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25 Apr 2024

Time Travel


I've had this dream before it started off in another realm like from the movie avatar and i was a part of a traditional African tribe and i was feeling sickly because my body was rejecting its avatar,which always caused me to randomly constantly faint at different times. also had a family of 3.... 2 boys,1 girl and a newborn newborn. I was also somehow a time traveler that could travel between realms... and my main goal with my family was to somehow help them escape safely from this planet for whatever reason...... and when i say avatar i mean the people with blie skin

25 Apr 2024



I was in an episode of Heartbreak High: summer camp edition. My younger brother and sister were in the dream at the very beginning, and we were hanging out inside a friend’s cabin and left to go back to our cabins for the night. It was dark, and we heard that there was a wolf on the loose. We were walking back with two of our family dogs, and all of a sudden, we started to hear a very strange howling noise. A deer jumped out of nowhere, and it was being chased by a fox. Then the wolf showed up, and Opi, our Brittany Spaniel, started barking at the wolf and fighting it. The wolf started charging at me, and I started yelling and throwing my hands up which scared it towards my brother who did the same thing. The wolf then attacked one of our friends who tackled the wolf and bit it. We got scared that the wolf bit her, but she ended up with only a few scratches and was able to fight the wolf and scare it away. We tended to our friend who wrestled with the wolf. The dream fast forwarded to the morning time, and somehow, alcoholic drinks were being served at the summer camp. I was hanging out with one of the characters from Heartbreak High named Darren. Everyone was dressed super cute with lots of colorful clothing. We started doing colorful shots of liquor, and I looked at Darren and yelled, “We’re all being so irresponsible, but at least we’re doing it together!” He smiled and laughed. All of us got really drunk and started acting silly. At the end of the dream, I was compiling footage from the day’s drunk activities and made a music video that featured everyone at camp. We all watched it together and laughed a lot.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was walking maybe even crawling along a jetty that was falling apart and old, at the end of the jetty in the water that was at the same hight of the jetty was an African man swimming, he looked happy and unfazed. I accidentally dropped a towel I had into the water the tried to get it out noticing there are spiders everywhere around me in webs, these spiders were pitch black in color with glossy almost crystal like eyes, in my attempt to retrieve it from the water I fall in and noticed there are these pitch black spiders everywhere, above the jetty, even in the water and webs are everywhere, I am pulled under the water being pushed and pulled by the currents trying so hard not to get caught in the thousands of webs and spiders that were everywhere with no success.

25 Apr 2024



I was with my grandma, Aunt Lisa, & Aunt Moneik and we were helping an older man stay alive after his heart gave up on him. My car and the car we were using for the heart transplant was outside the man’s house. I go in his house to make sure he’s okay and he was. When I went back outside I noticed my car was gone. I was confused because my grandma still had my car keys. My Aunt Lisa confessed that she was apart of stealing my car along with her online friends. She made it seem like because I’m different than everyone else I deserved to have my car taken. I was so upset that I told her I’m suing her and her friends and I’m also hexing them too. My sister Anna was there listening to us go back and forth. My sister was also upset with my Aunt Lisa because she relied on my car for transportation. I checked online and saw people my Aunt Lisa knew talking about me and making fun of my situation. And I couldn’t comment back to defend myself.

25 Apr 2024



I went on a road trip with my husband and kids to Canada. We took a truck and a camper. We were driving on a narrow road. My husband got up from driving so there was no one in the driver seat. The road came to a bridge but it was going under water. I panicked and tried to stop the truck but I couldn’t jump into the driver’s seat in time to hit the brakes. We started to go into the water. I jerked the wheel and got the truck and camper to spin around out of the water. I yelled at my husband for not paying attention to the road. It was very icy and snowy outside. We were surrounded by mountains. We got to our destination but I was upset with my husband for making us leave in such a hurry because I didn’t get to pack any of my clothes. I said I guess I’ll have to buy a new outfit every day we’re out here. We drove across Canada all the way to Eastern Europe. We went to a restaurant where they made big pots of soup. I watched how they poured the soup into the bowls for each guest and I was looking forward too getting mine because I could see it was a Mexican chicken soup with rice. My parents were sitting at our table and I worried that they might not want to stay because of my husband. I walked back to the table and they were all talking just fine so I was relieved. We were staying in an apartment with big windows. There was a man outside that kept staring at me through the window. I laid down on the floor with my baby behind a sofa so he couldn’t look at me but he still could and he was threatening with his hands to hit me and anyone that looked at him. I told my husband to close the blinds so he couldn’t see inside anymore. He closed them but then opened the door for that man. The man wasn’t threatening us anymore once he was inside. I woke up in my bedroom with my baby but my mom invited all of her friends to have a party in my house. I told them to get out of my bathroom because I wanted to take a shower. They weren’t really listening because they were all drinking and I had to corral them out of my bathroom. I closed the door but people kept coming back in. One guy was taking down stringed lights from the doors and from my shower. I couldn’t use my towel because it was spray painted to match the decorations. I was really annoyed and walked next door carrying my baby but my neighbor’s house was turned into a foster home for kids. There were no adults and all of the furniture looked like kids picked it out. I felt sad for the kids since they were alone. I was in the city but I felt myself at child age. I was running and doing parkour off of the steps leading to the front doors of the homes. It seemed like I was running up and jumping down stairs the whole way down the street. One old lady came to her front door yelling to stay away from her house. I was sitting in the middle of a field holding my baby close to me. It was extremely windy. There were trees but kind of far off surrounding the field I was sitting in. It was very cold and I could see the clouds swirling and opening up in places. I felt afraid. I got up still holding my baby close because I could start to feel rocks hitting us. I started walking towards the swirling clouds and wasn’t sure if I was going in the right direction. I thought maybe I should go the other way. I went towards the trees behind me. There was a man standing there with a bunch of wooden boxes. He said this is The End that we were preparing for.

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