Dream Meanings โ€“ page 1612

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29 Nov 2023

Running away


I was in my nan's house and she's passed away, but my family was there and I was rushing to get a flight. I always have dreams about rushing to get a flight and it's like I was running away this time and I locked the door behind me in case someone was going to come in and I started packing my bag full of stuff. It was rocks that I got from the beach and just something that I painted or something with my partner but it wasn't actually real but in the dream it was perceived that way. I kicked my mom down the stairs and she hit a big TV and she was fine but she was angry about the TV. And I was just so anxious about not getting my flight on time. That's always what the dream is. And I got a bus and I was trying to get there and it was in a city that wasn't actually a city I've seen but it was supposed to be Adelaide City. So, that was my last dream.

29 Nov 2023

New Job


So despite only having a 3 year old son in real life, in this dream my son had a female twin. We seemed to be homeless, my friend Ana had a job in an office building and she invited us for lunch. When I entered the building everything was in a steady flow of working. Since I had trouble locating this buildings break room, I decided to go look for Ana in the floor she usually works in. But as I tried to enter the floor, a strange lady thought me and my twin children seemed suspicious?? And so she tried to kick me out. But I quickly decided to look for Ana, slowly pushing the woman back. I finally spotted Ana and I grabbed my twins and steadily ran to her. Oddly though, I left my children with her. As I was getting into the elevator, I somehow ended up on the roof of the building! I spotted a strange man wearing a suit and we started talking. It was so windy though, I had no idea what we were actually talking about! I glanced at the horizon and felt that a storm or a catastrophe was coming, so I headed back inside and grabbed the twins to head out. Suddenly when I got out on the first floor and was going to leave, all panic sorrounded the floor. Everyone was screaming about an apocalypse but when I looked outside the glass rotating doors, everything seemed fine. The sky was blue, the sun was out, the day seemed warm. I was confused why there was so much panic, and I was confused about the feeling of a storm that I had felt, even though everything seemed fine




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29 Nov 2023

New Job


I was helping some college cheerleaders by stepping in for one of them and our uniforms were those where it's literally just shiny underwear and a muscle shirt. So it turned out that I was not the only one stepping in, there was also a dude. And I was there panicking that the sequence was gonna fail because he wouldn't know the steps. But then the gym coach hugged me from behind and helped me chill out, but then it was for nothing cause then right when we were gonna start, I realised that I MYSELF didn't know the steps!! And then out of nowhere ADHD hit me so hard and I was just out of it... I was panicking and yet just disassociating. So my friend Ana came to escort me out and as soon as we arrived at the exit I really just dropped on the floor and started crawling like those sexy ladies in videos? But like I felt drunk and weak?? And for some reason I started singing a stupid sexual but smooth song that went "I want to help you... Feel new things along with you... Teach you to help me too..." And when we were gonna enter a room to pick up her younger brother, these two high school dudes were outside and heard me sing and saw like how I was moving, and then followed us in the room and I just rejected the one trying to flirt cause they were younger. And then I felt better but then Ana started acting weird and so we went outside to try and get her bike?? And for some reason it was really dark so I asked her to see with her flashlight and tell me where to turn, but then she kept passing out, and there was cats everywhere, and I kept almost running shadow people over, and somehow, the high school guy jumped on the bike and we went to his house!! And although he was nervous, somehow he convinced me to be his first time. And my friend said she would just take a nap while I took his virginity?! And suddenly an older man that was sleeping on the couch just woke up and left??? And then the high schooler just said he'd be waiting in his room and I was still in the living room debating, but then out of nowhere a woman just walked into the house and I had no idea who she was or what was going to happen

29 Nov 2023



I wake up at my old house on Pastime road cleaning up a bad party. I was sleeping in my poncho until a nasty red puddle woke me. I soiled my poncho on a puddle of puke and vomit that smelled like strawberry gatorade. I mopped it up. I threw my poncho in the laundry. Waiting anxiously at the door, I wait from sunrise to sunset. Danachรฉ finally comes home...to Alana's house. She blithely walks past me and stumbling like a sleep walker she tucks herself in and sleeps in my parents' bed. I wince. A sleepy blond man opens the front door and says "goodnight honey I love you". This total stranger recieves a "I love you too" from Danachรฉ. Some girlfriend she is. How dare she touch Alana's things? Who are you people? Where is Alana? Why isn't Alana here? I awake. Sober enough to remember Alana left years ago. Danchรฉ is here.

29 Nov 2023



The way my dream started was me doing makeup from Hyunjin and K-pop Idol from stray kids. The it switched real quick to me winning an award for best hair and makeup and how Hyunjin only now wants me to do his hair and makeup. Then I remember at one point in the dream me and my best friend ended up in an ally where there was an abandon factory and we found so many cats and one of them reminded me so much of Raven. My cat who passed away. I couldnโ€™t stop crying cause I missed her so much, but something about the cat didnโ€™t feel right for me to take home. Itโ€™s like I almost knew she was sick, so I didnโ€™t take her. Then it switched over to Hyunjin again and how we were in a racing competition, but the dream seemed to have started from the beginning ok how I even got the award to begin with. As if me winning an award, was just a preview of my whole dream. However, we were racing so much and eventually I caught up to the front and the ones who won the race, weโ€™re able to pick from which stray kids member we can do hair and makeup and I fought from Hyunjin. Then at one point, Hyunjin turned into a little school girl that I had to take care of and I didnโ€™t question how, but she some how become a super important girl where I needed to take care of. She came from a super rich family and her family hired me. Then the girl said she wanted to go to a store so I told the driver which store, but in Korean she told the driver to go some where else and he listened and I told her like like what did she say, but she ignored me. Then we went to this hospital like building and she went to see a friend that she kept a secret. When I saw the friend, she looked super familiar and it was someone I went to high school with. This person though didnโ€™t have their legs. They had robot legs and the person was so ashamed and I tried to tell them it was ok and that I hadnโ€™t seen them in forever and asked how they were doing. It got blurry and I woke up.

29 Nov 2023



This is going to be a very confusing and weird dream for me to describe but I'll try to describe it the best that I can. So at first I was at a arcade room of some sort like there was a long hallway and I was with three people that I assumed to be my friends because I had no idea who these were but we were having a you know good chat and one of them just fell to the floor for no reason. And I heard a little voice tell me that she fainted due to cyanide poisoning and so I ran with my nose covered to the elevator. But for some reason, I acted as if I didn't know how to use an elevator for a few minutes. Like I know I had to go to reception which was the one button but for some reason I pressed the floor button and it took me to the floor that wasn't the reception office and for some reason I press the basement button and took me to the basement and then I finally pressed the one button and it took me to the reception office so I don't know why I acted like I didn't know how to use an elevator because in real life I do but in this dream I didn't for like a few seconds. And I told someone to get a doctor or someone that can come check on this girl cuz I had no idea what was happening and I got outside and I saw a nurse run towards me and go inside the arcade place or something I'm assuming or an escape room but it's either one of the two. then after that I blinked and it was night time and I was inside a car with beige interior and I don't know who else was in the car but my mom was in the front passenger seat. It seems like we were going to the same place that I was in the first dream and I told them to stop here because I had lost something and they had a lost and found so I was going to go get my bag or something that I lost and bring it back to the car. I snuck inside and for some reason it didn't look like the same place that It did from the first dream and I was very confused but I got my blue bag and I got out of there I was going to steal something else because there was a plushie that looked cool but I decided not to and I put it away and so I got my blue back and I got back into the car. I blinked and I was in a another car with black interior. Now entering into the third dream which is my favorite dream out of all these dreams because I was dreaming about one of my favorite celebrities which was jimin from BTS. He had blonde hair and a checkered flannel with I think was a black shirt and black jeans with black boots like black goth boots. He seemed to be a very nice guy and I even got to touch his hair which was like so soft and it was so cute that I loved it and he was just driving, I was in the front passenger seat with him. I don't know why I was dreaming about him because I never met BTS in real life but I loved that dream. It seemed to me that we were dating but for whatever reason when I would look at him sometimes he would change into different people, so one time when I would look at him he would change into a white guy and then change into another white guy and then when I would think more about jimin he would change back to jimin. So I don't know why that was a thing but whatever. The dream ended with us going through a drive-thru and we got some food and he drove off and I was you know still playing with his hair and then I stopped and then I was going to kiss him but then I close my eyes to which woke me up from that dream. So that was it basically so please help me interpret this.

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