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4 Jun 2024
I traveled with the cardinal to be his date to visiting a new cathedral. The church was was beautifully adorned as we sat down in a new chair or pew we were sitting in a section that had interpreters for different types of languages. Suddenly a scuffle broke out in front of us and it turns out my sister was fighting a taller man who was being disrespectful. In turn, that woman’s partner started arguing with me as people held me back. My mother wouldn’t let me fight in church. I was saying was it unfair they were holding me back. I LOVE TO FIGHT. I called the girl a pilgrim and she tried to attack, saying that I was afraid to lose. They let me go and we squared up, I pieced her three times with an uppercut and knocked her out.
My last dream I had was I was with old friends of mine in middle school on the play ground and we were having a great time, but I realized that it wasn’t right. I realized I wasn’t in the right place whatsoever and that I was not in present day. Then I woke up.
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I was in a village that I'd dreamed about before. I was in a charity shop amd the woman who owned it could figure out who was stealing from her. But it meant innocent people died too. The charity shop had lots of books and clothes and the people could stay in the apartments above. If she thought you were being deceitful she would start a ritual and people would just poof into thin air until the evil one was left. Then the remaining innocent would have to kill that person. I left my bike unchained by a lamppost and a man tried to steal it. I wouldn't let go of it and hung on with all my strength. The charity shop had multiple levels and people were trying on jackets. I was riding my bike up some steep hills but I loved it.
I was unconfortable because I had to talk about my feelings and sadness, problems, issues next to a person who deeply hurt me. Who is responsible for all of that
I dreamed about my idol giving a concert and hugging me
Dream of going to my friend A's university to visit her in the night. I couldn't recognize her face but I knew we were good friends. I brought my sisters along and we went to an empty classroom where there were dark tinted windows along the corridor. Suddenly A received a phone call and smiled and hung up. She went to open the door and my good friend G appeared. He was thrilled to see me and passed me a trophy and wanted me to bring home. I was ecstatic to see him but lamented that I had two very heavy bags which I had to carry home with me. He held the bags and were shocked how heavy they were. Then he asked if I wanted potato chips and he might be able to bring me some. I did not believe him as it was late at night but he showed up later with some, which made us really happy. He said it was actually another friend of ours, Y, who were currently studying at the cafe nearby. My sisters were very excited as they had a crush on that friend of ours. Later I had to leave so my sisters stayed with A while me and the rest left. I regretted not going the same way as G because he lived close to me and knew the shortcut out. I called G and asked where he was and he said he was waiting for the bus. I got directions from him and went to the nearest train station. But the vicinity was under construction and I decided to walk towards the nearest bus stop to see if there were buses to bring me home. However I realized there were none and I found that I could not walk back to the train station as it was a one-way street because of the ongoing construction. Another lady and I tried to jaywalk across but were stopped by the construction workers saying it was dangerous and they led us back to the train station via an underground escalator and I realized it was linked to a safari and botanic garden. I walked a long path and passed by many train stations but I could not find the entrance to board any train. Suddenly the scene switched to my secondary school and I was meeting up with a friend P and I told her about my encounter with G and my sisters' reaction about Y. Suddenly a group of girls came and tried to bully a guy. That guy tried to pacify them by offering money but the leader of the girls mocked at him and said she didn't want money as she had plenty. She was attracted to the school's top student but he ignored her advances. When I left the classroom I saw the top student instructing four other students to carry a guy who was almost topless and was struggling to speak with cloth in his mouth and another group of girls who was excited about the revenge. Turned out that guy being carried tried to molest the girls and were finally caught red-handed by the top student and now they were headed somewhere to punish the culprit. I was shocked and in awe and the top student saw me and smiled and shouted exclaiming something along the lines of, no bad deed goes unpunished and went off. I quickly went back the classroom and informed P of what I saw.
Briggs Poem #08 There's a very deep pain in my heart ❤️ 💔💔I don't know where to start. Hole 🕳️ in my soul I miss you Briggs as you crossed onto the other zone. Not fair we were just beginning and I was happy with you and walking and living. Brave you were as I went on walks and you strutted out front, I miss you Puppy 🐶 you were my fav one. No other animal does it like you I miss you here too, One day we'll meet and ill get to see you my Puppy Boo. Until then keep being silly chewing things and running squirrels down in Puppy Kingdom, Don't forget Brother Jeffrey Adores 💘💘🫶🫶😥😥😥😢😭😭😭You Amen 🙏🙏 Briggs Poem 😥😥🫶🫶😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I dream of that I was going on rooftop and it was evening time and gave my phone to my Lil cousin brother. The sky was cloudy after rain and there was also my uncle as we were looking at sky I noticed that sun and moon is at sky at same time and moon has sparkly star with it it was good until I also saw sun with a star with and there is another planet then I remembered that I read that on news that all the planets in sky will align in a line in the sky and we can see it but I don't read the full article which place it could be seen I dint know that in my area we could also see . Then the magic happnd in the sky the sky turned dark and suddenly blue with sparkles the planets look big it looks and colourful I was very happy and I asked my Lil cousin bro to give phone and take pic of sky and then I noticed a UFO and light was coming out of it when I tried of taking pics idk why always camera zoom on and all the alien came in pic I couldn't take the pic the alien was like robot with octopus tentacles orange colored . Then I went down
My dream was that I was asleep and then abruptly woke up by a sound of knocking at the door But when I woke up, there was no one at the door
Dreamed I was driving then when I got to my destination I was fighting then an eclipse took the sky. I stoped and admired its beauty and I started to levitate (fly) to the sky.
Dreamt about my late grandfather, I was in a family gathering, we were about to eat, and I suddenly began crying uncontrollably to the point where I couldn't breathe, when I woke up, I was crying too.
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