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19 Oct 2023
There were butterflies flying towards me from out of nowhere. They’re bigger than butterflies in real life
Ex lover ordering food at the place where I work. Deceased lover telling me they faked their death.
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I’m sorry to bother you
In my boyfriends car and his ex in the front seat singing and laughing with him whilst I’m in the back
in my dream there was a shopping place and its been in my dreams before, its a hexagon shaped room and its not too big but it has 30 floors but theyre all underground. each floor has different things, in this dream i visited the accessories floor where i was looking at earings and halloween stuff then i went to a disney floor but i didnt like anything there. the outside of this place is dark and hidden down an alleyway but a lot of people knew where it was, you get into an elevator that looks a little rundown or you take the stairs. when i first got there i was in the elevator with my friend i havent spoken to in a while and a couple of other people i recognised, some i didn’t, then i split apart from them.
18 Oct 2023
My dream was about that I got determined to go to the gym and I ran towards the gym and 1.5 km seemed like a joke and when I went in for registration they said they couldn’t enroll me as it was past their working time and asked me to come tomorrow there were more people as well. I asked the person if they can enroll us because we came a long way and even I was not sure if I would get the same determination to go the gym and I might not come tomorrow for enrollment. They asked me to go the other branch and then I heard one of the coworker talking that the gym enrollments were full and that is why they are not enrolling more people and then I ran to take a bus which was just few minutes away. I thought if I walked I wouldnt make it so I ran but halfway I realized that I wouldn’t be able to go that branch of the gym because it is far from my house so I got down at the downtown terminal as I was getting down I saw that the number 8 bus to my home was going so I stood infront of the bus and then the driver stopped the bus and I hopped on and went home. I asked my roomate as he had pass to that gym what was going on in the gym and everything, I went there again tomorrow and I got the enrollment and was running on the treadmill . As I am going through PCOS, I thought I got the dream as a sign to go the gym i dont know.
My ex boyfriend and I were with a group of people, trying to survive a war going on. There was destruction and more happening outside so we had to stick together. I missed him and wanted him to be with me again but he was hesitant and wouldn’t hug me or give me a kiss when I tried. It looked like he wanted to but knew he shouldn’t. I tried to stay close to him during the war.
The door of my bedroom had been opened and i can’t get up to close it, i afraid that something scary might show up
I dreamed where I got home and my grandmas friend was there talking to her about something. I didn’t realize what was going on at first. But then I found out that my own mother somehow hacked into my grandma’s phone with no way for my grandma to stop it. And it ends up with my mother taking money from her and mocking her my grandma for not being able to to do anything about. The worse part about it was that since my mother hacked into my grandmas phone. she was able to listen to conversations that my grandma had on the phone. And also no matter how many attempts my grandma tried to get whatever it is that was allowing my mother to continue to talk to my grandma. Like no matter my grandma refusing to answer the phone. the call still went through and I was hopeless to do anything about it.
Walking up a hill people following behind, see an emu making eye contact with it throw an apple to distract it, it runs down but comes back to stare again throw a knife this time. Random woman comes to talk to me helps me cut vines off boarded up windows, i tell her this is good we have a place to come back through she tells me we wont be coming this way again. I open window but allow elderly people who were following through first
Seeing my EX girlfriend sleeping in bed with the man she left me for.
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