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3 Jun 2024
I was in a gym and my dad had a office in the gym (my dad doesn’t normally work in gyms) I went in the office with my dad and there were a bunch of snacks and I asked dad and he said maybe when there are no people around because I’m not allowed to give you any.
I was in my home cleaning and some how the the dream led me to cleaning my garage . As I was cleaning my garage I was looking through my phone and I saw a guy friend’s social media post with another white girl and they were playing at a park as if they were dating. This guy I have chemistry with and we had a romantic fling in my dreams before since 2019 and I used to live with him as friends but it was complicated with him . I saw three photos he supposedly posted on his unta story and I skipped it like I didn’t care but it kinda hurt but I was strong to not care then I closed my phone and kept sweeping my garage . Then the dream led to a group of people I was hosting a slumber party at my house and I love slumber parties since I was young anyways that girl I saw on the insta story post with the guy I used to like was there twerking and I was like whatever girls like to twerk you know ? I continue to clean my house because I was embarrassed that I was hosting a slumber party and there was a little of a mess upstairs as I was cleaning I saw him he was there and he was smiling and he was helping me clean and he helped me clean up a spider on the floor too . As that was happening he disappeared and I went on my phone again and saw another post he posted on his insta story and it said my name three times and it said I love her and it had my picture I was like wow he really does like me romantically and then I woke up
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My sister was getting the other person a dog but instead she gave it to me
I saw man outside my window he was break in cars so I told my family come look in the window the man was going back to his car and he saw me and my family so I was scared when I woke up my heart was pounding and my blood was streaming from my head
I am in the backseat while my mom is driving my older brother in the front seat the rest of my siblings in the back. We are driving home from the park only the paved roads are all grass lawns now and as we drive by the houses they turn into tall bamboo trees and we narrowly avoid running into them. Scen changes I am at the bottom of a grey stone mountain all along the path going up are stone dragon heads that shoot fire at anyone attempting to go up the mountain path. I have to reach the top with my friends. The line of dragons shoot fire as soon as we get in range. The heat an intense burning forces us back to the beginning. I realize we have destroy the dragon heads out before we can go up. The main one I have to destroy is way up and climbing up the shale rock is impossible. I jump off the ground and fly up to the outcropping then blast an energy ball from my hands at the nearest gargoyle and it explodes causing a chain reaction all the way up the path. All the dragon heads explode like a domino effect. We reach the dark fortress and my family is captured in those Alien cocoons. I see the queen sleeping but just in reach of my family members . She leans down and a facehugger falls off of my nephew. My friends distract the queen while I rescue my nieces and nephew. I worry about how to save them now they're infected. We need a surgeon to remove the Alien before it bursts out. I wake up
I was driving a convertible down the highway. The cars around me were crashing into each other. I was avoiding the other cars so I started speeding and weaving around them. There was a blue van in front of me and I got the feeling that I should follow it. As I was driving Jesus showed me a time meter and time was going backwards. Buildings started disappearing as well as everything else as time went back. It was like a desert of nothingness until it was just black. I heard a voice say No man willingly condemns their soul to hell
I started the dream off landing two jobs, one as a cashier and the other as a server. I then get myself an apartment or college dorm, I was so happy. I then get into this secret love triangle where two men are pursuing me. I had sex with on of them, falling in love. I then got into a relationship secretly with one of the guys, I never told the other guy as I was in love with him too. I met the baby brother of the other guy, invited them into my apartment to hang out but in my gut I had a worried feeling the guy I was with was gonna come. I was given a gift by the guy’s baby brother and spent time with them, laughter filling my room. I ended up waking up, not seeing if the two men were to ever meet.
I was dreaming of I was with a man and I don't know who he is and then there were two other women they were jumping around acting crazy kept telling me something in the manner that I was going to have to share that man with them my youngest daughter was in the dream as well that happened about 8:00 this morning. Once again I woke up this morning at 3:00 a.m. and I couldn't go back to sleep till about 5:00 a.m.
A bunch of family members were killed
I told everybody I loved them and as soon as my dad left for work, I went into the kitchen and found a knife and complimented on life and stabbed myself, committing suicide, I felt at peace instantly as I watched my life flash before my eyes as I float to the light.
Kissing a close female friend
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