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19 Nov 2023
I dont remember much but i think i was at some big public pool, and i did something bad i was wanted and being chased and searched for, and then i was hiding underneath the water and they didnt find me. after that i spawned in a huge classroom and all the lights were off and therr was a huge projector i think we were watching some movies, and all the people in that classroom were the people from the pool and the teacher was the girl who was the main one who searched for me. Some people around me were like "i know its you" but they didnt tell the teacher. after that i wanted to say that im going to the bathroom and just run awayvand leave as fast as i can without being noticed. i dont remember what happened after
so basically I was dreaming that I was speaking to my friends from school and then all of a sudden everyone like wherever I looked around everyone had everyone was like with their younger selves and then obviously I decided to look for my younger self and then when I found her. She was sitting there and she was very different from what I actually looked like when I was a kid. She was basically the opposite of what I looked like.
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I was with my mother and then I was reminded of winkie toys and I tried to order one on the phone, but the girl on the phone didn’t understand what I wanted.
I dreamt about my boyfriend not wanting to take off his wedding ring belonging to his ex and said he couldn’t and let me walk away.
Many of the things i don't clearly remember i just catched my boyfriend texting his ex n when i asked him he told me to check the date he sent n it was the same date with kissing emojis like they wr texting like they're still couples.... That much only i remember
I’m visiting my grandparents who have long since passed in life. I’m the age I am now and I have my own children with me. My sister is also there with her children. My grandparents are very frail. In real life my grandmother died in her late 50’s and my grandfather lived for another 30 years so I didn’t get to see them together at this age. We are in a large house which appears to be full of surveillance cameras and there are several children there that I don’t recognise. I have a great deal of sadness seeing my grandparents so old and frail but also feel grateful that I’m able to visit them in the dream. I appear to be wearing clothes that are much too small for me and are styled for a little girl, not the grown woman I am. I’m also engaging in childish activities.
A witch chased me trying to eat my fingers and I protected my brother as we ran out of foodworks after we got rid of the lock on the door then we ran while the witch chased us and just as we where gonna escape I woke up
I have my own boyfriend. Is he a good man? I have my own boyfriend. Is he a good man? I have my own boyfriend. Is he a good man? I have my own boyfriend. Is he a good man? I have my own boyfriend. Is he a good man?
I dreamt that me and my old crush was texting. He sent me a group picture of many different girls with dark skin in ski clothes. One in the middle with light brown skin were wearing a crop top, so you could se her tatto of a big black cross on her lower back. He wrote in caps that he thought she was so hot, and that he loved her tatto.
My last dream was a recurring dream about my last job back in Northern Ireland. I was working for a company called Allstate Ni. It was not my best experience in life because there were so many challenges with managers and other colleagues it made me feel so stressed out and my bosses were always complaining about my work. Either my attitude or my reports.
I was wanting to conecet with the ghost of Richard ramirez on a ghost box and ask him why am I seeing him in my dreams all the time. I "heard" that he said that he wanted to help or give me a warning like with school or friends? Then today when I was still asleep this morning I had a dream about him that I knew him and that he had groupies following him and he seemed sad or depressed I wanted to help but, I wasn't allowed to talk to him by security/police; sure he smiled when I walked by, but he was in jail "again", it was actually sad. I had a flight to catch that was important but I realized something and I said "STOP the plane!" and I ran off fast asf and then I ran all the way to him and I caught him in like a feild/woods or something trying to escape probably. I stopped him and he asked what I was doing there I don't remember what I said excatly but I said something like "You don't have to be the bad guy" I gave him like a pep talk and he lowkey gave me one back. I don't remember exactly what we talked about but it was like how I explained it. Then we huged and promised then I woke up.
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