13 May 2024
My friends Dan and Jessica Scott, had trusted me to take care of some big financial transaction involving their home and taxes and personal savings. All of the evidence was on a floppy disk which they needed to transfer to another format but could not do. I was working out some details about the transfer of the data when I was called tk talk to a banker. I went to the counter and identified myself as their proxy and signed the paperwork. I also began the transfer, so I thought, of their data. The man at the counter asked me to confirm before I signed, whether things like water and other utilities were signed to be included as well, I thought they had been, I had not considered it but if they were not these items would have to be bought separately and be much more expensive. I needed tk check the disk. But I couldn't because the data was transferring. I thought I could check ir later but then realized i had done something wrong and the data was actually not being copied but overwritten. I wondered it it would be worth stopping the process, but it was 98% done. That 2% left was probably not even anything read!ble. I was horrified. I hoped they made a backup- but then why would they have, that was what I was supposed to be doing. I had effectively erased all evidence of their home ownership, income, identity, etc.