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23 Nov 2023



I dreamt that my best friend Kathleen’s son Claude was on a ride that I was meant to be supervising. There was an accident and he fell and got crushed by the ride. His head was injured and his lungs. I grabbed him in a panic as everyone was crying screaming and rushing to the hospital. At the hospital Kathleen was visibly upset but the doctors went slowly and wouldn’t say anything. I felt that Claude for sure could not survive. I was removed from the emergency room and couldn’t find out what happened to Claude. I remember seeing Kathleen’s face as she was crying and upset. Time passes and I’m deliberately kept away from Kathleen and her family by unknown people for a while. Then I get a letter from Kathleen saying that Claude didn’t make it but they are expecting a baby girl and are happy.




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23 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was back at my grandparents' old house in Mexico with one of my cousins, but when we went inside, the roof , like, fell to the ground, but it was, like, a few inches off the floor. And we had to crawl through this really small space to get to the guest room. I don't know why we had to get there. I don't know why we still decided to stay there, but we did. My cousin started crawling in there really, really fast because she's smaller, but I was struggling a lot more. I felt really claustrophobic. I felt like I couldn't breathe. And there was also a lot of spider webs, which made me feel really eerie and scared. I'm super scared of spiders. It just gave me goosebumps. I got to a corner of the house where the roof was lifted off a little more off the floor, where I could breathe a little better. I grabbed my phone to text my mom, but for some reason, I couldn't find her contact. As I was looking, I turned around, and I start calling out her name over and over again, and she wasn't there anymore. I tried to crawl out, but I couldn't. The roof went lower to the ground, and it was way more smaller, and I couldn't get out, and I couldn't breathe. And it just felt like everything was getting so much smaller on me and I was so upset that she left me there without even letting me know

23 Nov 2023

My crush
New Job


I had felt really bad so I went to bed but just before I went to bed I got some really good news and so it completely lifted my mood. So when I went to bed I dreamt that I was in my home country of Jamaica with my, I was on my grandfather's property with two of my younger cousins who were like sisters to me. It started raining really hard, like storming, everybody was panicking, but when we stayed outside of the nursing, I mean, I think my mother was devaluing me again, like usual. And she yelled at me for something, but for the next day there was a lot of gifts being given and it was fun. And there was a performance, people I didn't really know that well, but they asked me to sing. And then afterwards there was a party, a really nice party. Two of my best friends were there, well three of them actually, all three of my best friends were there, and we were having fun. I gossiped to them about my crush. There were a lot of sweets at the party, a lot of desserts, and a lot of drinks. And I could eat and drink as much as I wanted to. There was red velvet cake. I love red velvet. There was so much food that I was afraid that I would get full before I could eat all that I wanted to. And I wasn't scared about all the desserts and all the weight that I was gaining. I was just happy and enjoying time with my best friends and everybody else. I saw someone that I hadn't seen since middle school. A guy who was in my choir class. He had seen my performance where I was singing and he said, you're not a flat alto anymore. Which is interesting. And I said, yeah. I used to be a soprano and then I became a flat alto for a while, but now I'm a soprano again. And he said, good job. And I said, yeah, I guess a lot in my life has changed from when I was a flat alto. And it was fun. My best friend played a romance game on my phone. I gave her my phone password because I trust her a lot. So, she was playing a romance game on my phone, and I think she was choosing some dialogue options that would make it really fun for me later. Because the character I liked was in there, and she knew I liked him a lot because I like characters like him. And so, some of my friends kept trying to keep me away from the phone so that I would have a surprise character, like a surprise with the character once she was done. And... I tried to unlock my phone afterwards, and it wasn't working. And... So, I tried again, and it did work, and somebody took the phone from my head and tossed it to my best friend. But what I saw was that they were making a silly little video on my phone so that I would have a good memory of the party. Because they knew that I had had a rough day. One of my friends had to take a test. So... And apparently the teacher was a nightmare teacher. So I helped her with one question, and then I went to check the gallery of my phone because I was trying to find a picture of some curry I made. And it was filled with images I hadn't seen before. So I called out to my best friend, Hey, did you take some screenshots of my phone? And she said, Um... Just the important parts. Hee hee. There was so much food. So much to eat. It looked so tasty. And I was having so much fun.

23 Nov 2023



I had a dream, where I was at this cruise. The few things I can remember.. I remember, there was this monster under my bed. And I guess we were asking around for something. And the monster said: β€œWell she does this weird thing with [REDACTED] sometimes.” I started trying to tune it out, by singing horribly. Like this: β€œLALALALALALALALA” And nobody cared about it. And now, we're just wondering this cruise. Oh, but before this all happened. This huge monster was at my house. I got scared and ran to the other side of the apartment. And it was chasing me. I was just trying to hide. But I wasn't scared! But anyway, Now we're at the cruise. We're investigating the place. And I notice that my cat tower, with my cat's on it we're just sitting there peacefully. I thought: β€œYou want to die?” Or maybe it was more like: β€œOh.” Lol. Anyway, monster came to the cruise. And started trying to kill everyone. And the cats just got adsorbed by darkness. And I guess I woke up.

23 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was at one of my ex boyfriends house. I thought I was going to marry him at one point and one day he just came home and didn't love me anymore. I was very dumb founded. But I was at his house with his son. And his wife was not there. My Two kids were also there and we were all hanging out. Then his wife comes home as I'm in the bath room. So I hide in the shower and my leg won't go straight so it was kinda poking the shower curtain. And she says "taylor what the heck is going on" and pulls the front of the curtain back and doesn't see anything but can tell there is water in the tub. So she leans in further to unplug it and sees me. She shrunk in size and then passed out. She was laying on her back in an inch of water asleep. Taylor rushes me out the bathroom and says, she'll be out for a while and then won't remember. So him, the kids and I went to a restaurant we use to go when we were together. It was just a walk away so we all walked and ate as we walked. We got back to his house and were in the play room and his parents came by. Do we all hid while his wife was talking to them and I was like let's just leave and go out the window. He was like no cause they think you were the whole problem and I don't want them to see you. So me and the kids were hiding under blankets. The dream cut out and then I was at a medical business place. For some reason I was in a wheel chair grabbing papers to leave. I left. Then dream cuts and I'm at church with my baby's dad. There's this girl eith red hair and she goes "hey chelsey!" And said something sassy I can't remember. And I said "hey Ariel" and laughed and so did everyone else. & this person comes up behind me and tells me that something like having kids out of wedlock is against our religion and everyone here sees you as the problem. So I got up and left but my baby's dad handed her my dildo. And then I hear this loud scream and she runs after me in the parking lot and I beat her up. Then my baby's dad and I were at this shopping mall. It had a bowling alley inside it and I had on skates. I was riding backwards and rolling in circles kinda like the Olympic roller skating. Then my baby's dad joined me in skating and held me so gently and looked happy to share the moment with me. Then he and I are talking to one of his friends. After talking to his friend, it's him and I in a bedroom. He is talking to Taylor's wife telling her that he has done alot for her and didn't appreciate the attitude this morning and her passing out. (Now, in my dream, the kid and the girl were Aaron's, not taylors) and he motioned for me to go away. And I'm just thinking of course. This dude use to do this to me too. So I said fuck him and left. Then I see on the TV that there's a girl from a football game in 1883 having and interview with someone about how she's from the future and has no clue how she got there. Then she starts to dissappear. I assumed it was cause she told them. My baby's dad was also watching this. Then I jumped to this place with trains and doors. And the doors were labeled with themes like sports, cars, money. My daughter almost went into the sports one but I told her no because whatever one we go in is what kind of dream we will have. So we went in the food door. And was in this grocery store where everyone is just eating everything like in willy Wonka. So we grabbed a brownie and candy and were eating it and Bailey saw ice cream and grabbed some. We saw kids having some cake and she put ice cream on top of their cake for them. Then I woke up.

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