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7 Nov 2023
I saw I was with a girl that I've never seen before and we swam in the ocean to go to a small island secretly. I kissed her constantly. It was a beutiful island with tribal people.I saw some people in that island having sex publicly. I really connected with her romantically. Best dream I've ever had in my life
I was at a sports/work event where I did not feel comfortable being. One of my colleagues was there with her new boyfriend, she kept me company for a while. At halftime I left to go to the lab. The lab was in a treehouse. Our work hosted hot air balloon rides to kids as a promo event, I did not want to participate and stayed in the treehouse lab. My boss introduced me as the lab assistant to the kids, even though I am the head of department. This made me decide to participate and I got on the last ride, no one noticed until we got off, there were different baskets and I tagged along on a piece of rope. The ride was chaotic with quick turns and ups and downs, the operator kept trying to grab the leaves of trees as we went past them.
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Zombie apocalypse and I was pregnant but safe in my house with my bf.
I had a dream I couldn’t do my job anymore so everyone thought I was a failure and I just ended up walking away and walking through town and no one even noticed I was gone and I was gone for hours
6 Nov 2023
My crush, an older male, was sitting close to me. I could feel his touch and it felt real. We talked about all sorts of things and we kissed.
Me and a group of friends had to defeat a great evil, but I had seen this before in another dream so I knew what to do, but no one else was doing what they needed to
I dreamed that I was in a crowded grocery store with my mom and my grandmother. There was some kind of holiday sale and people kept bumping into me, which overwhelmed my senses and started an anxiety attack. I think I told my mom I was leaving and expressed that I was angry she brought me in the first place, as she should know I couldn't handle crowds like that. As I was leaving I think I heard my grandma say something rude under her breath which upset me. I think i yelled something back before i ran out of the store. Outside there was a steep embankment or cliff. I was able to jump down with ease. There were construction people down there, and I was trying to find a way through. I did this jumping karate high kick and was able to glide a hundred feet or something. This really impressed the construction workers. I asked them where the exit was and once the told me I thanked them and then jumped off a wall to propel myself in that direction. Then I woke up.
I dreamed about my two youngest boys came into my bedroom and woke me up as they were upset at something that happened between them and their father, I don’t know what over. He, their father came into my room yelling and I don’t know what he was saying through it all. I told him to go and stand outside my room, he did and was still yelling. I told the two boys to hop into my bed, they did. Then I went out of the room to where their father was who was in the garage and still he was yelling, I told him to stop and talk to me about what was wrong. He said let’s go for a ride and talk, I agreed. I went back to my room to get a jumper and when I came out of my bedroom one of my boys was standing outside the door and was upset so I hugged him and then I then felt someone’s hand came up behind me and covered my mouth and they said shhhhhh
I was taking a college class and my daddy and sister were there for some reason. In one class aiden (from sex and the city) was there and he was on a date. Apparently I used to date aiden but it wasn’t awkward for me. I thought his date was going well but she left and he told me it wasn’t like being with me. My family moved on to the next class and I was supposed to be right behind them. I was still in the classroom and I was enjoying the snacks there. My cousin mark showed up with a man and it turns out he’s gay. Before class I went to their old house (my cousins) and my cousin Beth was there and my dog Bella made an accident in the basement. When I went out of the classroom into the main area of the building another mom tried to steer me to class. I then told her I had to pee very badly. She kept pushing and I peed my pants. Then I couldn’t find the ladies room and it was a big community bathroom without a door. There was a couple of rows of toilets and a big bathing pool. There was a family in the pool and even the dad was there and some other people. I sat on the toilet and another one that was clogged ended up flooding the floor and I ended ip covered in poop. Then I woke up.
I recieved a message from my spirit guides, they gave me an image of a woman floating in space near a colorful galaxy with the message to "wait" and "be patient"
I am watching a movie with my kids and partner and partner's sister. Partner leaves room. Sister starts touching me inappropriately under a blanket. I am very uncomfortable. After a while sister stops and nods in approval and leaves. I am left feeling violated.
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