1 Mar 2024
My friend and I were in the woods with big hills, it was snow on the ground, but wasnβt currently snowing. My friend had the idea to skateboard down a huge hill, however the skateboard was long to the point we could lay on it. My friend laid on his back and I laid on top of him on my stomach and we were off. We didnβt realize until it was too late, but there was an intersection at the bottom of the hill, he said he was was gonna throw me off and he was going to continue down so I wouldnβt get hurt or die (there were trees on the other side of the intersection). But instead I was able to flip him on top of me and I pushed him off and I hit the tree instead. I didnβt die, I landed on my back on a large rock, I couldnβt move my body but I could still talk. When I opened my eyes, my friend was standing above me asking me questions. Then the dream ended.