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9 Aug 2024



I dreamt that I went to a fair or carnival. I paid for my ticket to get in at a gate outside and grabbed my credit card. I went through some doors and found myself in a huge mall type of building. Eventually found my way to to food area and went to get something to eat only to discover Iā€™d been given someone elseā€™s credit card when I paid and not mine. I knew I had to go back to the ticket kiosk outside to return the other personā€™s card and get mine back. But I couldnā€™t remember how Iā€™d come in. And the whole place seemed like a maze and got very dark. I wandered through so many areas and just as I was starting to panic, I found my way back to the kiosk, returned the other personā€™s credit card and got mine back. I felt so relieved. And then my alarm clock went off and woke me up.

9 Aug 2024



i had a dream that i was in my grandmas gym and my sister showed me that she brought home a tarantula. and i was terrified, i am absolutely so terrified of spiders. she said dont worry hes really nice so she had him come towards me. then suddenly i was in my moms closet where she has a sliding door in her closet. and her sliding door had a slicer that could slice whatever was under it. so the spider came towards me and i slid the closet door over it hoping to kill it, then suddenly the tarantula was my moms cat, and she came into the closet missing a leg that i sliced off. i felt so so terrible and i was so sad that i sliced off my moms cats leg. she was hobbling with three legs, one of her back legs missing. i kept holding her feeling so sorry i did that to her. then suddenly i was back in my grandmas gym and it was a tarantula again, with a missing leg. it kept crawling up her walls in an attempt to escape, but whoever was with me kept throwing a basketball at it to prevent it from escaping the gym




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

9 Aug 2024

Running away


i was in this underground building with a lot of other people. possibly in a school trip or vacation or something for work. we all had partners and were to setup together to study something. i thought something was really wrong tho and i was smarter than the whole group on some dark super secret creepy science stuff. my partner thought i was super creepy and weird and nerdy and didnā€™t like me because he was a jock cool guy. all of us had to pick a spot to setup our stuff. i picked a spot under this angled ceiling and the floor was angled too like under a bridge. my partner told me ā€œdude. donā€™t pick a spot thatā€™s completely in the dark. thatā€™s weirdā€ there were also holes in the base ground and you could hear creepy sounds through them. i didnā€™t want anyone to catch me and so i waited for my partner to walk away and then i crouched down and yelled into the hole in the ground ā€œhey! is anyone down there! hello!ā€ and then i heard someone coming so i ran quickly to the group to try and blend in. i ran into a girl who is kind of my friend and she immediately knew it was me but was gonna help me blend in. we heard my voice echoing from this drawer. we opened the drawer and there was another hole in it leading to the underground. there were 2 maggot looking things in the corner of the drawer but it was too dark to tell. then i woke up

9 Aug 2024



I was married to a dude, and we had kids, but we were staying with his mom, I think, for a vacation. And me and the mom did not get along. She was kind of that passive-aggressive mother-in-law who just kept making snide comments to me, and then acting like she didn't understand why I was angry with her. So we were kind of having this little fight where I would just call her out on being, you know, a passive-aggressive bitch, and then she'd be like, I have no idea what you're talking about, I have plenty of better things to do. And I had this big party that I was setting up, and it didn't go too well. I don't know exactly what happened, but, you know, it just didn't go too well. And she didn't make any comments, but she looked at me like she wanted to. We got home, and they were like, oh, you almost made your quota today. And she was like, mm-hmm, almost. And I was like, oh, yeah, well, how much did I not make it by? Because I knew she knew the exact number because she was that petty, and she was like, my life doesn't revolve around you, sweetie. And then she asked my husband what he was doing in school, what he was getting his bachelor's in, and he was like, oh, it's like software engineering. And I was like, oh, that's interesting, I'm getting mine in mechatronics engineering and biotechnology. Yeah. Which I was. And she was like, oh. And she looked very surprised. My husbands like, damn, you're going to be making more money than me soon. And I just, like, laughed at it. And then we kind of just ate, waiting for the next time for his mom to say something else. And then I woke up.

9 Aug 2024



I was in my bed,but it was moving like a car down this road and I was looking at the shops passing by,and then i started thinking about this spree killer I read about before falling asleep and entering this dream,his name is Wade Wilson,heā€™s known as the Deadpool killer,I was thinking about how I felt about all these girls going crazy about him not caring that heā€™s raped his exs and his girlfriends,how he beats women and killed two women. Just then my mom and dad tell me to stop the car but it was my bed so I pulled an imaginary clutch and it stopped. We went in this cafe and sat down,I was confused as there was no physical food but we were eating then it got me thinking about how my church always talked about how Important fruits of the spirits are. So I realized perhaps god was giving me a literal example. There were some who werenā€™t eating and some who were. These two guys around my age didnā€™t have a table so I gave them one and my mom says they can get their own and yells my name and calls me a slew of vulgar names,my dad joining in and when she reached down to get her food it was gone and my dad tried to but his was gone and the owner kicked them out but told me I could stay. I watched my parents leave and just continued eating. Then left the cafe , and noticed my bed was gone,and started walking home,my parents randomly started walking with me saying they couldnā€™t find the car that was actually my bed. We kept walking then up to a gas station then past the gas station up a hill. My mom struggled to climb the chain link fence so I helped her but when I did I heard my flesh. Sizzle like my flesh got burnt the sound filling my ears. Then one of the guys from earlier pulls me away and says those arenā€™t your parents. My parents faces shift into grotesque evil faces and I cling to the guy in fear.

9 Aug 2024



I was I was with my boyfriend that I recently broke up with and we were in a house and it was also a gym and I was there working out and in the parking lot my car was unlocked and I saw kids in my car and all the doors opened I was like, hey, what are you doing in my car and I was trying to talk to the dad and be like yo why your kids in my car but then he just said I donā€™t know, and I left it at that and then my cat jumped out of the car and I went to go grab my cat and put him back in the car and there was three Rottweilers in my car that belonged to this family. I went back inside and I tried to tell Talon about the people in my car and then we started arguing and I saw my cat and he was getting choked by a necklace that my husband used to wear so I ripped the necklace off of his neck so he could breathe, but I didnā€™t see him soon enough so he had scratched the top of his hair off of his head and he was all bald and bleeding and I was crying and so I ran to my husband and I was like oh my God look at what happened iā€™m sorry that I broke your necklace. It meant a lot to him because it was a spiritual necklace from his religion, his temple, heā€™s Indian and then I looked outside and outside the window was This same family standing with these three Rottweilers and I went outside and I petted their dogs but there was more than the Rottweilers they told me their names too while they introduced me to their dogs. I went back inside and me and Talon kept fighting and then I woke

9 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was walking around a forest with Megan Good and Johnathan Majors. As we were walking, I was asking Megan if she thought dating him was the right idea considering the fact that he went to court for hitting women but I was trying to whisper it so he wouldnā€™t hear. We suddenly came to a fork in the path. We could have either went straight down towards the thicker part of the woods or we could have went right towards a grassy path that led to the middle of nowhere. I donā€™t remember why but I ended up going back towards a house that we saw, Megan and Johnathan followed behind. We explored the house and it turns out there were a few other people in the house. Again, I donā€™t remember why but I walked out of the room everyone was in and I stood in the backyard. It was nighttime outside so I couldnā€™t seeā€¦but I get everything shaking around me. At first I thought it was nothing but it kept going. It was an earthquake that was so strong, it was cracking the concrete that I was standing on. I called out to Megan and Johnathan but I didnā€™t get a response.

9 Aug 2024



I had a tooth with a large stone like end to it, it was disgusting and made me feel ugly and gross. It felt like it had been in a dream before and was really bothering me. Not only because it was disgusting but it was also huge and bulbous at the front of my mouth. I was talking to my mother about my insecurities while we were in a large car on the water with a bunch of close family and friends. While I was talking and crying about it, I pulled on the tooth and it came out. Suddenly I felt beautiful again and I also questioned why I had this tooth to begin with, my mother didnā€™t seem to care much but was happy that I had perked up. Back in the car I was also jealous that my best friend and sister got to pick their seats on the car first when I had just been standing there waiting for them. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t just sit down but I had to wait for them to get there so they could choose first. It was a simple case of people pleasing and I couldnā€™t put myself first. Also my dad was driving the car on the water like a giant jet ski and the ocean breeze was nice as I stood on the side waiting for my friends to arrive. Once the tooth had come out, I was in a room with my celebrity crush and his band. We won a signed poster and a signed photo book. Since my sister and I are the biggest fans in our household (it was just the household in the room that time with the band), I snatched the photo book and gave my sister the poster. Noticing that I wanted the photo book so badly, my celebrity crush signed a second one for me and when I opened the two photobooks up to read the signature, the second one (the one meant for me) had been signed flirtatiously and was very suggestive that I call him later. Then suddenly a zombie simulator broke out and everyone started running around the all white room. I ran down a set of stairs that led to a forest like set. There people had been playing dead from being caught by the zombie and next thing I know Iā€™m taking a bite out of someone else. I am the zombie now. At some point I hid and jumped out at someone to ā€œeat their brainsā€ and they shouted something about how zombies wouldnā€™t surprise people and that it just extends the time of the simulation. Thatā€™s when I woke up.

9 Aug 2024

Old woman


I was distressed, anxious and jittery sitting alone empty handed waiting for someone- my mother, maybe- in what appeared to be a train station station. An older woman with a gray bob hair cut, thin circular glasses that barely kept from slipping off her nose, approached from benchā€™s left side. She greeted me with a close-mouthed smile, but her crinkled eyes conveyed her sincerity. I scooted to the far right side of the bench, feeling paranoid about the old lady despite her well- meaning appearance. She dawned a thin pink sweater with jeans slightly darker then denim. The older woman said polite things customary for small talk and asked the nice questions- seemingly trying to comfort me, but also- trying to start a conversation. I was too anxious to engage and talk with her, other than briefly looking up to make eye contact a couple times and a couple one-word responses. She gave me a polite yet disappointed close-lipped smile as she looked back at me with a mysterious understating after walking away from the bench. I felt disappointed I didnā€™t get to engage with the woman.

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