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5 Jun 2024



The details of this entire dream I can’t remember too well but this specific part was very vivid. I was riding on a bus with this woman sitting next to me. She had brown, curly hair and looked familiar. She was talking to me about how she was either scammed or hacked. I had very little interest in the conversation. Suddenly, she turns to look at me and asks “what do you think god fears?” I get a very strong feeling that this is a spirit talking to me. I start to feel like I am watching my dream on a movie screen. I reply that I do not know. I start to gain consciousness and wake up but try to resist as I want to ask the “spirit” questions about life. When I get back in the dream, I get the response “you do know” but I can’t tell if it came from her or me. The rest of the dream I try to reconnect but am unable to properly.

5 Jun 2024



I am logging in to a virtual kids game I used to play called animal jam. When I log in, I am on a spare or backup account. I realize that I have been hacked when I notice items missing from my characters. I try to then log into my main account only to realize I have been hacked there too. I ask the other players why I was targeted and they say there is a rumor I was toxic towards someone in real life. I realize that this is slander and log off to get more context behind the false accusations. It turns out that the person I was supposedly toxic to was one of my childhood friends. I quickly learned that my controversy in the game also applied outside of it, and that the other players were being honest. I try to drive away in hopes of escaping it. Before I reach any destination, I am switched to another part of the dream. In the second part of the dream, I am at a cardiologist to try and figure out a cause of my fast heart rate. I am doing these exercise tests in which my ecg and heart rate are monitored during various levels of strenuous activity. During these tests, the cardiologist notes that some results are strange but aren’t significant enough to be serious. The most frequently occurring problem is that my heart rate jumps up super high with the slightest movement. I think I am going to be diagnosed with pots which disappoints me, as it is an obscure disorder. However, my cardiologist blames all my symptoms on accutane, a medication I used to be on in real life that had a horrible effect on me. I am told to fill out a form so the rare side effect could be reported. The dream ends quickly after that.




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5 Jun 2024



Me and my dad are staying at some kind of hotel or resort. In the room we are staying at, there are several different kinds of snakes scattered all over the room. For some reason, we are not frightened by this. I am only mildly uncomfortable. Most of the snake species we see are non venemous. There are only two venemous snake species we see at first (copperhead and water moccasin). One night while my dad is sleeping, there are two non venemous species on the bed. (Brown dekay and eastern king) Suddenly, a copperhead appears and bites him. I am frightened by this and try to walk my dad to a medical place because he got bit by a venemous species. Immediately, my dad starts showing signs of poisoning as he can’t walk straight and walks directly into objects. I think that due to this, he needs medical attention immediately and call 911. When the paramedics arrive, it turns out that he had high blood sugar and low blood pressure which I noted don’t make sense together. Apparently, these problems were not caused by the venom. He does not go to the hospital and I am worried as the snake bite is still unaddressed. My dad is not worried though and trusts the paramedics. Due to my worry, I try to post on a Facebook group that my dad was bit by a copperhead and it’s not being taken seriously. For some reason, I do not go through with the post. I am scared to go back in the room as I am now more frightened of the venemous species’ than before. I note that I do not hate the copperhead and acknowledge that it only wanted personal space but that its venom is very harmful. Later that day, I notice that there are snakes all over the resort and see the tails of rattlesnakes hidden in corners. My fear increases as rattlesnakes are far more venomous and dangerous than copperheads. I end up going outside as I am no longer comfortable being inside with all the snakes. There is a beach directly outside the resort. When I got in the water, I noticed that there were several blue ring octopi I was touching. Blue ringed octopi are extremely venemous and fatal but are not native to where I’m from. I get scared by the contact, but when I go seek medical attention, I am brought to this class that would help medical professionals identify who was having an emergency. In the class, we are instructed to check our vitals such as our heart rates and oxygen levels. I note than when I check my pulse, it feels weak and feels like it’s getting weaker. I think my oxygen level is also getting lower, but I wake up before I am able to check it.

4 Jun 2024



it was a re occurrence kindoff dream where for continuous 3 days after sleep i dream about a place of foreign village where i am running from someone who it seems they are trying to kill me, there were people who were fighting for me and in everytime i dream that one person was always helping me to run away from them but they were getting killed and i continue the run while crying and scared, after few seconds i woke up and didn't remember the faces or the reason i was running for, even i dont remember the reasoj the fight got started. The people who were trying to kill me were strangers in my dream but felt close relation with them and i felt confused, even the people who were helping me to run nd getting killed or lost were also felt someone close but i don't know any of them

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