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2 Jan 2025
Last night I dreamt that I was cooking in a beautiful kitchen.
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During a restless night I had several images that coursed through my mind. The only one I recall is a moment where I was ordering fast food. In that dream I was asked if I would like coleslaw with my order, to which I replied yes. What is the significance of coleslaw?
1 Jan 2025
I dreamt that I was bathing in a bath-house like setting with my friends from high school. Their children were there, but my children weren't. Possibly because my children are now adults.
I had a dream I was hanging with the lady that sold my car to me and a car to my mom and she had started an ice cream business side hustle. Out of nowhere one of her family members I assume started having chest pains and couldn’t speak which I quickly identified as a heart attack or stroke. Everyone panicked but I remained focused and instructed them to call out text 911. Some cellphones had bad signal and others weren’t getting the message out so I requested the phone of I believe the daughter of the patient and did it myself from the phone. I don’t know how but I was able to communicate quickly and succinctly as if I was a medical personally myself. They were taking a while so we tried to find the hospital entrance ourselves on foot since the mall was connected to the hospital but on the opposite end. I didn’t want to compromise the patient in any way so I told her family to go sit in the open lobby area and have her focus on breathing. I started to run across the mall to grab a wheelchair but figured it’d be smarter to just text 911 again and request them to bring one when they arrived. Eventually a Dr rushed over on foot and helped the patient and I asked him if I should text 911 again to help emergency services find us better but he said that wasn’t necessary because they were already close to come help us and could figure it out. Most of the family members were crying or panicking, with the daughter dropping her ring at some point as I asked her for her phone instead. She thanked me with tears in her eyes and I felt a sense of purpose come over me.
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