26 Feb 2025
I had a dream that I went to somebody's house, I can't remember why I went there but it was a big house and on the walls there was all this kind of really cool art but they were like perspex boxes with stuff in but it was all kind of gothic-y and cool and I was walking around and I was like oh this is really cool and the person who did it had made it themselves and I was like oh that's fantastic and the woman came out and she was famous, I can't remember why she was famous but she was famous and I was like oh right I didn't know we were in her house. Anyway, it turned into a party and a lot of people started coming over and they had a normal staircase to go upstairs but they also had this other way upstairs that was like this thin metal walkway, it went up the wall, along across the back of the wall and around to the upstairs and people were like oh that's the best way to go. I started feeling really tired and unwell and I was like if I start walking up there I'm going to fall down. So I said I'll go up the staircase. So I went on up the staircase and up the stairs there were loads of rooms and I went into the different rooms and they were all filled with beds and I remember being there before and there was a room that me and Paul always stayed in but it was curtained off and I thought well I don't know if that's our room or not. Anyway, all these people started coming upstairs and claiming beds to stay in and Paul came up and he goes oh can you find us somewhere to stay and at that point Steve was also there, he's our friend from Manchester and his wife Wendy and we all went into this big room and there were these like camp beds, a bit rickety but we said okay. So I found a bed I think, I think it had my name on and they were like we're going to get changed for tonight. So I get my bag out and I had some trousers with Mr Men on and everybody else was dressing up in really smart, nice, fancy clothes and I thought I haven't brought anything like that with me but I was wearing black trousers and just like a white top and I thought that'll do and somebody came over and they said oh have you not got anything sparkly, have you not got anything sparkly? I said I'm just going to wear this and they were like oh you should have brought something sparkly and I was like okay. So I sat on the bed and I was feeling really tired, I was feeling so tired I could just go to sleep and everybody else had claimed their beds and gone off and I thought okay, go downstairs and as I went downstairs there was like this crazy kitchen with all these different devices for flipping over food and making food and somebody was saying oh she's put a lot of effort into this, she's been making all this noise and working so hard to get all this right and there were maids everywhere just serving food and I was like okay. So we went downstairs and Paul said oh it's a meet and greet and I was like meet and greet who? And he said I don't know but we all went off out onto this like kind of open rooftop garden type thing and these people started walking through. I said Paul do you recognise them? And he said no and then these men came through in these big wheelchairs they were like dressed in these really fancy I don't know Indian type clothes and everyone was like clapping them and they said oh we're in wheelchairs but everything works and everybody laughed and they go we'll be expecting some thanks later and we know how you can thank us and they all had their trousers off and it was it was really uncomfortable and I was like okay I'm not down for that at all. So they they went through to the main house and then my boss appears and she was like oh have you uh have you put your name down on the calendar yet? And I said no and she said oh right so when you started this job we were going to give you so much help but then you have to find the meetings that you're invited to and you have to make sure you're invited to them and I went oh okay and said but now isn't the time for a party and I said okay and she walked off. I said to Paul how am I supposed to know what meetings I'm supposed to be invited to? Like I would never have thought of looking at this calendar and we decided to go outside and walk down the road and we were talking about it some more and there was just people everywhere like videoing each other and taking photos of each other and I said to Paul I said I don't even know if we're meant to stay over and Paul said we were never asked to stay over and then all of a sudden we were told to find our beds and I was saying this is really weird I don't I don't understand this at all and Paul was like well maybe we shouldn't stay and I said well then we're gonna get in even more trouble but it was very odd. I was awake a few times in the night