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18 Nov 2023



I was talking to a man in a hotel room. Then I walked down the street. The streets looked unfamiliar to me. I walked into a busy cafรฉ and wrote down names of different cities on paper

18 Nov 2023



I am with a group of Native Americans and we start taking about astral projection. We are taking about it amongst ourselves, I am hearing what they say and each of us is adding to the conversation by asking each other sometimes seemingly unrelated questions. When it is my turn, I am holding and kissing this one man as we almost dance across the space weโ€™re in. As we do, he asks- โ€œwhat is the purpose of the sphinx missing a paw?โ€ It does not, in waking life. I say โ€œ To remind us that it does not matter what our body is/looks like- we are more than our bodies, all of us.โ€ The session goes on with more people talking in turn. At one point I seem to channel some information about the vibrational state and what will happen as astral projection is initiating for any given person.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

18 Nov 2023

Being Late


It was raining really heavily while I was at school and me and my friends were late to lesson and she annoyed me because she rushed away and left me to go to her french lesson but she left her bag with me. But in the dream, while me and her were together at break time, we were in a room that was supposed to be at school but it was like an old fashioned dining room with silver and green patterned wallpaper, and there was an ironing board that my brother was stuck behind somehow. In the dream that I had after that one, me and my family were at a mall and they were arguing over whether they should get certain stuff for me and my brother, and my mum got us stuff but my dad thought it was a waste of money. I then looked through the family group chat text messages when we got home and my dad sent a GIF with a middle finger to my mum after she sent a picture with the things she got us. In the dream I had after that, there was an old man who was arguing with someone about changing his house to look different, and the other person told him to cut hiss tree away, but instead he just made decor with it. And he was a bit crazy and wrote stuff on his windows for everyone to see.

18 Nov 2023

New Job


I had an odd dream that I was sitting in a different city. And with me was Christina. Christina is a good friend of mine from Sweden that I really like. She's originally Moldavian but we met in Sweden and I know her since years. and I was at an airport at this city together with her and I think it was her husband not sure or it was Tom's my ex that I actually like And we were sitting by the bar and it was a first-class lounge and I was eating some really good stuff and drinking champagne. and I was really happy to be there but I was having such a good time that my plane was supposed to go at 8.30 in the evening but I stayed longer and I thought whatever I will just rebook my flight and it was a work booked flight and so at some point it was 8 38 and I looked at my application where I can find my flights and it was really hard to open it it was not working and I started to get very anxious and annoyed. And I just kept going like this and I decided okay I will just run to catch my flight because maybe it's still there even though I'm late so I was running through the airport and it was outside and I ran and I didn't even know where I'm running I just had to run somewhere and I fell over and scratched my whole arms and legs And then I went back to Kristina and was sitting back down and wanted to look up where's my flight, is it late and do I need to book a new one? but this app just kept breaking and my phone didn't allow me to look up where's my flight so it was really annoying until I finally got to go on it and when I was looking it up different things were popping up and it was just really annoying until finally I was able to see what flight there are and the next ones were like at 11 and I started to come down and could enjoy and Christina had this really weird piercing in her chest and I just noticed it like towards the end of the dream And this piercing wasn't even a piercing. It was like a huge hole with a metal thing in her chest and one right under it. And it came out when she was talking and then she grabbed it and pulled it back. And I looked at her like, what is this? That's so odd. It was like a whole metal pipe in her chest, but she acted like everything's normal. But something was just weird, like with this whole dream atmosphere. And I looked around and I was like, something's up. And I looked down and I saw like my whole arms and legs are bloody because of the fall. And I didn't realize it until that moment. And I realized I was in a dream and that's when I woke up.

18 Nov 2023



my brother had found a book resembling thw necronomicon and he had found and entrance to under our house and we found out that there are hidden catacombs where in ancient times was satanism being performed. my mom and brother tried to convinve me to come explore those catacombs but i refused because i was scared. They went without me and some spirits started haunting me while i waited outside. i hid behind a rock. the we went to a local thrift store with my mom and i bought many horror books. then i saw a chrystal necklace collection. ome of them stood out, it was a pink aragonite necklace with a shape of a heart. i read about it and found out that the necklace shouldnt be worn near water because it can drown. then we went to mcdonalds and i went to play with claw machines. i noticed another chrystal inside one of those machines, it was a black chrystal named venom. then we ate and my mom and dad and i drived aroud and they told me they were going both in a different cruise ship and they would never come back.

18 Nov 2023



Me and my family were driving away from ucraine and then we were home but then we were going on a sidewalk with my classmate and then we they greeted like a long time friend and then there was my classmate who has a younger brother and when teacher was mean to him I I stood up for him and then I told it to my classmate and then we were about to ride again to the ucraine but we couldn't fit in the car with my sister so we change in our underwear but the underwear was a croptop and shorts buy after it we finaly go on that ride but then I was on a sea and then I were bombarding some island and then the island were bombarding us but then I become a boy and I were on a plane with my mom but it wasn't my mom and we were on a 1st class airplane seats but the windows were doing weird sounds like they were about to fly away and then my mom were saying something about my sister that they are afraid of dark snd then the Halloween starts and then we were going downstairs because the 1st class were upstairs but anyway and then me and my mom and my 2 younger sisters and we go downstairs to the room we're was janitor and we were about to change but there was dark and my sisters were afraid of dark so they almost immediately go again upstairs.

18 Nov 2023



I was walking in some sort of long white hallway with grey doors on the sides and a black carpet floor when suddenly i fell through the ground but didnt feel any fear and i ended up on the floor below because i fell through the hallway carpet floor, on the floor below i looked up and the ceiling was rock solid then i felt something grab me and toss me through the wall into an office space with blue carpet and windows but the windows werent useful because all i saw was pure white so i turned around and the wall that i came through was suddenly solid again and not destroyed, so i walked around the office space and found a vending machine and then something pushed me through the vending machine and i ended up in a restaurant with free food and drinks so i ate a candy bar named "everlasting wait" and fell through the floor again and ended up in a bedroom with no windows, a bed, a tv that kept showing the words "wait for someone" whenever i try to open it, and a door that i couldnt open

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