17 Nov 2024
This dream is a continuation from the last one I made an entry on. So, once I departed from the theme park, I am flying once again. Past the clouds, mid-air. I am flying over the school that I live right next to. It is not the school that I go to or went to. Matter of fact, it doesn't even look like the neighborhood that I usually live in. In fact, it looks like a fusion of some seaside village from some centuries ago, Edo or other region, and the neighborhood as it was depicted in one of those sepia-colored pictures that I saw in the culture-imformation center of the district.
Past the school, past the neighborhood, right next to the neighborhood actually because there is a crossroad that I'm flying over. it's like a mangrove village but the mangrove is pine trees and some other weird-leaved trees. coniferous? is that what you call it? And I suppose some other species of trees that I don't know the name of that lives around. Places where there's a lot of sea breeze, salt. This village surrounded by the mangrove, it is adjacent to a resort beach-looking place with lots of parasols, pool with salt waters drawn directly from the sea. It is separated by a dirt road and that's it. Even past that, closer and closer to the coastline(because the coastline itself it seems is rimmed and framed by thick trees, woods, some kind of coniferous trees), I arrive at the shore. There is a tree, all of them are ginormous but this one particularly think and strong, and this onr somehow actually grows *in* salt water? directly from the seabed.
There is a nest of wasps or bees or some kind of nest making insect, a hive, on the trunk where it borders the waters and the surface of the waters on the tree, this trunk. I fly down, dive into the seawater, and in that process I either shoot it with a gun, a slingshot, or perhaps it is from underwater that I shoot, but by some kind of action that I took at this point, the wasp or the bees or whatever these insects are becomes agitated, comes out of the nest, swarms. And it is at this same moment that an orca(small one, it's probably no more than two or three meters in size; perhaps it is a small shark), I am detected by them, and I am chased by both the insects and the animal underwater. I understnad the orca-shark-dolphin thing chasing me as their food but how are the insects breathing underwater? Wouldn’t they suffocate?
And now the scene is back to me flying again, I guess.
I am flying over the school with my high school bestfriend, Reni. It's more like I am carrying her by her torso, hanging her off my arms. I drop her off on the school's rooftop. And here, somehow, for some reason, the sight of my house's living room, the house of my paternal grandmother, where I live currently, seemed to overlap with the scene. Here in this living room, I take out needles that had been stuck around my mouth, out of it. It seemed to have been paralyzing my senses in more ways than one. Taste, touch, or whatever. As I carefully pluck them out of my muscle tissues, one by one, I drop them onto the floor. After all of them have been taken out, I see that the needles are rolling toward me, my foot, my sock-clothed foot. Despite the fact that there was no inclination on the floor of the house itself, I pick them up because I don't want to injure myself.