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17 Jun 2024
I’m just saying I have to get the men to get me some more of the stuff and I’ll take a look and love
I had a dream that I was performing a play. We were attacked by pirates. We got into a fight. I remember specifically breaking all of their arms in a certain way. I was very angry.
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I had a dream I Was a witch in the coven American horror stories and I also had sisters that are on a different show I watched and one of the sisters had cancer and my sisters dared me to speak to my crush and seduce him it was originally my crush Andrew but he changed later but I was at this really old school I never been to in real life but my teacher wasn’t there nor was most of my class so I had to sit in someone else’s class room but it was very early like 6 in the morning but by the time got up to go talk to Andrew I got dismissed from class which was at 7 am and still dark I looked at the time and it was 4 pm and it started getting light outside so I go outside and call my uncle to pick me but he said he had to get ready so I just sat by these boys and one of them was apparently my “crush?” He had dark skin and dreads he was Kai cents but his name was something else and I accidentally sat on this abandoned dirty couch but after being told it was abandoned I got up and got on the bus to go to my grandmas neighborhood
The sun is shining off the calm clear waters. I follow the man down the dirt road to the edge of the water. Not lake, more like the place was flooded , ruins of some kind partially submerged in clear waters. Anyway I watch as he steps onto the water and seems to walk on top of it. But as I get closer I see stones making a path and I step onto the water and follow him across. Halfway to the other side we are both in water up to our knees. It's only slightly cool notice as he helps me up on the other side. We are getting his hidden stash of weapons.
Last night I dreamt I was in my 20s again, and had just moved to Melbourne with Juta, like we did when I was 22. I got abducted by a very wealthy mob boss, and eventually found that I was falling in love with him and our lifestyle, and even though Juta was doing everything he could to get me back, I didn't return to him.
I got a dream it was like I was moving on a certain road but it was a maram road and my uncle not the same mother with my uncles but the same father came driving a vehicle but he refused to stop and l chased him until he accepted to carry me
I had a dream that I was going to catch a plane with my mum but we didn't have any money to do it or tickets and my mum doesn't have a passport so we decided that I was going to pretend that I was disabled and she was my carer and try and sneak on the plane. So we got to the car park at the airport and we found a wheelchair and I got in the wheelchair and she was pushing me all the way to the airport and then we were going through the check in and I started just making a lot of noise and they kind of ushered us through, got us on the plane and then we were sat right at the front and we were like okay, so far so good, nobody's checked our tickets and the flight was like I don't know, an hour and a half and we just pretended to be asleep and then we got off the other side and again I started making a lot of noise and they just ushered us through the other side without checking our passports and we were like wow that was really easy, that was quite bizarre and that was it.
i in a race and i got off course to a dark path and was chased and killed by some demonic entity
I kept falling in holes and my family told me to stop playing but I was really stuck
My friend Kary teaches in a school. One day, he invited me to have dinner with him and his friends. The location was the library of his school. The school location was very dark and remote. When I walked over, I saw that the window where his working sit was still lit. Knowing that he was still working, I entered the library and saw two library administrador . They Knowing that I was Kary’s friend, they click the security pass buttom for me to entered. I entered through the side door, and then went to the main entrance to open the door and closed it again to stop the doorbell ringing. After a while, Kary came down. Other friends gradually arrived, and we ate together in the library.
I dreamt about a brother teaching Bible in class and I'm taking notes along with my college classmate Amala. Someone saw Lija Chechi telling Sajos wife that Sli Aunty is a nuisance and they are waiting for her to die
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