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19 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was stuck in a camper with some friends in a giant parking lot. I got out of the camper and was in the parking lot walking around when I see these giant inflatable balls fall down near me from the sky, and then I hear people start screaming and running I looked up and trucks and cars start getting launched and falling from the sky. And they’re all coming in my direction. The first was a big white truck with two little boys in the back bed of it and the vehicles explode on impact and I wanted to go check on them but more cars started flying at me and the next one was a pink sedan and it was coming so fast I had to run out of the way. I ran back to the camper to tell my friends and everyone started panicking and we went into full survival mode.




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19 Jun 2024

Tarot cards


I was at a work function like a happy hour having fun with my new team These aren’t oriole I work with in real life but in the dream it made sense We were playing board games and enjoying drinks and then it turned into a book event where folks from the tarot community voted on and shared their favorite books I have authored two books so in the dream one of my books was highlighted and someone brought the book for me to sign The book was a hard copy whereas in real life mine was soft cover and it had mini reels on the cover which was fun It had lookup tables like mine but it focused so much on tarot that I didn’t recognize it No one at my office table couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge my book nor my fan that came out of their way for me to sign it I played it off nicely but it really hurt my feelings Then I woke up

19 Jun 2024



Dreamt that was on a gurney en route to have an abortion. I was about 15 weeks along. The guy pushing the gurney was zooming through the hallways. There was no emergency. I arrived at the OR and he was chastised by the nurse. They put IDs on my arm. I do not remember the actual procedure but I know it was done. I walked back through the hospital and ended up at a memorial for my old coworkers father. I stayed in the other side of the room speaking to the of coworkers then went to her table. We hadn’t spoken for years. I walked over to the seat where her father was represented and kissed the figure there. I also spoke and kissed her mom. I made eye contact with her cousin who I used to date. He was also the father of the baby I aborted. I do not think he was aware of the pregnancy. I eventually went to speak and hug my old coworker. I stood there for some time and eventually started to leave. I bumped into her cousin and said hello. I got a generic greeting. I mentioned it to him and he snapped at me and said ‘we don’t know each other’. This was more likely in reference to me never meeting his family. I looked back. I didn’t see that he was with anyone else. I turned around hurt to leave.l

19 Jun 2024



My dream started of at my house. I was in my pajamas and was trying to figure out what to wear for the day. My sister then comes into the room and starts talking to me. The longer she talks, the longer I take to get ready. As we talked, I realized that my pants drawer was almost empty. I asked my sister to get me some more pants and she pulled some out of the dryer in the laundry room. Before I could put my pants on, my dad yells at me from downstairs to hurry up. Now rushing, I quickly change, grab my phone, and get into my mom’s car. Then, my mom starts driving my sister and I to the mall. The mall happened to be next to a convention center, so there were a lot of people in costumes walking around. Once we get there, I realized that I forgot my purse at home. My mom tells me that I’ll be fine before driving off with my sister. Now, I’m all by myself without a purse or a wallet, in a mall. I walk around for a bit and find this lady handing out free samples of some candied rice dipped in colored chocolate. I try it and tell her that it’s really good. She thanks me and asks if I want to buy some. I tell her that I have no money, and she starts to yell at me. I walk away, but quickly turn back around and ask for her candy recipe. She refuses to tell me it at first, but after a moment or two, she finally tells me the recipe. After that, she offers me a job at her candy shop and leads me to her store. Once I get there, I see that it’s very empty. The lady says that her shop hasn’t been doing that well recently and I suggested that she hold an event to get people excited about her store. So, the two of us quickly set up an “Arts and Crafts Workshop” mixed with a “Daycare” to get people excited. Instantly, a bunch of people come into the shop and make their own artwork out of candy and edible paint. My boyfriend even shows up at one point. Even though it was exactly what the shop owner wanted, it proved to be too much to handle on our own, so my boyfriend decided to help us. He suggested we make a tip jar and put me in charge of the design. I grab a mug, write something down with a sharpie, put some small decorations on it, and leave it at the front entrance of the store. Even more people came into the store after that, and the shop owner had to close the store since it had reached its maximum capacity. Afterwards, she notices the mug and asks about it. My boyfriend and I explain it to her and she gets extremely upset about it. She says that my tip mug was a mistake and a disgrace before firing me on spot. After that, I sit on one of the benches that the mall has and start crying. My boyfriend comforts me before one of my friends show up. She sees that I’m sad, so she hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before calling my sister and telling her to come over. Shortly after that, my sister appears and tells me that our mom is waiting for us outside. We all head out to the parking lot at the same time and find our cars. I say goodbye to my friend and my boyfriend before heading to my mom’s car. Before I could get into her car though, it suddenly disappeared. I assumed that my mom had abandoned me again and started walking home. On my walk home, I run into my boyfriend again. The two of us talk about stuff before accidentally stumbling into an ice cream factory. We get in trouble for trespassing and the factory owner calls our parents. After that, we go home. Once we get home, I ask my mom what’s for dinner, she says that there is none, and I go to my room to play a computer game. And that was where my dream ended.

19 Jun 2024

Teeth falling out


I was supposed to go to the beach with Ama and her friends (like I am today in real life soon). In my dream, I was living somewhere else with my current roommate Chaitanya. I had two birds, parakeets, in a cage. I was getting ready for the beach. My roommate was waiting on food he ordered for delivery. By the time someone came, I heard him say that he had canceled the order but the guy gave it to him anyways. I guess my roommate was happy because it was a free meal. Well then the delivery guy changed his mind and asked for him to return it. Then my roommate got mad and there was a fight. Was verbal. The delivery guy was elderly. I tried to intervene. At some point my roommate knocked out one of the delivery guy’s teeth and I was very upset because he was elderly. I guess my roommate had lost his tooth earlier in the fight but it seemed to be his own fault not the delivery guy’s. In real life I’ve been having trouble with my front two teeth getting stained (they’re the fake ones I have after losing my own when I fell drunk). I demanded he give the delivery guy back his tooth, he eventually did. Now upset, I got into a fight with my roommate about the entire apartment (something we have gotten into fights about several times). It escalated to me crying and yelling. At some point my parents came to mediate. I was worried to leave for the beach because I thought my roommate would hurt the birds. At some point in the fight I told my roommate to make a chore chart in the app I set up (because in real life I had set this up and he had not even used it) and he said it would take too long. I got upset that he wanted things to be clean but refused to compromise on how to set up a chart. Eventually he hinted at the end of the lease he would move to a different floor, but I wasn’t sure still. By the time this was over, it was already 7 pm. I was devastated because I had missed the beach. I texted Ama and she was like yeah I wondered what happened but was still sending her usual memes. I wandered in the dark outside, eventually walking past a building. I was in there seeking something, don’t remember what. One floor seemed to have worshippers of a faith I learned later was Islam and another had worshippers of Judaism. There was sneaking around with talk of Palestine, and I got worried there would be something bad that happened in the building, so I walked to the exit. The building resembled a school I’ve seen before. While I was walking out, I passed by a Hinduism worship (my family’s religion but I consider myself agnostic). I had a friend that looked happy I was there. I guess I went to get blessed (gave away a dollar for donation). The priest handed me a yoga mat looking floppy board that supposedly was blessed. I put it over my shoulder and started walking. By this time, I had met two other friends who walked with me. I didn’t notice the yoga mat/board had slipped off of me, and when I did, I was frustrated. I shared with my friends about my day and how this was another bad thing that happened. One of my friends said that I use wild animals to describe people a lot, and I had referred to my roommate as a mole. We ended up in a car driving somewhere.

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