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7 Nov 2023



I had a nightmare last night. I was staying in some kind of homeless shelter, and I had my dog with me and when I woke up the next morning, I noticed that she was not laying beside me. I was asking around and everyone was like oh, they took her to the vet to help her and then finally someone told me the truth that some guy had done some horribly disgusting things to her and it had almost killed her.




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7 Nov 2023



I was going to the bathroom at school and when I walked in 2 girls walked out of the stalls laughing saying to watch out for the pee. I didn't understand what they were talking about and walked into a stall, they peed all over the place and it got in my shoes and on the hem of my dress. They were still laughing, talking about how terrible the staff are and that this will teach them. I rushed out of the bathroom angry asking them what is wrong with them I know have pee all over my shoes and dress and they're disgusting. I leave the building and start walking to a store. Then I see my ex and he tries to talk to me. I tell him I want nothing to do with him and to leave me alone, I need to go and get my dog food. Then I'm in his perspective on a bike riding down a hill through trees, he crashes and gets up in front of some stores. He breaks into one of them through the window. I'm back to my perspective and I make it home to 3 dogs. My current one, a Rottweiler and a Chihuahua. They greet me and go to change my clothes, when I'm done I hear a knock on the door and it's my ex. He has a bag of dog treats and says it for them, before I can tell him to leave he comes in and starts feeding them. I get angry and started yelling at him to leave and I don't know what's in those and I don't want my dogs eating that. He ignores me and goes into my kitchen and starts getting himself food. That's when I got my Rottweiler and told her to get him, then I woke up.

7 Nov 2023



I was at my workplace and I had to step out to the street to use the restroom. For some reason there were two pigs in the office a pink one and a black one, the black one had somehow managed to grab onto me and roll over to throw me on the ground. I managed to leave and walked on the street and it was suddenly night time and someone assaulted me, they grabbed onto my jacket and kept saying don't move, I just followed their instructions and managed to escape and made sire everyone saw him trying to kidnap me. I went back to the office and I explained what happened my manager was really nice about it and hugged me. Then we had to leave for a meeting somehow and I went in her car. She said she was proud of me for being clever enough to escape. Once we arrived my dream shifted towards a walk on a beach with friends and family that I don't know in my waking life. I recognised my dad, my sister and husband but there were other people I didn't know and other little children. We were walking on the beach laughing and dancing and I could hear music. It then turned from a walk on a beach to a wooden house we had to climb through the roof to get in. But it was flimsy wood and it was a small duct which made me feel unsafe so I moved enough to fall through about 3 or 4 floors. The main floor was decorated for kids like a halloween/ cabin in the woods theme and I don't remember more but I woke up shortly after.

7 Nov 2023



Gokul (my partner) and I are in a house, it's rather open plan and near nature. It seems like our families live in the house too. We find a big snake but not ginormous, maybe 2 metres or 3 metres long, it's black and pretty thick. We know we need to capture it and release it, keep away from the home as it's dangerous. Gokul does manage to catch it but he gets a bit like enamored by the snake and isn't getting rid of it. He instead hold its around his arm and neck and it's gazing into his eyes. He's gazing back too. It's not a scary or frightening situation for me, I'm more frustrated and stressed with what's going on. I keep trying to tell him to stop and ask him what the hell are you doing kind of thing. The snake opens its mouth wide in front of his face, it's really close to his face, like an inch. He then proceeds to sort of snap out of it but he places it inside the house. He puts it on the floor of a bedroom. The outer wall of the room (which is where we are standing outside of) has a 4 inch gap to the floor so its exposed to the outside at the bottom. So from the outside, he places the snake through the gap. There's a little long but short, about 5/6 inches, glass panel behind where he places the snake. And right after the glass panel is a bed on the floor. Leaving just the glass panel as a barrier between the snake and bed. I am pretty angry and tell him he can't do that, someone sleeps there, its dangerous. He kinda says that because the wall isn't sealed the snake can go out if it wants. This house is also raised on stilts so the floor of the room is above, about shoulder level. I'm confused and don't understand why he won't just put it in the wild and is endangering our family. The snake then changes to a cat but with black eyes and it's stretching it's mouth, open and close several times like it aches from opening it earlier and also from the transforming. I wake up.

7 Nov 2023



My school caught on fire while we had class with a teacher who made me mad yesterday. In the dream, my classmate mocked me right in my face and then the teacher called me out: "why are you angry when someone mocks you in your face? Are you ok?" and I replied with: "yes, every normal person would be mad about that." Then a collection of taxidermized animals from the biology lab cqught on fire and everyone had to be evacuated, except the evacuation wasn't really systematic and people ended up stepping on my feet and pushing me around. The entire school gathered infront of the building where I asked the very classmate who's had beought me down infront of everyone if she has a problem with me and why. Then I played a sitar infront of everyone. In another part of the dream, I was jetskiing across a frozen lake covered in snow to a mountain restaurant where I had a cup of tea.

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