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13 Oct 2023
I had a dream about stealing money from the king of the pirates (gold d Roger) but we were in a underwater submarine. Some people got saved while others were trapped in a flooded room to drown in because everyone couldn’t be saved. After a while,the flooding stopped and we made it back on land and everyone was ok and no one died but I never got his money
I rescued a bunch of stray and injuried animals at a creepy house while I was being chased by evil men. I’m surrounded by water. It’s an island. I drive a car frequently to get away. I swam in the ocean, but there was a lot of jellyfish that stung me. There was a lot of water slides near the beach. Someone sent down an elephant attached to a makeshift foot harness so the elephant couldn’t jump out. The elephant went all the way down almost to the ocean where I was afraid it might drown, but it managed to stop right before the ramp. The elephant escaped and ran off.
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Had a sexual dream for the 5th time about my partner and we saw each other and the sexual tension was THICK between us.
Ho sognato di essere il protagonista di una serie TV e di essere in un paesaggio naturale enorme con una montagna e un lago con due pesci parlanti. Dovevo raggiungere il lago partendo da casa mia, l'unico modo era fare un salto altissimo e arrivare direttamente lì.
Dreamt of house infested with roaches and I was killing them
12 Oct 2023
I have recurring dreams about my ex boyfriend. He has narcissistic traits and the relationship was very toxic. After four years I finally left him. But in my dreams he still harasses me. It’s the same thing every time: I’m somewhere in a house with him. We’re a couple and I’m happy. After some time I realise we are not actually together anymore. That’s when I freak out. I get anxiety and need to find an escape as soon as possible. I’m scared he will notice I’m trying to sneak out and run away. I search for door. And then I run outside. I run for my life. I feel so scared he will find me. I hear him screaming my name so I know he’s coming after me. In some dreams he found me. In one he even pointed a gun at me. When I wake up I feel scared and harassed.
Ho sognato di morire e di trovarmi in una dimensione astratta dove una presenza femminile mi accoglieva. Pensavo alle cose della mia vita e aspettavo di essere reincarnata. Dopo la reincarnazione avrei dimenticato la vita precedente e avevo paura.
i was in a junkyard looking world working in some sort of cafe and i recognised a lot of the people in my dream but everyone had gone a bit crazy due to the post apocalyptic setting of everything. i think i was being chased and i ran so far i ended up in a science lab that overhung a cliff, it was also very rundown but it was also the first time i saw any sort of light or openess in the world. in the basement i found a needle with a green substance i didnt know what it was so i ran all the way back to where everyone else was to grab my boyfriend or best friend i don’t remember who and they came with me to get it, then i injected one of the people that had chased me earlier on and they died very very painfully and slowly and thats all i remember
im in a distorted version of my school but i finished school a while ago now. it had colourful walls, flashing lights and loud music and there were people everywhere, i think they were the other students but they were different. everyone started partying but the school was attacked by these little monster alien things that kept eating everyone.
i started off in a little penthouse but i didnt recognise it, the people outside were throwing food and shouting from outside at me but i don’t remember why and then world started ending and there was a tsunami and a bridge and my family died. i ended up at a kind of rundown funfair by a beach with big rides and lights, then i woke up.
11 Oct 2023
I was falling in my dream
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