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25 Feb 2025

Abandoned home


It was a society where Titans and humans lived kinda segregated. Like the Titans were the divine beings but they lived here like humans. But there were fences between us. And if there was a parade- we’d be separated. I’m not sure why but the whole dream I kept tryna find ways to go into the Titans territory. I just thought it was so cool to see a bigger world. There were male titans- most of the titans had amazing bone structure. And they would fight with swords. Kill monsters and stuff. I really can’t remember. There was like this worm like creature with faces that tried forcing its way into a museum and the man killed him. There was a rather confusing part in the dream about sexual relationships between Titans and humans. Something about how some Titans would try to form almost like harems with humans, usually women but sometimes men and the reason people would join was cause sometimes through sex they’d be uplifted to the Titan society. In the dream I almost felt like a researcher for the cause or whatever. Though how it was gone about was pretty sad. They didn’t treat eachother kindly, even in these types of relationships. The Titans seemed to view humans as less and used them physically however they wanted. And the humans only seemed to view the titans as a means to an end. There never seemed to be any love. I was trying to break into the titans side of the city- as I’d done a few times already but all the gates were closed and the guards would kinda like spit on you. So I was walking back to my family when a young Titan lady saw me carrying two books. She kinda just took one and asked if I wanted company I think. Said I shouldn’t be carrying such heavy stuff even though it was just two books. I was really happy to talk to her. She wasn’t like monsters vs aliens kinda tall- more like, maybe a little shorter then my house? I told her I was hiding from my mom so we took the long way to this church place and we started talking about music. I started singing Halliluya- and she said how she loved that song, so I asked her what her favorite faith song was. I couldn’t remember what she said but I’m sure I haven’t heard it before. By the time we reached the church, a guy from the higher ups came to fetch her and I was tryna tell her about the song, raindrops are falling on my face. She was very pretty and sweet. I liked her a lot. I also had a dream I had sex with an alien? It was really really weird. I felt uncomfortable about it the entire time. I felt like one of those people pleaser guys in a comedy movie like “ya this is totally what I wanted to happen on a Friday night” I’m pretty sure I’ll remember what happen so I’m not gonna write it. Alien bro was chill though. Like they weren’t a bad person and I’d be down to be friends but it just felt so wrong. Like who are you. I’m not in love with you. Why is this happening. Oh well.




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25 Feb 2025



I'm at this banquet again and I'm the last one to get there and as soon as I get there everyone starts going for the food and there seems to be like some church's fried chicken there and I'm trying to get some but everybody's grabbing the chicken it's fast food chicken right and they're grabbing all the big pieces and I'm trying to grab like a chicken breast and this girl she comes up there this is a girl I went to college with she comes and grabs the piece of chicken and then she grabs this drumstick and tries to give me the drumstick and I'm like I don't want the drumstick so she just throws it on the ground I'm like well why does she even grab it if she didn't want it so I only have like maybe a wing on my plate with some other food so I go around the table and I find that there's some other food that no one's touched it's not fast food this is actually some gourmet food like some chicken and cream and I taste it and it tastes really good and there's some sausages and so I fill my plate with the catered food not the fast food. As I get around the table I'm looking for some hot sauce and there's another guy on the other side of the table that has some haycake bats with hot sauce he gives it to me and I sprinkle some on my plate then I put it back on the table and I'm walking around to look for a seat now and I have a plate full of food and an appetizer with some chips and a guy from a distance points at me he looks upset like I offended him or something he starts following me and I'm walking down these steps trying to find my seat because I have all this food now but I don't have a seat and I drop my chips and some other guys hold him back because obviously he's upset I did something I offended him and I'm still looking for my seat and well the dream ends I never ended up finding a seat and being able to eat my food

25 Feb 2025



I don’t remember the details in the beginning of the dream but it almost seemed like a curse or Something I just remember having this sudden fear I seen my old orange cats that I used to have running around and playing when I went into the kitchen to see what the cat was doing it made a strange sound as if it was going to attack me … I remember looking out the front window and seeing weird birds that actually sound like they were talking and saying hello to each other I remember going upstairs to get one of my daughters to Come downstairs with me so we could turn on all the lights as we were doing that I seen a young guy peeking through my back door as if he was trying to break in i immediately screamed for my daughter to go get dad as if he was upstairs to try and scare the intruders. Away by that time I seen two other intruders approach the door I remember my daughter handing me the phone I thoug by in my mind to call 911 but I woke up in Complete fear

25 Feb 2025



6:25 Pm - I had a dream where my friend and I had to go look for her sister who went “missing” so we got in her car and went to a place that my friend knows that her sister would go to and luckily she was there at the place . She was there for an “eye surgery” on the 4th floor so we got out the the car and walked into the building to go get her . We walked into the building to the front desk and told the person there everything she told us to take the stairs to the 4th floor instead of the elevator because the elevator is acting “very funny “ ^ when she said that I thought it was very strange^ but we didn’t listen and took the elevator to the 4th floor to go get her sister as planned little do we know the building had other plans for us . So we get in the elevator and it looked like a regular elevator but little did we know it wasn’t , so my friend called her sister on the phone to let her know that we are in the elevator going to the 4th floor so I clicked the 4th floor button and didn’t think much about it and it started moving up to the fourth floor right ?? ^wrong^ so we thought , as soon as the elevator went up it started to change and act different my friend started to notice that her phone kept dropping the call every time we reach a floor in the building then I noticed that we “stopped” at the 4th floor but the doors to the elevator wouldn’t open ; but it’s weird because it said “approaching the 4th floor” but then the little screen in the elevator showed something completely different it’s showed 28⬆️ . We ^ as in my friend and I ^ looked at each other so confused and then the doors of the elevator opened and we stepped out into a dark strange hallway and when we turned around to go back into the elevator it was gone and we ended up in an arcade . We started looking around for her sister but she isn’t there then my friend has to use the restroom ^ little do we know that would be the biggest mistake of our lives because we would be trapped inside the arcade forever with no way out.^ all of a sudden I felt like we was in danger and needed to leave so I walk to the bathroom to find my friend but she wasn’t there and I thought it was weird so I left the bathroom and was looking and calling out for my friend but stopped because I noticed something weird with everyone around me ; every single person was in a trance looking up at a single tv playing a sad song ^ the song trust was playing was my heart will go on by Celine Dion ^ then I panicked I started to scream my friends name and look for her but the weird thing was I could hear her voice but couldn’t see her and I was like what the fuck .

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