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Dream Meanings – page 1177

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2 Mar 2024



My boyfriend requested to add his ex girlfriend on Facebook and showed me




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2 Mar 2024



I had a dream I went to the beach with my cousins, my two brothers and my 2 sister in laws. We went during the day and stayed until night. During the day we hung out on the beach for a bit I saw the sand and ocean and it was crowded. We all drove in the car. There a bunch of people. Then we all decided to go to the boardwalk and do some shopping I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping I got all my presents and then we all came back to the beach but this time we hung out in this barn just us right on the beach and we started doing these drugs it was like a tar kind of substancs that you could either smoke or eat. I don’t know exactly what it was but I remember thinking it was shrooms or lsd. Everyone took some I took a little because it was my first time and I didn’t want to overdo it. It started kicking in and I went onto the beach it was nighttime I was watching the moon and the waves and looking out at the people. I started getting high and everyone started looking like a painting. Then my mom called I answered and she was asking what I was doing I told her we went to the beach and I did some Christmas shopping and now we’re hanging. And then I hung up with her and went back into the barn. And saw everyone. My cousin and brothers were really high and I kind of wanted to be on their level so I took a little bit more and then the dream ended

2 Mar 2024

Having twins


I had a dream that I was pregnant and I though I was only having one baby and I got told I’m having twins and so was another person at the same time who was pregnant she also got told she was having twins but the scary part was that the two strangers were trying to kill my twins for some reason but can’t remember what for. And that kept Trying and I was like no you will not kill my babies. Then I called Julie my boyfriend mam as we were in a house when this was happening my boyfriend was also I’m my dream too. Then I remember going to a primark hall and my boyfriend was somewhere else and I got some clothes to try them on so I went into the changing room and this person kept on like being obsessed with me and was trying to touch/squeeze my boobs, then after we done shopping there was a lass holding a knife and me and one of my friends that I made on the trip we ran them we got back and I got a text of a memeber of the police wanted me to go down to the police station because then I’ll be safer, so we all went to police station we looks out of the window and this tomahawk military helicopter it was red and white and shopping everyone and the police man said they need all the men to help bring this helicopter down and I said can my baby daddy stay with me and let other fight. Then I felt nauseous and the police man offered me someone and I turned it down, my boyfriend got me something because he knows what I like to eat I said to my boyfriends mam I’m actually having twins not just one baby. And I said twins are hard work but I have a plan I’ll sort one out and my boyfriend would sort other one, they were one baby boy and one baby girl we were so happy.

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