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2 Jun 2024
I was showing pictures to a friend about the old skinny me but I could find it and then somebody came with an AK-47 that had a suppressor that had like fire bullets and started shooting at a car, but then he turned around and said my name and started shooting at my back while I was dying I was trying to repent to god
I had a meth using dream
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I had a dream that I was in a Tyler perry play we where practice and rehearsals and it was good then I got back to my YouTube studio and organize how I will practice my lines and get other work done and I was writing down YouTubees who I wanted to feature in their videos the YouTube studio was a big building where all the YouTubees came and filmed their videos and went home and 12:30am because it closes our landlord for the YouTube studio was Dennis Rodman in the dream he drove my dads old truck but he recked it and now it has tape all over it trying to old it back together. In the YouTube studio you can see people in their room setting filming their videos I saw a girl go live with her sisters in her room it looked like her bedroom back home but it was in her studio and they were just doing what they normally do on YouTube then when it was 12:30am it was time to close me and my sister Taylor where helping Dennis close up for the night we walked pass her room and it was empty just the bed because every night at closing time she takes everything with her and brings it back the next day after we closed I saw my favorite YouTube come out of her studio across the way her name is joylovestosing on YouTube it was so cool. Then I turned to look at Dennis he was putting stuff in his car and Dennis turned into a white man and I asked Dennis is their anything else you want us to do and the dream ended.
I was at this field with my coworkers because it was someone’s birthday at work or something. We were all playing some games and just relaxing because it was sunny. I started drinking but only a little bit and I started to lose my inhibitions. I started not being able to really open my eyes, I was falling all over the place, I couldn’t keep my balance, I was purring my speech. I started almost bumping into to my coworkers because of how unbalanced i was. Eventually it was time to leave and i tried my best to sober up so i wouldn’t crash. i sobered up a little bit but was still pretty intoxicated and probably could’ve driven better if i was sober. Then i went to the mall and met with my friends. When we got inside i was all the way sober it was like i hadn’t drank anything at all. we walked around and one of my friends jacob kept kind of venturing off from us and i kept thinking we lost him in the mall but we didn’t. I saw this one guy i used to go to school with his name was KJ and we passed each other and made eye contact. Guys were staring at me as we walked through the mall. We went to a store that was like a shoe store and started talking about my coworker Junior. my friend jacob me Junior’s girlfriend worked where we were at and she was right by us and to be careful what i say. i tried to switch it up like i was talking about someone else. i think i was talking about the fact that i always forget that junior has a girlfriend because he acts single. then out of nowhere this flying, glowing red entity that was shaped like a person flew in and in a weird distorted voice told us that it was taking us and the world. it was the end of the world and something like a black hole started i was scared but there was no point in running because i knew it was going to suck me in regardless. i saw everything get sucked into the black hole with me and spin in a circle and the red glowing entity was just smiling and laughing in such an evil way. Somehow we made it out of the black hole i’m not sure if we defeated the evil entity or not but we were out. Next thing i know i’m meeting up with my old friend gia at the mall to eat and catch up. she was walking to the mall and i was driving. figuring out where to meet up and where she was at was a little bit confusing for some reason and we kept laughing over the phone at the fact that i kept passing her and going the wrong way and then going the right way. i parked on the opposite side of some entrance on accident because i thought she said to meet over there but she meant the other side. of wasnt a big deal because there was a doorway on both side and they were onto about 20-30ft apart. we got inside and i already ordered chik fil a but she wanted chipotle. we started laughing again because i guess the plan was to go to chipotle but i didn’t know so i already got chik fil a.
I dream about something so scary I remember I was in my bed wen I saw a shadow I couldn’t explain how it looks like but it was so scary 😨
I was in a car with some people, one of them was a guy I had a crush on when I was younger. There is a dance that is supposed to happen and I wanted to go but he tells me that he didn’t want anyone to see us together just yet. When we get to the destination, somebody asks him if he is going to the dance. He tells them yes, that he is going. I was confused. He then tells me that he has decided to go to the dance and that he is going to wear a red tie, and that I better have a nice red dress to wear. He then tells me that we should have sex before the dance
I ran into an old friend and roommate at a grocery store. We talked about yogurt and all the stuff we wanted to buy. She was so nice to me. We did not get along in real life. I have not seen her in over 3 years. I haven’t been thinking of her either
I was in my moms old house. I was in my room but it looked different. I remember a girl being with me and she was helping me re-decorate the room. She helped me decide what i wanted to do with the two rugs i had. I went to go leave the room and stepped on a horse. The horse began to rise and stand up. The horse was dark. Almost like a shadow at first. Then the horse stood on its hind legs like it was about to buck or kick me in the face. I moved out of the way. I realized someone was coming into the house bc i heard the front door open. Then its like i knew/ could see that it was my family for a split moment. I screamed for help. The horse bucked 3 times and i felt like it was trying to keep me from leaving the room. A little hispanic girl ran up and she got hit by the horse trying to help. My mom ran up right behind her and the horse kicked my mom down some stairs. I ran out of the room to try to tend to the girl but she was gone and i found two types of gold chain necklaces on the ground. I picked them up. Then i looked down the stairs and saw my mom knocked out. I went to the kitchen for something but i forgot what i went to get. Then i went into the living room and i remember appologizing and cleaning up with my husband. I remember fixing the couch. It had a blanket over it and we were stuffing the blanket over and around the couch under the cushions. There was more to the dream but i cant remember
I had a dream where I was in the show Euphoria, I was doing drugs with Rue, and my crush and I had a relationship like Nate and Maddy but he taught me how to use Bitcoin and Kat became an pornhub star but me and my crush Liz were arguing and then he choked me and we had sex and he brought me a dress as an apology.
On a bus and a guy with 2 dog’s aboard. The 2 dogs looked viscous but they came and calmly sat next to me. The man who owned the dogs began to argue with the bus driver. He then proceeded to threaten the driver with a big butcher knife. I looked down and there was a infant little girl in my arms and a gun in my hand. I let off a warning shot to tell the guy to back off. He began to stab the bus driver so i shot him but when everyone got off the bus i was no longer holding a baby she just vanished
I was living with my family and another family I knew growing up and my grandparents. I was sharing a room. The house wasn’t clean at all. I was walking through the living room when someone came in and told me that someone was coming to visit me. When I opened the door it was the young security guard from where I work. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him. He held his arm out to cuddle me and I leaned in. After of few minutes we were kissing. He put his hand down my top and played with my breasts. We ended up laying down and he slid his hand into my pants. He made me orgasm and then he fell asleep with me. When I woke up I was alone. I was trying to get ready for work but couldn’t find any of my clothes. Everyone was trying to help. We checked all the drawers and closwts. My vice principal came over in her pajamas to check on me and asked me about summer school. I told her I applied but didn’t hear back. She left and we continued to search for my clothes. I found a school sweater and a pair of leggings. It was hot but I had to wear them. I was late. I found parking and went to the school. It looked like a farmhouse and a college. Outside was green and pretty. I loved it. Then I woke up.
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