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Dream Meanings – page 27

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1 Jan 2025



In my most recent dream I saw a man who appeared to be in his mid 30’s sitting at a table. He was holding a straight pin between his thumb and forefinger about a foot in front of his face. It seemed he was studying the pin while holding it with the pointed end between his fingertips. Silver sparkling dust, fairy dust if you will, began falling from the round, ball shaped head of the pin.

31 Dec 2024



I was look up at the ceiling inside of a vent to find a very unsettling small version of Mr. Krabs from the show SpongeBob, only he is swaying from side to side. His eyes are cloudy and limbs look distorted, his normal clothes look to be his skin and he looks less sentient and more murderous in intent. I only saw this for a few seconds before someone came to my side and said it was a prank someone did to scare people from looking into things they're not supposed to. The stranger asked "haha, it's a good prank, right?" But something seemed very off to me. For some reason this seemed like the real deal, like it's the fabled creature that some people seemed to have spotted recently, but everyone thought it was an obvious joke, because everyone though no way that could be real. I kept staring at it like a prey staring at a predator with deep inset panic and wide eyes. I was then pulled away from the vent as I didn't want to look away in case he fell down. Then time fast forwarded to where I was at someone's house for a party, looked to be new years eve. I look outside and get a glimpse of the same creepy Mr. Krabs creature scuttling and bolting down the street. I get up and scream. Everyone else in the party look outside to see the same thing. They all looked nervous and conspired to think it was an animatronic that someone had made to look like the creature. I interjected and said I don't think so. I was too scared to be denying it and playing everyone's game. I suggested that we catch up to it and pin it down to see if it's real or not. And since everyone else seemed bored with the party, they agreed. We ran down the street as fast as we could go to catch up to the blobby thing. It was so disturbing and distorted but running so fast, I was so intrigued but scared for my life at the same time. Then one of the guys catches up to me and pounces like a cat on top of Mr. Krabs. There was a rustle of a fight but he said he got him. We somehow got it home and pinned it down on the table. It's beady but cloudy eyes stared at me but through me. It's body was gooey but also hardened in some places like a shell. I decided to take the first stab at it as I was intrigued. I poked it with a ballpoint pen, as nothing else seemed to want to puncture it. It made a hole in the shell, and as I pulled the pen out of it, some of the flesh poked out like a balloon. I then felt a sharp stab on the side of my stomach, like I was prodded in the same spot, and felt a pinching sensation, like my muscle was being stabbed with the sharp sides of a shell. I grabbed my side, and had to ask someone else to keep poking it. I felt the pain each time, and its eerie eyes kept looking at me the whole time. I finally had to take over the procedure again, and start removing the shell like peeling a boiled egg. Each time I felt a small sense of relief. One of the guys had the idea just to kill the creature, as it was squirming and we didn't know what to do with it and didn't want it to get loose and rampage the town. I immediately hobbled away to take cover as I knew what was about to happen. The guy took a knife and stabbed the creature with all his might and the creature exploded EVERYWHERE. For some reason, my cats loved the goo, and they began to lick at it and roll on it. It was so disgusting. And the stench that filled the room is the worst I've ever smelled in my entire life. I couldn't not get over the smell. I woke up from the dream gagging from the smell, which did not go away until I woke up fully out of the dream.

31 Dec 2024

Black women


I traveled somewhere with my fiancé, Endrit, but I don’t know where we went to exactly. I think we commuted there by bus, as I remember us getting off of a black shiny bus with swirly styles of blue, yellow, red, and orange. The sky was very blue, it felt like it was late noon in the summertime, Endrit was dressed accordingly almost like how the first time I met him in person. It seemed to be a small yet beautiful town we were at so we explored it, and there was others around doing the same thing. I came across this black lady who showed me an odd video of another black lady’s eyebrows worked on, and she had a braid extension hanging off the edge of both brows with bows on it. I knew it was a sister code moment, and she’d get offended if I judged it and even though I wanted to laugh and say “What the fuck?” I didn’t. I did send the video to my fiancé, who’s Albanian, just to be funny and I think he was confused I don’t know what his response was or if he seen it because when I tried to see if he seen it on Instagram messages, our chat wasn’t there as if it’s been deleted.

31 Dec 2024



I this dream I remember feeling anxious about my life and feeling stuck in my way of life. I also remember feeling like something unseen or just a dark feeling had its grasp on me. In the dream I went to my uncle Bill to try and talk with him about my feelings and to try and see how I could change or get out of whatever it is holding on to me. However while talking he told me that there wasn’t much I could do and that my bed had basically already been made. Then seen the changed and it was night and dark and cold. There was fog in the air and an unsettling feeling. I was in a big grass area surrounded by coffins that were all open. Suddenly a large figure appeared it was death himself clocked in a balck hooded cap that moved like the fog. He told me to pick one to lie in before he took me. The rest of the dream was of me just lying in coffins all different until I woke up.

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