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27 Apr 2024



I had a dream the that the god Shiva was trying to consume me. When I saw him, I was the size of a mouse and he was the size of a giant and wrapped around him was this huge yellow golden snake. It looked like a python and it looked like the universe was in its eyes. And Shiva was trying to consume me because my life force, my power was what he needed to restore himself back to his godly abilities. And he was consuming women to try to restore what he lost. But I was special because he called me infinite energy and it was exactly what he was waiting on. He was waiting for a female sacrifice that had this infinite amount of energy because he would not have to consume any more women. And he tried chasing after me and he couldn't catch me. So then Shiva walks past me, all his footsteps was like every step that he took it felt like lightning because it would crash down to the ground and it was so loud. It was like lightning and thunder in his footsteps and he finally sat down and his snake was the one who chased after me. It came off of his shoulders. It was wrapped around his body but his head was right around his shoulders and it looked at me and it came off of him and it went to pursue me. And before you know I'm running through time and space to get away from it and eventually I looked as if I got away from it because as I'm seen looking behind me it's not there anymore. But then all of a sudden Shiva comes out of nowhere. It's this huge hand and it's Shiva and he's trying he's almost this close to catching me and I'm so scared of this Hindu god Shiva catching me because I know if I allow myself to be caught and consumed I'm gonna die and I refuse to allow myself to die and he continues to pursue me. It's like through time and space like everything around us the surroundings was getting warped and it's like he was chasing me across dimensions but he just could not catch me. And it's like the further I evaded him the more he changed in color. He went from a blue color skin to eventually a red color symbolizing his rage and he just kept on pursuing me and eventually as we were running away I'm seeing shooting stars and stuff around us so we're running across space and an even bigger god I don't know who this god was um wind up grabbing him and consuming him and it was another male god so then the god looked at me and I thought it was going to try to consume me but it didn't. It bowed to me instead and took the crown that Shiva had on his head and gave it to me and once he gave it to me I was I turned into the size of a giant and it was the same size that the god Shiva was when he was chasing me and I was very confused because I didn't understand but the god was explaining to me that I was a goddess and because I was not aware that I was a goddess it was easy for him to run after me because I had no idea who or what I was this is why I was more special than the other sacrifices because I was the one I was the goddess that he was waiting on he needed another goddess he needed a goddess specifically to consume in order to rise above all the other gods and he was never destined to do so he lacked the power of creation he was only the god of destruction and only in consuming creation could he have mastery over it. The dream then shifts to a dispute between me and my godbrother who I do not trust and he's trying to create a art gallery for my artwork through one of his businesses. He swears up and down, tries to convince me that doing things his way is for my own good but he's not following, he's not listening to anything I have to say. It's basically, I'm the side character in the show that I'm headlining which is not okay and I try to deal with him peacefully but eventually I take myself as well as all of my artwork and I tell him that I will not be participating in this gallery, give the opportunity to another artist, I will create something of my own and he will have no say or finger in it at all and he will not benefit from me but treat me as if I am nothing. But clearly I have the clout, I was the reason why pre-sales of the tickets sold out because I was the one that everyone came to see and in mistreating me and making me feel as if I'm a side character in an event, a gallery that I'm the runner for, you're making it for me for the mention of my very name brings millions to come see me, he took me for granted and I just felt in the dream that he had very undermining intentions because he undermined everything that I did from the setup to where my pieces were supposed to go, how my speech was going to go, he wanted complete and utter dominance over me and I refused so I told him no, he tried to make me look bad in front of our church and have them convince me that it was for the church and it was for everyone and if I backed out then our church would suffer and if I'm willing to deal with that, I said that's fine, I said if every other, every other god sibling that I have sides with him that's fine because at the end of the day I will not have my gifts exploited and he couldn't get anyone to convince me otherwise so I went on social media and I announced that I will not be bringing my artwork to his business, I made it clear that it might be a little wait before i do a gallary, to my fans who are going to come, I say it might be another wait but I promise that I will make the wait worth it, I told him I know my value, I know who I am and I know what my gifts can create and when you try to block that then I'm not going to force myself in a room that all of me is not welcomed in. If all he wants is access to my artwork which is going to bring him the money, the clout and the glory but then you treat me as an artist disrespectfully then you don't get access to either and when I announced that over social media all his pre-ticket sales, he only had probably about 10%, he went from selling millions of tickets to barely even selling a hundred tickets for people that still wanted to show to support and it made a huge difference because he had to pay all of that money back to my fans who wanted to see me and they supported my decision and I didn't badmouth him or his event, I told my fans you know you can go out there and support but I will not be a part of it at all and my fans followed suit so it was a very heavy blow to his pockets, I believe it was an even bigger blow to his ego and then a year and a half later I announced my event, my gallery which was in a building that I just purchased so no one, I didn't have to rent out a space, I didn't have anyone telling me how I needed it to be because everywhere from the building to the catering to to my artwork all of it was through my various businesses I took the time to create those various businesses because I never wanted to run into this again while I'm dealing with men telling me my vision and not listening to my vision to create what I'm supposed to create so if you didn't value it then I needed to leave and I announced it on social media my ticket sales skyrocketed and the same god brother that I dismissed working with him he was very angry about it but he paid to come to the event just to be nosy to see what what was going to happen in my event and the complete shock on his face that not only did I outdo anything he thought he could ever create but to try to tell someone who has the ability such as me to create something that is out of this world and try to tame it to his vision but he would never bless with the vision there was a lesson here and my godmother told him that divine feminine energy when he try to control it the best way to learn for men to learn their lessons is when women remove themselves and their energy and you try to have you gonna have to replace that whether we're here or not and it's very hard because you can't do it and I wind up selling out at my event majority of my exhibits were sold it was a it was a huge event and it really skyrocketed my career and he could not be a part of that he was on the sidelines watching and I feel like these two aspects of my dreams were very telling the theme seems to be of male dominance over me and me not allowing it

27 Apr 2024



Dreamt of being in a garden, where there were multi coloured plant pots. There were 3 men playing darts and wouldn't let me join in. I had 1 go at throwing the dart but the line was so far back I didn't even hit the board. I told them the line was way too far back and that they should move it. They said no. A woman bought 8 small plants in silver plant pots in the sale, I said why don't you put them in the front garden. She said no they will be stolen and wanted to put them in the back garden. I was speaking to a man on a mobile phone in my dream about my relationship, he was meamt to be my dad and he said he loved me so it doesn't matter about other men letting me down as he wouldn't. It was a lovely call. Then the line was interrupted by other people talking to each other. I had a box of toys appear, the collection got bigger and I was carrying them to my car.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

27 Apr 2024



We were eating at a restaurant sitting at an outside table. A short pit bull terrier charged at us and I kicked it back to defend us. It flew about 100 feet back but it got up and charged again. This happened about 3 times. I finally took out my nail file and stabbed it and it fell to the ground, wounded. It had been so beat up by me and others that it finally stopped. Someone put the dog and a matching puppy in a large jar and gave it to us. We checked to see if they were alive and they were. We removed the dogs from the jar, took them to a friends house who had two other dogs for him to nurse the dog back to health. I was relieved the dogs weren’t dead. Then I went downstairs and their teenager was at a table looking at his phone. We interacted and he let me know he was having girl problems and begged me to help him. I laughed at him and he kept pleading with me to help him. So I told him to come back up to the main level of the house with me and I’d help him.

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