24 Nov 2023
My father was laying in the bed, tucked in nicely, but it was at a 90 degree angle, so where he can look out and see. And there was windows in this room, and it was on my property next to my mother's house. And my mother was there, and she was folding something, like a blanket, maybe a towel. She had something in her hand, and she was folding it. And I could see all these windows in this room, and it was bright outside, and my father couldn't speak. And, of course, my father has been gone for almost 11 years now. He's passed away. And my mother, she didn't say anything, she had her back sort of kind of towards me. She was just folding something, and that was it. But my father couldn't speak, but I could see his eyes, and he was looking at me. And I just felt a sense of like, I knew he was sick. Thank you.