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2 Sep 2024

Abandoned home
Being chased with a knife


Busy dream ,, fragments rememberd. In front of line to exit enclosure. Kind of a lockup,, getting pushed around by all the people in line to leave. Get out and find a stainless steel sharp shiny camping ax. Take it and pit it in my SUV. Hiding it since I feel I'm stealing it. Lost my keys and find the in the dirt outside the car.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

2 Sep 2024

Love Interest


I had a dream where I was in a competition between my classmates and whoever won got to get the highest grades in class. Me and my friend were late so we ended up almost being last but we went through the challenge faster than some so we were ended up being in the middle of the game. The popular guy won somehow not sure since he’s not really the smartest in bunch. I kind of said that out loud and he heard me so he started picking on me for it, it was kind of embarassing. After he was done he went back to what he was doing and then a boy closer to my age came over to me and laughed saying that I really showed him off and that no one else has done that before. When the challenge was done my best friend and I walked back to school. The next day I saw that boy again and we ended up talking a lot during lunch and laughing a lot as well. A few days later the boy was up on the bridge and his big brother came over, which ended up being the snarky famous guy in school. The big brother said that he realized the boy was acting strange and then realized he was lovesick with this girl he knew but turns out he didn’t ask her what her name was. They were talking and his brother told him he should just ask her but he was scared to do so. Turns out the girl the boy was talking about was actually me and I actually kind of liked him too, my best friend said she knew that already and that she saw it the moment he talked to us at the competition. I was confused but I think she was right anyways. After that I woke up before he got to ask me out

2 Sep 2024



My ex friend Kristina’s boyfriend Chris was back in town (they both moved out of state years ago and we haven’t been friends since 2018). Chris was back in town, with out Kristina and somehow we crossed paths again. At one point we seemed to be in my late grandparents backyard. I was somewhat excited he was here but curious as well. He didn’t mention Kristina or the fact we hadn’t been friends in so long. Fast forward and now im hosting a Halloween party. Chris and Kristina are both there and we’re all friends again. I’m confident, joyful and eager to show them all my cool Halloween decorations. I wanted to talk to kristina about dreams I’ve had through out the years, of her and i becoming friends again (these dreams really did happen), but i was so busy tending to the rest of the party and didn’t get a chance. Then my mom appears and she’s telling me very privately, while looking into my eyes, that my life is going to change tomorrow (she’s psychic). I said “really? Are you sure”? She said yes and nodded her head and reaffirmed- “your life is going to completely change tomorrow”.

2 Sep 2024



Everyday for lunch me and my brother goes to the meatball restaurant, bcs he likes it. We always accidentally met my aunty there, and one day her children too in which are my cousins. We ate together there just like normal. One day, suddenly im in a school festival. Its like the usual festival, im with my circle of friends and we hanging out there. We watched a movie, and after that theres this 2 cage that actually just a makin a hallucination vision. So 1 person can actually seems like being inside both of this cages, her left body side on the left cage and the same way for her right. I think shes my friend (idk if shes rlly my friend or its just me i dont rlly remember). When i see it from outside the cage, it makes a hallucination vision that her half and half got cut. One side she has white side and the other black side, i mean her outfit. But when i look closely its changed to her real outfit bcs i broke the hallucination vision. And then move on i hanging out with friends again. And i get an idea for a joke, bcs i remembered abt the cage there. The joke is, guess what this cage kinda like can do? But my friends having too much fun with each other that i got ignored, so i raise my voice repeating the joke but turns out the class infront of me heard it all and being the who answered it for me. The answer they said is the right answer, "what that cage can do is humantraffiking". I walks in the class, say hi to everyone ik there then left. When its time to go bcs the festival ended, i got approached by a teacher....after this i forgot the rest of it

2 Sep 2024



I was somewhere out in public and I saw my ex in a crowd of people wearing his usual flannel. He got a haircut that looked nicer than the last time I saw him. The fact that he got a haircut made me so angry because he refused to get a haircut, when I asked, when I was dating him. I approached through everyone and started nagging him about his haircut. Then for some reason we go to his apartment where I see his new girlfriend again and I tell her to watch her back because my ex will mistreat her like he mistreated me. My ex seemed angry I was telling her these things but I didn't care, it was good for her to know. She was polite about my warnings, (which was a little different than in real life) but It didn't seem to change her opinion of him. I continued in a little more detail what my ex has done to me, then I quickly start hitting on her and asking to hang out. When we all hang out I keep being reminded of his haircut because I can see him and I get so overwhelmingly angry periodically.

2 Sep 2024



I had an apartment in Manchester. At least, I was hanging out with friends that had an apartment there. Ashton was with me, wouldn’t leave my side. We were outside, there was a storm. The storm kept getting worse, thunder and rain so much that the street was flooding. I kept trying to go to my car, Ashton followed everywhere I went. He kept trying to make me smile, always making jokes and trying to hold me. Water kept slowing us down, or sweeping me away. My car would get swept away, or I’d have to change direction because there were men staring at me that I didn’t want to go near. I think there were two girls with our group, but we left them behind early. I kept trying to get help because of the storm, but my phone wasn’t working. Ashton and I tried going into a few buildings to keep out of the storm, water would sweep me down the stairs and I’d have to get back up. I lost my bag, lost my car. I barely had my phone when we went into a store for a charger. They didn’t have the right one, so we left. Ashton saw a girl and started walking with her, I think he knew I’d follow him but I let him be at first. I thought he’d come back on his own but he was all the way down the street with this girl by the time I went outside the store. He was eating, this girl was working at a fast food place where they were standing outside of and she had given him some food. When I got there I asked for some and had to go in to get it myself. I shared with Ashton outside, the storm still going overhead, while he was talking and smiling at this girl. I woke up after that.

2 Sep 2024

Car accident


A lot happened in this dream. It starts off with me and my little sister at the gym working out. I tell her that I need to go but I can’t find my car in the parking lot. I think it’s been stolen and I find it a couple stores over, nothing has been touched. Then the dream shifts into me taking a little baby from one of my high school friends mother. She is kind of frantic and I remember a intense feeling of needing to get the baby into one of the car seats in my car and leave the place I was at. I needed to get the baby away. Then the dream shifts again and I’m seeing my best friend who currently doesn’t live around me She is showing me her positive pregnancy test and she is in shock. I am so happy for her because she has her tubes tied and while it is not impossible for her to get pregnant it’s a little more rare for it to happen. We are both happy for her and hugging her and her two sons she already has. Then the dream changes again. I’m lm back in the car with the little baby and I’m getting to the current house I live in. It’s dark outside but I’m looking around before I hurriedly get the baby out of the car. I rush inside with it and I lock the dirt and go take care of the baby and put it in a crib. I then look outside waiting for my older sister. She is across the street walking her dog, but this dog I’ve never seen before, in walking life she doesn’t have this dog. She is also walking one of my dogs. I see my dog run up to the back door and I let him in and I waiting for my sister. I hear her calling a name, I assume the dogs name, and then she runs to my front porch and then I go still as I see this colored fog. I know it’s what we are nervous and scared of. The blueish green fog creeps along the outside of the houses, looking for someone or something to look at it. My sister stares straight ahead through the window at me and doesn’t move. I stare right back at her. Not leaving her. This fog starts circling her slowly and I can see my sister flinch but she doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t move. Then this fog slithers off after a minute but I goes up towards the street, I shake my head slightly to let my sister know that the fog hasn’t completely left yet. In the distance there is a dog barking. The dog my sister was walking. Out of my peripheral vision I see the fog moving on the street and then another light comes on the street. I hear screeching tires and car horn and a yelling. My sister and I don’t move yet. It gets quiet and I see tears running down my sisters cheeks. The fog leaves I step outside to whisper to my sister but something catches my attention on the street. It’s the dog she was walking but it was now a whiteish grey ghost, running up and down the street wagging its tail looking for something. I turned towards my sister with tears in my eyes. Then I wake up. Now this was not said in the dream but in my mind and hear I knew that in the dream we called the fog the bogge and what it does is try to get you to aknowledge its presence and talk to it or make eye contact with it so that it can get you to do things and see things that it wants. Sometimes it will kill you by making you do stuff and other times it doesn’t. I think what happened on the street in my dream was the dog was chasing the bogge and the bogge let it into the street where it got hit by a car and died.

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