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14 Oct 2023
It was my birthday and I got a message saying my cousin couldn’t come because «I know Why» and then my uncle was there and we walked down the river. At the end of the dream we found a donut shop and we got donuts and ate them.
Jeg hygger mig stille roligt på mit værelse indtil det ringer på døren. Det er min bedste ven fra min gamle skole. Hun kommer med op til værelset, hvor hun så siger at jeg ikke har været en særlig god ven. Jeg forstår det ikke og siger hvad mener du til hende at jeg burde vide det. Men hun forklarer. Jeg er også Aseksuel. Jeg får et chock at overraskelse. Og så vågner jeg
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jake (the guy i’m seeing) and i went on holiday and he told me he loves me and i said it back but then all these horrible things kept happening like floods and tsunamis and earthquakes and then jake was like protecting me from all of it but we both died
was being chased down a street by men and i was completely naked and i kept trying to call jake (a man that i am seeing) but he wouldn’t pick up and he kept messaging me saying he was busy and then all the men chasing me caught up to me and took turns raping me
13 Oct 2023
A weird church camp
I had sex with a guy that was kinda an acquainted to me
I had a dream about stealing money from the king of the pirates (gold d Roger) but we were in a underwater submarine. Some people got saved while others were trapped in a flooded room to drown in because everyone couldn’t be saved. After a while,the flooding stopped and we made it back on land and everyone was ok and no one died but I never got his money
I rescued a bunch of stray and injuried animals at a creepy house while I was being chased by evil men. I’m surrounded by water. It’s an island. I drive a car frequently to get away. I swam in the ocean, but there was a lot of jellyfish that stung me. There was a lot of water slides near the beach. Someone sent down an elephant attached to a makeshift foot harness so the elephant couldn’t jump out. The elephant went all the way down almost to the ocean where I was afraid it might drown, but it managed to stop right before the ramp. The elephant escaped and ran off.
Had a sexual dream for the 5th time about my partner and we saw each other and the sexual tension was THICK between us.
Ho sognato di essere il protagonista di una serie TV e di essere in un paesaggio naturale enorme con una montagna e un lago con due pesci parlanti. Dovevo raggiungere il lago partendo da casa mia, l'unico modo era fare un salto altissimo e arrivare direttamente lì.
Dreamt of house infested with roaches and I was killing them
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