once done that in the number of years we’d been together. I now knew it was because he’d caught something from one of the women he’d had intercourse with. I tell his mum because she would just blame me rather than her son. I tell my mum and go to move into hers but she doesn’t have room for all my business items and few possessions. Before I leave my partners, I speak to him about it all and how distraught I am. Again, he’s not bothered and almost seems to hurry me out, though he keeps trying to get me to stay too. I try to calm my building anger but I’m so mad at everything, I kick him hard in his genitals since he never gets consequences for anything he does wrong. Then I leave.

26 Apr 2024



In my room I go to take a nap and a white male whose a friend comes in and starts moving my stuff that’s under the loft bed. I felt so attacked, as in nothing I owe is actually mine. In a frantic state I move everything back to how it was and fight weird transparent lights and I attach them to my mini fridge. I go back into my loft bed and cry, realizing how little I have a say in anything. I couldn’t yell at the dude for moving my stuff because his dad owed the house, mom and I just rented it. If I made a fuss he could kick us out. Mother comes up to the ladder of the bed asking me if I’m okay, I lied and said yes I’m fine. I go back down and keep moving things back into place, I’m interrupted by 2 white girls wanting to ask my opinion on their outfits. I only had a T-shirt and underwear on. I was embarrassed and tried to hide my body from them. The girls scoffed and said “it’s fine don’t worry” then I peek outside of my doorway to see a long hallway with an open space to the left and another hallway to the right. My bff’s husky runs down the hallway and stops in front of me. 2 men watch and say “stand your ground, if you don’t want him inside your room” and I did, I growled and pushed the husky back when he jumped towards me. After 5 minutes of back and forth the husky gets the message and backs off. Next scene pans to a black man down on his luck and had to move into a trailer that’s falling apart. He is not happy to be living in that type of trailer again. The foundation is wobbly and next to horse stalls and a portable potty. The trailer falls and he leaves. The camera pans over to me heading into a camp site. I’m there with friends and other campers are also at the site. A lot of the men leave on motorcycles to go into town. There where still a family that stayed behind. They gave off hillbilly style and where arguing. A mom pregnant arguing with the man across from her. She was in the back seat of a minivan and he inside of his truck sitting with his legs outside. I walk past them and hear them yelling. The mom said “Quit giving me stress! It’s not good for the baby” and I felt that the father was at fault and an asshole, I did not like him. The mother of the pregnant lady walks into the convo holding a machete, swinging it around like you do a pen around your fingers. She calls the argument petty and boring. The father takes that as a challenge and grabs the knife, swinging it pretending to be cool and tough. I was unimpressed and annoyed when he swings the machete near me. I get past them and into the camp tables and sit on a chair. My friend Ari sat next to me and a Latin boy on my left. We turn around to see the moon, my camera took video instead of pictures of the moon. On the vid the colors swirled and changed color of the moon, very beautiful and mysterious. I get annoyed with all the men in the camp, so noisy and disgusting, one of them kept making fart jokes. Soon another friend drives up and she takes Ari, Makayla, Syl and I into town. We all had to scavenge food or drinks to bring to sell in town. I had a jug of fruit punch and a cup of chili to sell. A male made fun of my offers and I ignored him. Her mid sized navy blue car was decent, nothing fancy. It was around 11 when we get into town, we go into a building and I spot a bathroom that’s outside of the building. Inside the actual building was similar to a mall, many stores and a courtyard. We attended a meeting about art. A lady was talking about watercolor markers and drawing on a canvas. I sat pretty far away from everyone and yet a man, around my age, sat close to me. Anyone can tell he had a crush on me and I hated it. I quickly moved to where my friends sat to avoid him. A girl from our group tried to scare me by grabbing me from behind, but I wasn’t scared or surprised. A bit confused why she did it and I just looked at her, she seemed content and laughed about her failed scare. At the end of the meeting we all begin to leave and a white dude, around my age, was talking about me. He was talking about high school interactions between me and him. How I was very mean, funny and amazing at art. I decided to be nice this time and tell him it was good catching up and that I think I have improved since then. Maybe not in a few certain parts but I definitely improved emotionally. We leave and I had to use the bathroom before going into the car. I go into the one I saw earlier outside and I slowly put together what I saw in front of me. I saw a toilet and sink close to each other on the left side. On my right there was plants potted separatting the space of where the shower and jacuzzi where. I saw shoes and clothes string about the floor. I walk to the toilet and look at the shower area and made eye contant with an female monster. Both of us embarrassed and I say first “May I use this toilet?” She replies “yes of course! Don’t mind me” she looks away and darts behind curtains. A man tries to open the door and I quickly shut it and the female monster yells at him to go away. After I’m done I see her again and I say “you have lovely teeth! Especially those canines, I wish I had long and sharp canines like yours” she appreciates the compliment and I notice 2 other male monsters waking up. One of them turns into a githyankie (a race in a game, they’re very intelligent astral beings) and I turn around to see the female monster also revealing herself as one too. They’re notorious for killing brutally and hunting down their targets. I felt urgency to leave! Out the door I hear her say “goodbye beautiful” I manage to get inside the car before the male githyankie throws a knife my way. It missed and I yell to my friend to drive. We escape, all 6 of us in the car. One of my female friends decided to sit on my lap even tho I sat on the front passenger side. Her arms around my neck and kissing lightly my cheeks. I felt nervous because everyone in the car noticed and started to tease. “Okay enough just because I’m the lesbian doesn’t mean y’all get to make fun of me” we eventually get back to the camp and it looks abandoned. “Let’s go into the base camp, where the office is” I suggested and we left. In the dusty parking lot we get out and there’s a few empty and rusty cars around the lot. We see a distant tower in smoke, we record it. I said “you know we can all just leave and go back home! Why don’t we just leave?we don’t have to stay here and we can use the rest of our vacation doing something else fun!”as soon as I said that I felt a presence. I stop talking and subtly looked under the truck we where leaning on. I see 2 pair of feet. Immediately I grab my friend and drag her into the car. Before waking up I see the same 2 figures from the bathroom approaching.

25 Apr 2024



In a weird town that looks like manurewa but has driveways that are excessively long for no reason like a rural farm driveway, but looks like driveways from papakura, I’m at a wedding for one of my friends that i wasn’t invited too, out of pure coincidence i drive in a sketchy drive way poke my head out and say I’m best friends with blah blah blah they open the gate i see pointy as f rocks with humungous potholes, i attempt to drive get stuck reverse out and park outside the gate wondering how the f_ck everyone else got in there. Once in the venue i walk into a garage i sit down in the middle of nowhere, this random as dude just start’s annoying me i go grab a drink, come sit back down everyone’s walking by with mugs of beer, a few of them are gang members wearing patches, saying that im a pussy , while others are asking if im okay and being nice, i get up and walk to the bath room while that annoying k_nt is nudging quite voraciously, at this point im starting to get angry with my tolerance diminishing little by little. I come out of bathroom, and im in an assembly, wearing my city clothes and its a wedding where i see guys wearing suits, and women wearing dresses, but what im so confused about is that i see 2 of my best mates dating keep in mind they’re both guys and are the most straightest guys I feel like i know, but one of them became a trans but they both were wearing suits and pashing each other, i was utterly confused, whilst trying to gather my bearings and coming to terms with what i was seeing, i get up to get another drink the the k_nt who’s been annoying me comes grabs, some like black powdered balls he rubs them and covers his hands in dust and proceeds to rub it on my neck and drops the powder under my shirt, and laughs at this point i slam my cup down thats it you annoying MF its fxcking go time i get stopped, by my best mates, but im lashing out the annoying person leaving i send my mates flying, grab him turn him around and uppercut him then we have a massive brawl.

25 Apr 2024



so i was like in a weird city and then someone suggested a quiet place where no one can hear you to skateboard or and so i accepted and the i found this lever thingy that opens something and i go in it and its the same place but other people and going to the one that i was just in. then i remember being with mommy and berry and we were like in these small dangling houses and we kept going through these houses and there was like these places like right next the the dangling houses and it was like shops so we could eat and so we went from one house to another idk how but we did and there was also other people doing this and we finally were to our destination or smth and i saw this tiktok girl with her dog and she in her swim suit and she was holding on to this nonmoving rope to go in the lake and where it dripped it was shallow so she dropped and her dog like lost some of his hair and where it was scraped of there was a scar and the girl was so chill abt it everyone else was except for me then it was my turn and it was fine. then when we were back in the houses my mom was on the boardwalk next to the houses but not in them and she went over to these people and then they game me a weird look and then my mom came back then i went over there and i past them and i started flying and it was so cool there were platforms so i could jump off but them i remember that i really wanted to stop flying but i wasn’t in very much control so j was really scared that j would be separated from them and also scared that i might land somewhere that j will be hurt and then u finally stopped and came back and everyone was like amazed at me bc i was flying but i was really scared and that was it also the houses were all going to the rope jump off thing and it was like a loop you couldn’t go anywhere else same with the um non hearing tunnel.

25 Apr 2024



okay so i was like in my house right and my mom was working at the black table and the ice cream truck was coming so i asked my mom if i could have some and my mom said yes j think i thot i deserved it bc i took a essay thingy online maybe so yeah i went to go catch it but it ignored me and my mom did nothing and i got so so made i yelled at her and she still did nothing then i cried nothing it was like she couldn’t hear me at all i mean she knew i was there but she didn’t do anything so then we suddenly went into a car and i saw the ice cream truck right next to us so i shook my mom and said there look ice cream lets get some now and my mom said okay just like last time but a few minutes pass by and i was like mom hurry its leaving come on lets go, nothing came put of her we went back to the house and then my grandma was there and she said oh stop being do whiny it was just ice cream its bad for you anyways and i looked at grama and got so mad that i grabbed her and said go get me that ice cream , still i never got that ice cream.

25 Apr 2024



okay so i am like in this forest and then there is like this big open plain and i see a mansion and its so big and beautiful fancy big windows and i explore it mimi is there we are having a great time and then we come across this beautiful bathroom and its so pretty all we want to do is stay there bc it has a couch a big tv and a really big bathtub and its just so big and beautiful but one thing i do notice is how isolated it is and private but its bright there is a bit of like tint shadow but no artificial light which makes it nicer and lovely but then mimi gets a ding on their phone and it says that this mansion is getting bombed exactly where the bathroom is and it was so sad and devastated actually im crying rn as i think about it so me and mimi left the mansion and ran away and as we ran there was a pretty forest and it had a dusty old path or us but it was filled with light and leaves so i wasn’t that dark at all in-fact it was also really pretty and then the mansion got blown up

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