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25 Apr 2024

Oral sex


I had a dream that I was with a woman who I know in a hotel room, we were naked on a bed. The time was past 12 and we should have checked out but I didn’t care. The hotel room door was open but I did not care. I performed oral sex on the lady and enjoyed it. Afterward I stood up and pinned to the hotel wall where tiny pictures of me and my family that the girl had put up as a surprise. I left the hotel room and went into a toilet and urinated in a shower. I left the room and suddenly I was outside and talking to a security guard as I thought I was late for breakfast. He asked somebody who said breakfast was still being served. I was then walking over an arched bridge aware that people were with me but being alone. My ex girlfriend walked past me and she was pushing a baby in a pushchair, she was with another man and seemed happy, I carried on walking and was aware of my friends leaving the restaurant before I arrived, they said they were going home, they were all up high and walking down stairs, I was looking up at them. One of them told me they had been up all night and not slept.

25 Apr 2024

Sleep paralysis


When I was little I had re occurred nightmares about my mum turning off the lights in the living room and going upstairs. I would see a man in the mirror and it would glare at me creepily and then it would walk straight out of the mirror and pick me up and I’d cry telling him to put me down. I never recognised who the man in the mirror was but he had a fetty wap eye. I never consumed it got any ideas that triggered that type of dream but all I know is within that same dream I would struggle to walk up the staircase and the higher I climbed the more it felt like gravity was gonna make me fly back down the stair the air pulling me back got stronger and stronger as I got higher and higher at the last staircase I would fly backwards right down the stairs again while I’d hear my mum, sister and dad locked up giggling in the room upstairs. This dream had caused to later on develop superstitions about sleeping near or in front of mirrors. Sleeping in front of. Mirrors for me creates sleep disturbances such as sleep paralysis so I have to either cover the mirrors before going to sleep or get rid of them by placing it in a different room




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Apr 2024



I was in Slovakia, my mums home country… it was sunny and there were beautiful and perfectly healthy trees, leaf’s , grass and cherry blossoms. I have no idea what they were all doing in the nature of my grandparents village - somehow my London friends were there and we were sitting at different parts of the white table stools. I bought a cake mixture but I realised later on that there were missing ingredients. For some strange reason I thought it was a Sunday and it was getting late so I went to my grandma’s house and asked for politely for the missing ingredients and then she said she’ll go to the shops so i told her “but it’s a Sunday shops dont shops close early on a Sunday” which I didn’t actually say in English, then Grandma replied in her foreign language “it’s Saturday today” I ask her if I can go to the shops with her then I dont remember what the hell happened after that all I know is I came back out to my friends at the stool and gave the ingredients but someone was about to steal the original cake mixture and we all almost got annoyed. Then for some crazy ass reason I don’t know what the hell happened after that but fast forward I was told it was already August the 26th and all I know is is that I had to rush and pack everything because I thought I was going to be late for my volunteering abroad trip (which is actually supposed to be happening on the 29th of August in my waking life) then after all that panicking I was reminded my neighbour friend from London “isn’t your trip supposed to be on the 29th of August… it’s the 26th Today” The whole thing was very disorienting for me because I genuinely believed I wasn’t dreaming and it was already August. First I thought it was a Sunday and I was told it was a Saturday then I was told it was august and I thought my trip was supposed be on the 26th and forgot it was supposed to be in the 29th however it’s my mums and my younger half brother’s birthday on that day and I forgot. But I woke up in the morning from my dream I realised it’s actually the 25th of April today and it is actually Thursday. My mother asked me if I wanted sweet or savoury for breakfast and I said sweet because I woke up from a dream about baking a sweet dish which is very funny and Ironic

25 Apr 2024

Best Friend


I only remember a little. I was lost in a city that was unfamiliar for me, I was going to a destination, I don’t know where and why I am going there, but I took something with me which is important, and my guess was that was a thing I need to deliver, as later when it turned nighttime, things got scary. I was suddenly chased by three people. The first one came in front of me but he suddenly went back. I turned around and saw a person in a black hood was chasing me at a high speed. I wasted no time and darted the opposite way. Suddenly there were 2 black hooded person in front of me, charging right at me, but I swiftly dodged all of them. Then i forgot what happened, and it suddenly changed to another scene, where there is a zombie outbreak and I was skydiving into a city, looking to survive. I saw my best friend and we both got guns and we started surviving together like in the hunger games. The city was very high tech like those in sci-fi movies.

25 Apr 2024



I'm with a friend, i can't place who and their cousin or friend. We're hanging out and they bring up someone they know who was a serial killer and a genius. They show me his picture and name one Facebook. He's "Sean Rank". The next thing I remember is I'm working for the police some how and there's a murder. A woman is found dead in the pool. At this part of the dream I'm having really bad anxiety. I'm worried about my family. I'm talking to a cop when I get an email. It's from Sean. He's threatening me. The cops are going crazy but they aren't necessarily protecting me. I go home (which is a hotel) my parents parents aren't really that worried about the situation....until I get another email. My dad reads it and I text a cop I was working with. He says they'll check it out in the morning. We'll before we go to bed, my parents decide they want to stay somewhere with more room, so dad and Isaac (little brother) leave. And mom and I have to finish putting stuff away and packing. but i hear a weird sound at the door. Mom goes to look buy I slam it shut because I'm scared. I look under the door and theyres a stack of blankets and a note for me with one Penny on it. I call the police and they're there quickly. They never seem worried about protecting me though, just about catching him. Mom and I go to the other place we're staying too. The next part I remember is we're at a banquet hall, and I feel super anxious. Everyone's talking to me since they know about the emails and letters Sean is sending me. But all I feel is anxious and scared in the big crowd (in real life I don't like big groups of people). Sean's cousin is thre and I ask him questions about Sean and he avoids them all and leaves. Next thing I know there is a voice on the loud speaker. It says for everyone to throw their phones on the floor with their keys. If they don't he'll kill someone. He had set a bomb in the building. We all listened. He said no one move but my mom kept moving to get closer to my brother. He said e all the have a few seconds to run toward the door til he said stop. When he tells us to stop my mom keeps going and it scares me. Finally he tells us to run outside. And I'm running but I'm scared that Sean is waiting for me or will hurt my family. I want to yell that people need to let small people out first but I'm afraid they'll think I'm trying to get out first because I'm small. I find Isaac and run, but I can't find my mom. I'm outside and I feel like he's following me and going to hurt me or Isaac. Then I woke up, I fell back asleep and was almost lucid dreaming because I was making choices but Sean catches me. And says if I don't do what he tells me then he will kill me brother. So I obeyed him. It was super scary

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