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1 Mar 2024
I had a dream last night that somebody was in my bedroom and I thought it was real. I kept waking up and sitting up and nobody was here. But I've had these dreams for years and years and years and when I was little I used to have in my head that at night time the head chopper offer man would come and I would lay very still with the covers pulled right up to my neck for ages if I thought the head chopper off a man was coming. And I thought if he could just see my head he would think he'd already done it so he would leave me alone. I don't know why I had that thought that it has kind of stayed with me my whole life and even though I know there's not a man going to come and chop off my head I do quite often have the feeling there's somebody in my room and sometimes I will sit up and I will turn on the light and check and other times I'll just be too scared so I'll just lay there until I go back to sleep.
I wish I could just talk to you or someone like youβ¦. I had this really Weird dream and have been trying to figure out what it means it had a copper head snake and a ball python the small ball python was eating the huge ass copperhead and they had three green baby snakes this was all happening in my garage in the the snake cage my boyfriend was there ( there is actually a snake in a cage in my garage a small ball python) and at some point the snakes made like a circle and the copper head that was being eaten was visibly seen trying to tear through the ball pythonβs stomach then the two became one and it was horrifying thatβs when I realized there were baby green snakes. The monster tried to attack me or bite me several times and a soft block with a pillow I think always stopped it omg it was scary I ran away eventually and the whole time my boyfriend was there. I wish I knew what the hell that meant.
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Just exploring. U was doing too much and being too into it; is all about balance. I know that i am racist sometimes, but I know that that connects to everything.
I dreamed that I left mu current job in banking to work for attorneys. At the end of my first day with attorneys a lady came in with a gun and shot me. I got on the elevator and went to 1st floor and asked them to call 911 because there was an active shooter. I woke up shorty after
Watching open porn; and i was doing too much and needed to let go. I was definitely- having a false awakening. I am here rn, but PLEASE for next time remember to be confident and remember the ppl who will benefit. Focus on that for tomorrow. Now go..
My boyfriend and I drive to the grocery store we park right in front and he gets out and says βIβll be right backβ and as soon as he goes inside someone in red and black tryβs to open the door to get to me.
I dreamed of a Sphynx cat wearing a red hoodie and a blue mask out in the rain trying to have some rainwater. But the mask was in his way, so I helped him removing the mask and fed him some cat food
All the doors in my house wouldn't close and I was scared. It was the middle of the night and I was alone in the house. A moose was outside and I was scared so I cut it's throat with a machete. It started dying and I felt bad and started to cry. Then two people came out of the moose because it was a costume and they fought me.
I started working at this palace for old time aristocrats. In my dream I was a vampire and wasn't making much money. On day two they gave us less and less room in our private sleeping areas. I was a shack with no windows. I tried speaking to the council on our behalf. Winter was coming and we would have suffered so I decided to quit.
False awakening i was being too much into my own head and needed outt; what i needed to do was be penetrant more/present. Remember reach from halo ;).
29 Feb 2024
I couldn't open my eyes but I could still see some of the time. My daughter and I pulled into a parking lot. A few guys that I used to know said hi and then there dog jumped into our car whilst my daughter was already driving and I told my daughter to stop and let the dog out. We let the dog out but now we had to see that the dog got back to his owners, so we started walking back to where I seen the guys at and the dog was coming along with us, then I remember saying, "i cant open my eyes, why cant I open eyes" but I could still see, somewhat. My daughter had my arm and was guiding me while we walked. Then I woke up saying, "oh my God"
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