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21 Nov 2023



I was wrestling a alligator and to fight to get away from him. I then saw a lion coming in my direction but he didn’t attack me. He just went on his way




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21 Nov 2023



Apparently, I'm on an adventure with my family. First, we were leaving a camping ground but I went with my parents in their car and took my son. There no bad energy, Im assuming i had a reason. Next, my mom and I were having a conversation but I cant remember what. And for some reason, the car was moving very fast, the scenery was a blur every time i looked out the car window. Third, we visit the hotel we'll be staying at and this place was immaculate, chrome, futuristic. The elevators were set to go in 2 directions: up and to the left and down and to the right. After seeing the manager and two guards enter and set the elevator downward, I was curious. So with my toddler in tow, we "accidentally" check out to the bottom floor. Which was bright due to everything being white. Too afraid to go any further, we retreat back to the main floor. There I run into people I recognize (although I haven't met them in real life). My husband suggests we all explore the city together. So we all leave the hotel and find a small bar and gambling spot. I've never been a fan of gambling, I tell everyone I'll test my luck this time. So while the dealer sets up cards and everyone begins to Converse, I find myself moved from the bar to a tall table by myself. My "acquaintances" approach me and ask if I always act so introverted. to my surprise, I wasn't trying to move so I reply, "Usually, but I'm trying to break out of my comfort zone...somehow this happened." Anyways, I give up returning to the game and find my husband so I can watch after our toddler. He sets him down and just a split second later, he darts out the automatic doors and into the parking lot. I drop everything and run out to find him but he shrinks and vanishes into the grass like a field mouse. Before the grass was a huge playground filled with moms and kids. Desperate, I try to scream for help saying I can't find my toddler. the stress was so intense, I could feel an actual strain on my heart, thankfully my conscience kicked in and whispered, "Come back, this is just a dream. your baby's asleep in his crib at home." Once I remember, I collapse on the ground. My husband approaches with a concerned woman before I could explain, my conscience woke me up.

21 Nov 2023



I was having a dinner with my friend, kaiden. I was in my bed, and I went to sleep, and I woke up in this really small, run-down, like, Japanese shop. It was all moldy, and it looked just like it was abandoned. I was working at the front desk, and people came in, but then one day, these monsters came in, and I had to run for my life, and there was kaiden, my friend, my best friend, he's been my best friend for four years now, and we ran down the stairs, stairs, there was a bunch of stairs, and I just went to this dark, dark space on my floor, and then Caden fell over. He got killed, I'm pretty sure. I just ran and ran until I got into this dark, broken-down room, and then all I could do was wait until they started eating me. They looked like demogorgons. They started eating me with their big teeth from their, like, face that opened up, and I had to, I didn't even wake up from it. I just sat there, and I kept screaming, and, like, my face got eaten away, and I got eaten away, and then it paused. There was, like, this pause screen where I could still see where I was dying, but it just said, resume game, quit game, and save game, and stuff like that, or help, and I just kept saying, stop the game, stop the game, and then I, and then when I tried, I tried and tried, it wouldn't work until I finally woke up.

21 Nov 2023



A few years ago, at least in 2022 or 2021, in real life, I had been trying to shift to a different universe, but then I didn't manage to do it. I was never getting dreams, I didn't get dreams for two weeks at least, maybe a week, but then I finally had a dream. It was this big, big, big snowy biome with trees all around it, but there was this big open area, snowy area, and snowy trees. Mountains, and there was this den, and there was a few hills and stuff, and it was all snow. I think I was a polar bear, and I was just hunting these rabbits or penguins, I can't remember, over and over again in this, and I just had to deal with it. But at one point, I was the thing that got hunted. That move number... I remember sitting on a rock as the polar bear, holding this black animal that I just hunted in my mouth with a shadow of the night sky and snow. It was so weird, but it felt like I was reminiscing something, but I can't remember what.

21 Nov 2023



When I was younger, I used to have this recurring dream that happened to me five times. I would go to my dad's, he had this big house and right across the road would be this big park and the park was different though. It was big, it had a big like court in the middle, big court and there was a cliff that led to some forest area that you climb and there would be an ocean down there and then a bit further off into the forest there's some playground as well. Me and my father would usually go there, I'm pretty sure sometimes it would be with my friend but usually it was with my father. So I would be down there and this big monster that I can't remember what it looked like but this big monster would come to us and chase us. Sometimes it was different, sometimes he didn't get us, sometimes he did but sometimes this girl showed up, this girl named Lily. I hadn't met her yet but I met her later in the future in real life but we would like, this happened a few times, we would hang out in the park. I don't think my dad was there and we, this monster came, I'll stress but this time we ran down so far that we ran somewhere that I'd never seen before. It was like this street with a bunch of like roadworks on the pathway and there was a little garage that cars and parked in. It was like a little bad city street. So I ran down there, I ran and ran and then I turned back and I saw Lily, she got eaten in front of my eyes and then he ran after me and then they just stopped. And then after that I had another dream about how me and Lily were at this school and then we went to the school excursion and then we went to this big dark forest as a playground and there was just this really old wooden playground that we played in but for some reason it felt connected because it was the same place that the where the monster was. I remember this one time, before like I met Lily in my dreams, I was with my dad at the place, the big park, and we were walking like around near the ocean bit, and the monster came. My dad had to help me get to the side of the cliff, and we had to climb, but then my dad got caught by the monster, and I had to climb by myself, and he told me, RUN! But that was it.

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