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11 Sep 2024



Last night I dreamt that I went on a walking tour of JP's home town. There was Iots of seafood. It was a very quaint and there was a beautiful spa.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

11 Sep 2024



I dreamt I was outside on holiday, we was sitting around a hot tub which was situated in a beautiful environment of trees, running water etc…. I was talking to a lady who said she had spoken to a few people who I know that said I take really good care of my skin, especially whilst on holiday, I always had insect repellent on and factor 50. Also she had noticed I had no bites what so ever, that’s why she asked. I looked down at my arm and saw what looked like a bite, which had green slime coming out of it, I was trying to squeeze it out, then noticed that it was in the shape of a frog under my skin. I showed my husband who was in the hot tub and then proceeded to try and pull the green frog out of my arm, I started panick, so started pulling really hard, I managed to get it out and throw it away from me, it then landed on my neck, then back on my arm!… I did manage to get it off me eventually….

11 Sep 2024

Angry at Dad
Being Late


The Dream: I was driving with my three children in our van to church. When coming up to the church, I had to pass it because the parking lot was full and there were no spaces for me to park. I had to drive all the way around the Triangle before coming back to the church to see if there was anymore parking. Somehow my high school best friend showed up and she told me she would drive. (Thinking she could make it happen) I let her and I sat in the back with my children. Since we were really close to the church, I did not have my seatbelt on and neither did my youngest daughter (age 3). All of a sudden, a very sad/angry looking man stepped out in front of our car. I knew that he was the significant other of my BFF but I didn’t want her to let him in our car. I did not feel good about it. I pleaded with her telling her to not let him in. She let him in. He sat in the passenger seat. They instantly became upset with one another. I was watching from the back. My youngest was between them up in the front. I noticed erratic driving from my BFF and I did not feel safe for myself or my children. I asked my BFF to please be careful because we did not have our seatbelts on, I pleaded with her to let me please get them in their seats because I did not feel safe. I did get them in their seats. As we kept driving in this triangle and passing the church. It continued to rain. My BFF kept showing signs of road rage. People weren’t driving fast enough. People were driving on her tail. She would honk the horn or slam on the breaks. Doing so caused harm to the people behind her. They fall into a sink hole filled with water, but they were able to get out and come back towards her. She continued driving with the goal of getting us to the church. We kept passing the church because there was never a place for us to park. (Parking lot was full) She was upset. She and her significant other were upset with one another. Then I woke up.

11 Sep 2024

My House
My Job


So in this dream I am this sacred Balinese traditional dance(calonarang) practitioner And I started out in a normal status at my house that I used to live in Hakone And then I slowly get myself roped into like whatever this is And it all starts with me discussing mythology specifically Norse mythology and how it’s connected with Hindu mythology especially in this concept of mindborn children So basically there’s this comparison between Odin or his precursor creating their brothers, sisters and children, And Vishnu or Brahman creating their own children and spouses from just their minds And how their family tree and their primordial family dynamics in general it’s just so messy And somehow that is connected to the Balinese myths because Hinduism spread all the way there and emerged with the indigenous faiths? No this is happening while I’m getting loan from somewhere in Norway or Sweden to my house in Hakone or somewhere in Bali or Philippines for me to perform at So fetch

10 Sep 2024



I had a dream I was in the bed with a guy I’m talking to, but my friends babies were with me and I was taking care of them, they were newborn and the other one was 2 years old. Then he brought his daughter in, she’s 2 years old also. We introduced the kids to each other and took care of them together. Then I thought I woke up but I didn’t, I thought I was dreaming of my friends 2 kids being with me. And he brought his daughter into the room which I thought was real. So I was thinking I actually met her in real life when I didn’t, I was just dreaming it. And then I thought I woke up again and was dreaming that. But I was still dreaming that he was asking me if I threw a rock out of the window. I didn’t know if I threw a rock out of the window so I kept asking him. And then I eventually woke up for real.

10 Sep 2024



I was selling weed, and I sold a couple of ounces, and then this guy tried to buy some titties, and I said that I'm just a guy who holds, and he owed me some money, and I said no, you can't buy me weed, you owe me my money, so he paid me my money, and then this black pal dude hit me up for some weed, and I didn't have anything, and I said I didn't have anything, and he said oh, you know, I thought you were the dude to buy weed from because you seemed like that type of guy, and if you had weed, I'd give you a hiding, so we went up at my marimba at my old best friend's house, and I said to my best friend this here and there, and I was telling him that used to be black grout, and the muggle mob was next door, and they used to occasionally fight, and we went up to the house, and an old stoner dude was living there, so he told me, he goes knock on the door, and see if we'll get signed with us, so I knocked on the door, and I offered him a session, I had a session, he had a session, and then the stoner dude had a session, and then I woke up.

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