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31 Jan 2024



i called my ex and i cried at the phone




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31 Jan 2024



I think I had maybe two or three dreams, so the first dream, I remember I had to cross a bridge and I was afraid of heights. The bridge was like a sky bridge, so it was meant to look like there wasn't much around you for the purposes of having a nice view, but because I was afraid of heights, this was terrifying. Having to cross, I just got on my belly and started crawling across. I had a significant other with me and he was also afraid of heights, so he followed my lead and crawled on his belly as well. I would periodically stop, look back and check on him and encourage him to keep following me. I knew no matter what we had to keep going, becauseif we stoppedwe would be stuck because of fear. Other people in our group would have to cross as well, however they did not have any fears and they would walk across and walk past us. When I got towards the middle of the bridge, I remember getting frustrated at the amount of time it was taking and knowing I had to complete this task of crossing the bridge. I finally stood up and started walking. I knew that if other people could walk across, so could I. The second part of the dream, once I crossed the bridge completely, it changed scenes and I was looking at a small house and a yellow car had just finished pulling into the garage of this house and I went inside and inside I saw a girl who had been kidnapped. In this part of the dream, it kept going from a third person perspective to a first person perspective, so when I first entered the home and I saw the girl, it was third person, but then it changed to first person where I was the girl. She had been kidnapped and she was being sexually assaulted. Her hair was matted and her clothes dirty and stained. The men that were around wanted to rape her, but for some reason couldn't penetrate her and the main perpetrator who was, had an erection, grabbed a hotdog and stuck it inside her to prove some point and then it went into a first person perspective and I had the hotdog inside me, but then I was also looking at the perpetrator's girlfriend who had a hotdog inside of her as well. I wanted them to stop, so I decided to go along with what was happening and I pulled the hotdog out of the perpetrator's girlfriend and I started eating it to make him happy. From there the dream changed again and I had discovered a fallout shelter. I don't know if I was in the same house or a different house, but there was a fallout shelter I had discovered. The group I was leading, was the dame group from the first part of the dream. I had decided we needed to go into the shelter and I was organizing everybody to go inside of the shelter. Part of the group were couples, I was trying to sit them with each other so they could be with their significant others. While I was organizing how people were going to sit inside of the shelter and someone had questioned me on whether or not the shelter was safe, how did I know the shelter was safe for people to go inside. I was explaining the purpose of fallout shelters and how they were designed to withstand nuclear attack, so there was a very high probability that this shelter would be safe, but taking into consideration what the person had said and not knowing, I walked down there myself just to confirm that the shelter was safe before actually sending anyone in. As I was walking inside and looking around, I woke up.

31 Jan 2024

New Job


It's new Year's Eve and I'm out with some friends, and we've got a whole night planned. We are going out to several nightlife hotspots. I'm sitting in a living room at someone's house at a party and we are all sitting around in a sort of circle just chatting. I turn and see my mom is there. She asks about the place we are going at 11pm "oh that's an underwear model show" my friend says. "I think I'll leave you boys to have your fun at that point" she whispers to me. After that we are heading to a strip club so yeah probably a good idea, I reply. Suddenly, we are doing the countdown in the living room. Ten nine, eight, seven, six, five , four, three, two, one! But then instead of shouting "Happy New Year" every one is silent. Almost as if the countdown was premature. Later, at the underwear model show, I see a plus size model wearing a green two piece bra a panties set I think would be perfect for Andrea, my wife. I confirm her size is 25 and order a set.

31 Jan 2024



I was walking near my McDonald's a few blocks from my house and i saw my friend getting chased by 3 guys. My friend was able to hide in a secret door next to the mcdonalds but they found him and started banging on the door trying to get in. When I noticed I ran into the McDonald's looking for someone to help him but the security kept saying no and that she is not getting involved after a few minutes of me pleading he came in and said I was a bad friend I was trying to explain that the security wouldn't help me but she interrupted me and asked if he was ok which I obviously got mad at. While we all talked the guys who jumped my friand came into the store and did it again. I still do not help him fight them because I said I wasn't getting jumped for someone i didn't really know. Then I woke up hot asf

31 Jan 2024



We were on this boat in a dark ocean. We had been swimming, me and my boyfriend and some other random people. I remember wearing a bikini despite it being night time. The waves got rough and the water had an ugly greenish color. There was this strange abstract monster made of stringy black matter that was throwing the boat around and reaching in, trying to grab people. But it only tried to grab women from what I could tell, there weren’t many men around. At one point I remember being held under water and feeling as if I was drowning, seeing strange shapes and a light through the murky green water. After that, i somehow managed to get back on the boat and remember trying to hide, hoping that curling up and hiding my body would make it stop. I tried to wrap a sheet or blanket around myself and say in the fetal position, watching as the stringy black limbs grabbed a girl and pulled her away.

31 Jan 2024



I was with my ex, Tre. We've recently reconnected. He decided to take me to his friend's birthday party. I agree. We're driving around with my sister and my mom to go find a birthday gift. It's all nice. We're having a good time. The party's the next day, so he spends the night. We get into a deep conversation and I keep telling him I'm having a very weird feeling to the point where I'm shaking. He tells me that it's gonna be okay and he holds me close to make me feel better. fast forward we make it to the party it's like a outside barn kind of thing. Suddenly, this random girl gets dropped off. We all go, kind of go see and peek around the corner to see what's going on since everyone was already at the party. When suddenly, there's a knife thrown. The girl-to-boy ratio was 3 to 3, plus the girl that was trying to murder us. Since it was night and she was wearing black clothes, it was really hard to see her. The first knife got thrown very close to my head. I try and call the police but in previous dreams I've called the police many times so for some reason they were not answering to help me. Eventually I did get through to them and tell them what's going on. When I try to get everyone together, Tre is nowhere to be found. One of the guys go out to look for Tre and another girl grabs the knife and goes with him. We all eventually went walking and looking for Tre. The girl manages to get a hold of me and cuts just right above my chest. but then leaves. I had the feeling that she wasn't here to kill me but to kill Tre. She manages to go around and cut many people but we are still yet to found Tre. The dream ends in a three-point of view. I see her having Tre held hostage and ends up dragging him somewhere and everything turns black.

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